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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Can we please wait until the Bills can beat this team before posting the demise of these guys again. Nothing matters until Buffalo beats New England!
  2. Just bring back Jauron..........................
  3. I agree that all is not lost if he is not signed because there are plenty of options. I just REALLY want this to happen.
  4. I believe that Buffalo will end up with a new GM and a good coach but as far as Shanahan, I really think it's this week or nada.
  5. And He leaves without a contract or verbal agreement, conversation is over as far as him being head coach. Cowher already said he was waiting until end of year to see options, Holmgren (leaning towards Cleveland..who knows). Obviously Shanahan is not picking Buffalo at the end of the year when these other cities come into play. Ralph WILL throw the kitchen sink at this guy this week and we just have to pray that it sways Shanny to take the job. This has to happen this week. I think all the eggs are in this basket!
  6. If that is good, please let it be true. Would that allow him to play next year?
  7. I think he was trying to throw some sarcasm around the place
  8. This post had nothing to do with Wood and I never said I was cheering for a loss. No wonder I wasn't hungry, so many words thrown into my mouth. Thanks for showing up though........................
  9. Although I would have loved a win for Fewell, this was perfect for the long run scenario. Congrats to Fitz on making this look like a real football game for once.
  10. The whole area has this mentality even outside of sports (personal lives). I chose to really change my mentality around 6 months ago (in all areas of life) and the changes have been remarkable. Everyone has their own opinions on this one so it is up to the individual to choose the route they want to go......stay positive!
  11. Even though I am happy DJ is gone, I will probably feel the same with a 17-14 win as I will with a 52-0 loss
  12. Watching some of Billick's coaching decisions in his last two seasons were laughable. I could not believe someone in the league was making worse decisions than our own coach.
  13. If the Bills don't get Cowher, Holmgren, Shanahan Gruden or Dungy, I will leave forever...yes. I just don't see what the point of wasting my time posting if it is a dead end. I will always go to the games though.....
  14. bring in 20 qbs if you have to..love the move..... YOU NEVER KNOW
  15. There is no exit plan for Ralph if a big name is not brought in....I mean NO EXIT (cue Toronto jokes)
  16. OK, here is the bottom line. The ONLY way that a top level coach does not come here is if they REALLY don't want the job. There in no way in HECK Ralph and Co will ever live this down (after all the hype) if a b level guy is hired. The cat is out of the bag and it's not going back in!
  17. If we can't enjoy this possibility, what else is there................................
  18. come on people, why would Ralph EVER say anything he does not need to.......
  19. Bottom line... this city deserves it and the time has come. Get all the thoughts out of your head which are telling you believe it when I see it. One of these two guys will be coaching in Buffalo next year and that is final. Enjoy the rest of the season knowing that a top class organization is right around the corner. ENJOY this time right now, we all deserve it!!!!!!
  20. Hiring Jauron was stupid not firing him after the Dallas game was stupid not firing him end of last year was stupid not firing him after Cleveland loss was stupid Firing him yesterday was a must! This guy was dragging the whole team and the fans down. If firing him now gives this organization ANY CHANCE to get someone like Shanahan, I am all for it. Even if these coaches don't want to come here, you have to try. By seasons end, all you will have left are deadbeats.......
  21. Anything less than Schottenheimer and this city explodes. Ralph has ONE LAST CHANCE to fix things and he better not go half arse. I consider Billick as less as he was making some HORRIBLE gametime decisions in his final year. Cowher Holmgren Shanahan Gruden Dungy Schottenheimer
  22. And now my wish - Football GM who likes Holmgren as Coach. Holmgren picks his QB in draft while grabbing a veteran for 2010-2011. Draft best LT available in round 1 or round 2 if Coach has his QB in first. We need a Coach who has a great reputation in teaching QBs and the walrus is that guy......I would not complain if we got Cowher either
  23. It was actually a little harder than I thought (not posting) when certain coaching calls took place over the last couple months.....
  24. Hey, what can I say I am just so darn happy. Step one complete!!
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