I didn't want to believe it but I knew that the game was over on that pick 6. Deep down inside I think everybody knew it. I thought Tuel and the coaching staff did an incredible thing by getting that many yards on a KC defense. Was Tuel the Reason we lost in the end? Yes, and it's just a shame that he had to make that throw. This team is so darn close to playing with ANYBODY but it does not take away the sting from yesterday.
Now is not the time to think about the draft, now is the time to see what a healthy team can do in the few games in the season. Is it guard, TE, possibly that defensive piece that puts them over the top, QB even? All I know is that if this team does not get to the playoffs next year, there will be somebody to blame. For now, we just have to struggle with the horrible what ifs that this season turned into because of QB injury...