Baker is one tough dude to figure out man. I still think he is a good quarterback but can't believe that he made some of the throws if he does, the bad ones
I actually hope they get 60 mile an hour gusts again as long as our coaches aren't too stupid to figure it out we have the only quarterback that can play in that weather.
I can't get over this game, really have not been hit this hard in years after a game. I hate this feeling so much. Josh deserved that win so did the fans.
This was the hardest it has hit me in a couple years, including the AFC Championship game. There was just something that I wanted so badly today and it's just absolutely gut-wrenching that they blew it with a 2 yards to go to win the game
Absolutely sick to my stomach after the 3rd and 2 play call AND the hold on Diggs on same play. So many nightmares will take place in the minds of Bills fans tonight....ugh, just sickening
Nice job coach, take it out of the one player on your team and might be able to change this game around and go for a fake. How stupid do you have to be