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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Not sure but he was pissed after the deal with Jax went through. That leads me to believe that he would have matched it but never had the chance.
  2. This morning from a friend who knows Beane VERY well. He sees him multiple times a week and apparently he was pretty pissed when this deal fell through. Armstead just went totally dark after the verbal.
  3. Beane had a verbal agreement with him and then he went dark and signed with Jax the next day.
  4. Nice to see the NFC signing some of the bigger names. Last year it was only the AFC West it seemed like.
  5. Chiefs are going ALL IN to make history for a 3rd consecutive SB. Chris Jones already said he is staying and you know darn well that if it isn't Ayuk joing their WR corps, it's going to be someone else wanting to be a part of history. They will add another WR in the first 2 rounds and that offense is going to be humming again (along with a top D). Buffalo better nail this draft like no other to stay competitive with those guys.
  6. I mean, that has to be the case. I know for a fact that every single person that I have met in my section over all these years will not be paying the PSL fee if it is 10k or more per ticket.
  7. so 40k probably for my 4 seats plus the actual season ticket price. And they think a ton of people will pay that? Good luck
  8. What are they saying the PSL cost per seat will be for Section 111 STH. I am guessing Midfield lower level at the new stadium will be around 20k per ticket?
  9. My family is an original day 1 season ticket holder but that will sadly come to end end in 2026. I have 4 tickets but both my kids will be in college when it will be time to pay the PSLs. I suppose I will just buy pairs of tickets each week...
  10. Because Allen was breaking every playoff record known to man, and was looking absolutely unstoppable, along with the rest of the team
  11. 13 seconds - we gave the game away = 1 Super Bowl Half a second longer to hold the block on Chris Jones - Allen makes that throw all day = Another Super Bowl Not much difference, which makes it all that much more painful
  12. Yeah, it is pretty obvious. The bills traded out of their spot in Kansas City drafted Mahomes. The nightmare that keeps on giving every single year. Pretty funny that we allowed them to possibly draft the best quarterback in NFL history.
  13. The Chiefs will be better and we will be worse. Our coaching is awful under pressure situations and coaching always wins the Super Bowls. I am actually very thankful that we did not make it to the Super Bowl this year because it would’ve been another terrible letdown. I think we will have a good shot at it year after next, though.
  14. That was it, I did not really ask anything further. He was invited to a Super Bowl suite this weekend so I was a little more interested in those details
  15. Like I said, I couldn't care less what you think, take it as you will. He's a financial advisor for many players in the NFL and still very good friends with Brandon Beane and Joe Schein. I'm not about to give his name so obviously I know that people would start throwing around the typical my friend's neighbor's dog type of stuff.
  16. I am fine with a complete youth movement this offseason. This could be the year where the first half of the season shows growing pains and then, similar to the Chiefs, the Bills starting ramping it up in December.
  17. Saw a guy at the gym today that said he was talking with Sherfield and Hardy yesterday saying that Houston is working on a trade for Diggs and he 100% wants out. Take it as you will…
  18. Nothing will ever be worse than 13 seconds in the history of my watching up the Buffalo Bills. Not even Norwood wide right was worse than that for me. 13 seconds Team was the best to ever take the field and they would’ve rolled to a Super Bowl victory. I will never not believe that the day I die.
  19. How in the world could you possibly know that information? Talk about a garbage post
  20. It’s so fun every single year when I see the Chiefs go to a Super Bowl, and that we traded our pick to them to start the curse.
  21. 6 forced punts in 4 playoff elimination games is the most pathetic stat I could possibly imagine for a defensive minded coach. I don't even know where to begin with that number when I herd it this morning. 1 turnover in 3 playoff games vs Chiefs and that was the fumble out of the endzone that just happened. What exactly is this guy good at if he has zero answers in the playoffs. I still can't believe that statistic is real...
  22. trust me, I was at the game, and I felt even more depressed about the whole thing today than I did when I left last night after the missed field goal. Everyone I know was about as depressed as you could imagine today, including myself. The only way I can get myself out of it was thinking about how much goddamn fun I had this year and how much I miss this team already, just 24 hours displaced from another nightmare.
  23. I miss the Bills already and just feel so lucky to be a part of this fan-base, truly. I already miss the tailgates, games on tv, and everything that goes along with it. We are so fortunate to not only have this team that has a chance every year, but to be a part of the most incredible fan-base in North America. We are all some crazy, die-hard, fun-loving folk who will repeat the process every single year until the day we die. I am sure you all had similar texts and phone calls form people everywhere recognizing you as their "Buffalo friend" who represents the mafia with bold colors. Enjoy the off-season and I am already thinking about the home opener!
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