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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. How about original season ticket holders
  2. I don't think the food is free..I may be wrong on that though. Gates open at 7:30 so I'll probably take the kids on the lockerroom tour. Might hang around for the on-field stuff but the weather does not look good
  3. Wow, I can't even believe it's rue - WOW!!!!!
  4. Hate - WR or RB Love - Oline, Dline I'm sure they'll still manage to disappoint me.....
  5. Does anyone actually believe Brady will be suspended for even 1 game
  6. Can't these fckn idiots pay for a driver?! Seriously, the stupidity of these people has no bounds
  7. I seriously cannot believe some people want to trade the first resemblance of a QB we have had in 20 years. What the hell is this wrong with this place? Seriously, have you lost your minds? WE WOULD HAVE NO QB!!!!!!!!!
  8. As soon as Brady retires, they will add 2 extra teams - book it
  9. Give me minimum 65 and sunny through October tailgates, one game over a 500 record come 12/1 and I'll consider it money well spent again on season tickets. Anything else is always gravy....
  10. I totally understand #3 and completely agree with #5
  11. Exactly, the only difference will be knowing our fate by halftime this year.
  12. If our QB is not more functional than Sanchez, you can guarantee a top 5 pick for 2017 right now....
  13. I agree but I don't think they spend stupid $$ on skill positions like the Bills have a habit of doing
  14. I think the Raiders and Jaguars are going to be in the playoffs next year. Both teams are on the right track and have a ton of money to spend. Why does it seem that the Bills can NEVER make that next step.....
  15. Bills won't sniff the playoffs until Brady and Bill are gone...that may as well be fact
  16. If one person on that line gets let go, this team really has proved they have not learned a thing. Cut anyone you want but don't let this line go backwards. Sign Richie, draft another in the 2nd and add yet another in FA.
  17. F the POlice is what I say. No way in hell should ANYTHING happen to McCoy in this situation....
  18. IF???? Oh man, 4 games would be a gift after this whole thing is sorted out. Take a look at the Steve Avery corruption in the police Dept. If you think McCoy is getting anything other than the harshest treatment allowed, you're in for a big surprise.
  19. I will never think anything different than build the line FIRST....and then insert anyone who doesn't fumble the ball. I would have been fine with any other position in that trade other than RB. I also could not stand the age difference....
  20. Just sayin, A LOT of people hated it for many other reasons BEFORE this even went down. Can't wait to draft another freaking RB!
  21. Time to bring up that Kiko trade thread when it happened. What do the Bills need most again right now........You can pretty much guarantee McCoy is toast for the first 4 games of the season and one year older.
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