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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. Now that is good humor, nicely done
  2. So who is going to be Dareus substitute and how did he look yesterday?
  3. It really is such garbage but so expected
  4. Sabres really have the only shot in this town to make the playoffs and hopefully make a run at a championship in about 2 years. The Bills, oh those Bills - a love/hate relationship like no other
  5. Silver lining....if Rex is still a good coach, he gets this defense to where it needs to be with or without Ragland.
  6. Bank on no playoffs and if they have a meaningful game in December, consider it to be a successful season. Have a great time on Sunday mornings at the Ralph and hope the Sabres turn the corner this year. Well, that's how I will be getting by....
  7. Nothing ever phases me with this team, nothing. The lack of emotion on bad news is beyond easy these days. Now if they made the playoffs, THAT would phase me
  8. For every bad throw in pre-season, take off another 500K per season in the contract. That really seems like the only logical way to approach it....
  9. If that's him, you really just can't be any dumber than that. I am talking about a dumb that is REALLLLLYYYYY hard to match - pure stupidity at its finest
  10. If Tyrod has a great year, goodbye Gilmore (and draft DB round 1). If Tyrod fizzles, pay Gilmore and draft QB round 1. Seems pretty simple to me....
  11. You can't cut Boom, what happens to my interview!
  12. Per the same Bills scout that mentioned Reggie Bush, it sounds as though Bills are definitely waiting until the end of the season....
  13. Don't be surprised if Reggie Bush signs here....rumblings from a scout
  14. Looks like Boom may be getting some more reps!
  15. All good stuff, thanks and I will let you know how it turns out - thanks again! Here are some ones I was throwing around.... His love for dogs so certainly we'll discuss that a little bit Buffalonians have a soft spot for people they can identify with.....what are some of the things you like about the city and how did it feel coming back on June 9 after being let go by the Bills last year? I would imagine that you are even hungrier and wanting to prove to them they made a mistake after last season. How do you focus on the job that needs to get done......getting playing time while knowing that most likely there are 3 spots taken with one left to fight for. How can you separate yourself? What is that feeling like when you hear your name being called in the NFL Draft. Not many people in this world get a chance to fulfill their dreams and here you are making that happen Rex Ryan is a pretty polarizing figure. How do you react to that type of coaching where he may seem to be more of a buddy than an NFL coach at times Favorite food in Buffalo and where he goes to get it
  16. Hey all, I write from time to time for BuffaloRising.com during the Bills season and was approached by the agency that represents Boom. They would like to get him some exposure so sometime over the course of the next few weeks, I will be setting up an interview with him. This will be a first for me so I thought I would reach out to see if there were any questions you thought might be interesting (and Bills fans might want to know). Thanks in advance!
  17. This, is what will determine if the Bills make the playoffs this year. Let's just hope that if Tyrod does turn out to be a top 15 QB, they figure out a way to keep him (if the franchise tag is only a bandaid).
  18. Woods and Clay better light it up this year if this offense stands a chance.....
  19. It should never be in a cold weather city, ever
  20. I have no interest in seeing them get it before us....none whatsoever
  21. At the very worst, we can tag Tyrod correct? That gives us two years for Jones or another....IF Tyrod does not pan out
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