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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Awesome!!!! Just Awsome - I'm sold. 79ers works for me....no dash needed. This is what I'm using until Jauron is gone
  2. What does this have to do with his coaching ability? I lived in Chicago during his whole reign of terror there. He was a good guy then and still a horrible coach on gameday. What has changed? His decision making ability on Sundays is horrible and when you can specifically remember important games he has lost, it is pretty bad. Have you seen what his OVERALL record is against winning teams?? Oh my goodness, it's atrocious!
  3. Isn't Tatanka spelled with an A not an O
  4. I loved the guys presser and if he looks like a keeper, no doubt I'll be getting his throwback next year. It will take a lot to switch from my Pro Bowl Moulds jersey so we'll see.....
  5. I don't know but there is just something about hope I have for this team now. That's all I need ..ALL I need. Maybe the Sabres will go and figure out some way to get Boemeister(sp)?.....or some other NASTY Dmen. Come One Buffalo sports...If I can keep the faith, anyone can!! It's why we love this city right!?
  6. First time posting in a while and last time till the season but I love that the Bills FINALLY went after the holes on this team. Congrats and get some more men tomorrow!! Other than DB who I don't pretend to know anything about....very happy
  7. When Did Larry Quinn take over the Bills?? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....I really think half the people I know could GM this team better than these idiots.
  8. You could not be further from the truth on this one...I mean you are WAAAAAAAAY off thinking this is the case. This team moves out of Buffalo and nobody and I mean NOBODY (besides you) would feel this way.
  9. what else would you expect from the freakin' idiots who created the ugliest uniform in all of football....
  10. Let him go then if he's not happy....We want to make sure we have a really happy team (just like the Sabres). Besides, I think Ellison is on the verge of a pro Bowl season.
  11. If Montreal somehow flops against Tampa tonight, the door will be officially open and the 2 ton Tatanka will come running through it. Lets go Miller...take this team on your back kid!
  12. There is nobody I dislike on this team more than Peters but you still have to sign him!!
  13. Best thing I have read about the Bills in 10 years!!!! HANDS DOWN THE BEST!!!
  14. Either way, my soul has been sold as well. I would do this 10 times out of 10 and I realize the consequences that go along with it. I could not stand that this team was losing me for the first time this year. They just did not have anything worth getting excited about. I guess it just came down to Ralph's decision to keep the coach... Bring on the opener and all that goes along with it!!
  15. I second that completely and I will complain no further WHATEVER happens!! I promise!!
  16. I would like Mike Peterson on this team.....maybe Stroud could do some convincing. The Bills have been lulling me to sleep which is right where they want me. I'll be happy with anything now
  17. Bug... as in you bug me. As in that feeling you get when an insect is buzzing around your ear. Go away to your basement workshop bug
  18. you truly are a bug...wow, time on your hands or what?
  19. R e a d i t s l o w l y. I never said he came here because he thought Bills were a sympothy team. I said that he was throwing a tolken compliment at them as he left. U n d e r s t a n d ?
  20. Maybe if you did some searches and saw how many times Todd has insulted people left and right, you would not think my comment (which was directed at HIM) was so bad after all. Also please tell me why decisions like keeping a ten time loser coach on board does not deserve some harsh criticism towards managenment. I lived in Chicago during the Jauron era and am seeing the EXACT same thing here. This organization deserves everything it's getting and I will still continue to follow them AND complain if warranted.
  21. And what did you expect after labeling people as Stupid and Miserable? Get a clue...
  22. You are kidding me right? Have fun living life just sitting back and settling for less. Go get em'!
  23. I have probably been to more Bills games than you have watched on tv - I have a right there big todd (you are the worst)
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