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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Replace "sign him" with... fix this hideous line and I agree.
  2. Wolford goes down...nothing, Mayo goes down....nothing
  3. Yes, I don't see a player anywhere near the 8 mill mark if that is true...worried about this possible deal.
  4. Until the QB gap closes between Brady and the rest of the AFC East, Pats will win the division. TAnnehill is ok and then you have garbage between Jets and Bills.
  5. If they find an offensive line by September. They have to draft a Guard in the 2nd now....
  6. I would take a fake Drew Brees over the crap QBs on this team right now.
  7. "Let's see if we can trade this Dbag off our team.......no offers huh? Ok, shut it down, shut it down, Jay can't know what we were up to....."
  8. This oline was arguably the worst in the NFL last year and the only improvement made is a slight upgrade with Incognito. I'm not blaming the Bills for lack of effort but they have a loooong way to go to make mcCoy the weapon he needs to be.
  9. I would love to know what the offer would have to be .....
  10. I would rather spend 8 mill on a TE and get the guard in the 2nd round.
  11. I really don't think it matters until we get at least a mediocre QB. I think the only way this team makes the playoffs is if EJ somehow turns the corner.
  12. Well, looks like the Bills can get that top Guard and TE I hope.
  13. Even if it's not true, it sure is good to hear....and who knows, if a qb can just not suck, there is a chance it could happen.
  14. Exactly what I said the second they made that trade. If they don't fill out a top notch line, that trade is terrible. It's going to be tough enough being a one dimensional team in today's NFL.
  15. This would be quite the amazing gift to the line if this works out for him.
  16. Here is how I think it might shake out: They sign Hughes and can still go after a legit guard or TE. They don't sign Hughes and they get a legit Guard AND TE The question is then...what scenario would you want more? Can they do all 3? not sure but let's remember they still have the draft for that guard in Round 2
  17. For some reason, I just have a good feeling about Hughes. If ever there was a player who should be thanking an organization for his stock being so high, it is Hughes. Who knows if players will look past the money but I will remain optimistic until hearing otherwise.
  18. I hoping for good news on the Hughes meeting today. http://www.thescore.com/news/711832
  19. If EJ can't beat him in camp, it most certainly is the end of EJ's NFL career.
  20. ok, I get it. I can't express multiple, different points on the trade. Why don't you stick to football talk instead of insults to people who don't like it. I post fewer than most over the last However many years so relax.
  21. So fans that don't like the trade can't express opinions that don't match yours? It's a freakin message board....A.... Message.... Board
  22. Find a qb and an oline or Mccoy rots here. Way to work backwards again...
  23. It might help if they filled that little hole at QB might
  24. Until this team finds a qb, I'm not even quite sure if any of this is worth arguing about...
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