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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Yes, it would be crazy if the Bills won the Super Bowl but the question was either Sabres in the Cup or Bills playing for a playoff berth (not the Super Bowl). The reason I phrased it that way is because I think it evens things out.....The Sabres playing in the Cup is probably 2-3 years away if all goes well and the Bills playing for a playoff berth is probably 2-3 years away if ALL goes well.....
  2. That's the thing, every year I get more and more excited about the Sabres and less and less excited about the Bills. I guess it just seems as though the Bills are soooo far away and that meeting up with friends before the Bills game is by far the more attractive part of the day. Once the game starts, you pretty much know the #%*t storm will follow.......
  3. No brainer for me as well but I am curious as to who here are Bills fans and not overall Buffalo Sports Fans
  4. Or the Bills playing in the last week of the season for a playoff spot not knowing the outcome.......
  5. Well, looks like Crayonz finally gave his kid the right to use a computer..................
  6. This writer says Luck is the best prospect he has ever seen? How old is he...19?
  7. The only thing that will push them to the bottom is if the Bills can manage to win more than 4 games this year......
  8. If Modrak even had one hand in on who the Bills have drafted over the last ten years, he should have been fired a loong time ago. He SHOULD be hitting on some of the late rounders once in a while. What he should not be doing is WHIFFING on decisions in round 1. I could have and did make better picks from my couch.....he was pathetic.
  9. If Fitz has anything less than a stellar year and 3 QBs go before the Bills at #10, someone is going to be losing a job shortly after......
  10. It sounds like a can't miss. I do not know too much about Reed so who do you think and why? It would be an A+++++ draft already if they pick one of these guys
  11. If Luck's stock continues to rise (if that is possible), any one of those teams would pick Luck for BPA possibility. They would either play him or trade him....It would not matter if they spent a previous first rounder on a ?? QB the year before
  12. I would be completely thrilled with a defensive monster at the #3 pick and would not even be crushed if they went D again on the 2nd pick. What I am hoping is that they have a QB in mind (whether it is #3, trade back into 1 or round 2) that will be the future of this team. If they have a guy they love, get him and don't worry what any of the experts (or fans) say.......
  13. How stupid do you really have to be...I mean HOW STUPID?
  14. No doubt - once again, the best part about going to the games in December will be the eating going on before kickoff....Hell, that's been the best part for the past decade
  15. Soon, Toronto is going to be announcing " and this years Buffalo game is..."
  16. http://walterfootball.com/draft2011.php
  17. I think they should draft a running back in each of the first 6 rounds and then find our QB in the 7th. Oh my gosh, if this team ever drafts a RB in the 1st two rounds ever again, I will jump ship..
  18. Ngata and Orakpo were just so incredibly obvious that is still makes me angry. Just having those two alone on this team would increase the win total a TON. These front office people never stop amazing me and I am sure they will do it again this year.Cornerbacks and RBs....REALLY?@! Do they EVER learn?
  19. Nobody here knows jack crap about who the best QB is and the Bills probably won't even pick one anyway.....
  20. In game experience - Sabres Whole experience - Bills
  21. MIght be 5th most popular sport for many but it's number one in my book. That is all that really matters in my eyes.....I don't need outside recognition to enjoy something I love doing...
  22. Exactly...and I think they have done a good job since (minus the head shots). If it takes a canceling of a full season to fix the NFL and make it better, so be it.
  23. Yeah, you will see me on opening day if there is a game. What I am saying is that I honestly don't care if they skip a season to straighten out the garbage in this league. If they said tomorrow that there would be no season, I am fine with it. If they straighten it out, yeah, i'll be back but come on, seriously...... Even though I will keep my season tickets, something has soured me on this one.
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