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Posts posted by otisly00

  1. Andrew Luck is by far the best looking QB I've seen in a long time....best looking as in looks most like an NFL caliber QB. Mallet is inaccurate and I feel falls too much into a system QB. Locker I have not seen enough of...everyone else is a long shot.


    Knowing RW, we'll either trade out of the pick or draft a shocker of an OL.


    Oh, or draft Luck and not sign him until Sept 1st - thus rendering him useless.

  2. With year 10 of playoffs here and no Buffalo Bills team participating, I find myself rooting harder and harder for teams that have ex-Bills. If rumors are substantiated tomorrow, then I imagine many will be making the full time move to root for another team.


    Yet again we've been 'raffoned' into thinking we're going to "clean house and bring in a bigtime coach and front office, I want to make one more run etc etc".


    Frankly, I would have been happy if we kept Perry/Bobby and a few others, while upgrading our S&C coach, Front Office, and offensive playbook - I'm not convinced AVP was the problem, he was forced to used Dickys rinky dink offense.


    Perry at least had them playing hard; and let's be honest, we had the worst talent on the field by the end of the year.

  3. Guy has played well in the meadowlands and has played in Buffalo a lot so its not a unfamiliar situation. To me its nothing more then a stop gap but get a professional QB in here enough with the young guys who do nothing but waste our time. He is a winner and is due for a healthy season next year and knows this division. Have Fitz as the backup and Brohm as Pennington's student.


    Meadowlands was what, 4 or 5 years ago? And the reason they let him go was because of his ball velocity and arm strength. He's also on his what, 4th or 5th upper body/shoulder injury? I believe there is talk that he might not even be able to come back to play in the NFL. Understand what you are going for, but don't have the right guy. Especially with a burner like Lee Evans. And to be honest, I'm sick of watching dinking and dunking Buffalo Bills football....hasn't really gone all that well.

  4. Tom Brady and Chad Pennington are the last two QB's to win the AFC east since 2001. Now we all know that Trent is not the answer and Fitz is no more then a good backup. Brohm is a project and won't start next season or maybe not the year after if ever. Now even if we go QB round 1 (I think LT is the better pick philosophically but its all Dependant on the guys actually available) Pennington is a great guy to have a young guy sit and learn for a year from him.


    Derrick Johnson is a guy on the outs in KC because he isn't a fit for the scheme. Now if we maintain a 4-3 he is a good fit for that scheme and due to his dropped value could be had at a very reasonable price (Around the same deal we gave Mitchell) and help out this much hindered run D.


    Both could be had both fit a need and could be had. Draft a LT in round 1, Draft a DT in round 2, and sign Pennington and Derrick Johnson and this team fills 4 needs going into next season. Seems like a plan?


    Ok with DJ, not with Pennington. Imagine his loose, soft balls fluttering in the Buffalo wind.

  5. Crazy about a RB who averaged less than 2.5 yds per carry tonight? Not me. Jackson has shown some flashes, but not enough consistency to make me think he is much better than Lynch.


    Adrian Peterson has games where he averages <3 yds carry. Freddy is by far our most consistent offensive player; he runs, catches, blocks, and doesn't turn the ball over.

  6. What the FO did to the O-line in the off season ended all chances of success before the season ever started.


    Without the proper structure to your organization, hell, we're not even sure who to blame :devil:


    I am disgusted to this day about the entire mess we are in at the O-Line. It all started with keeping Jauron for 'one..more....year' for continuity, and as he knew he was on the hot seat, he had to try and get all crazy with the offense (b/c it's sucked), so let's try the NO HUDDLE! Great idea! Crap, we have a pro bowl LT that wants more money, we aint payin him, b/c we want to set an example. We are the BUFFALO BILLS and don't pay just anyone. Let's trade him! We also have a monster RT - Walker - we'll just move him to LT. Wait, he's too big and won't fit our no-huddle. Let's CUT HIM.


    We have TO which will open our offense up so much more and we'll keep an extra TE in to help Trent. Fast forward to today, and we have turnstiles. Our team will go no where until we fix both lines.

  7. You guys can't be serious about Tebow , Kelly cant evaluate talent no more than Levy can...which isnt saying much .Tebow remind me of the Nebraska QB that won all of those games good runner , so so passer but skills will never transfer to the pro game . l will be more than happy to let some other team make that mistake, we need to continue to build both lines and we will be just fine


    No one knows how Tebow is going to be in the NFL, at the minimum he is a passionate and experienced leader and has played 4 years of football against big time talent. The last passionate leader we've had on the Bills is Hargrove (lol), he always displayed the most emotion on the sidelines.


    Much of this problem was probably due to the listless DJ being on the sidelines, but I want a guy to lead the Bills that WANTS to win and is passionate about being a Bill and winning. I doubt Tebow will fall to the 2nd round as I would bet that one of the teams 25-32 will take a flyer on him, at the minimum to be a wildcat player.


    I do agree that taking him as our 1st round pick isn't my first option as I'd rather take a DT like the dude from 'Bama to anchor a 3-4 or something...

  8. When you run the same play 30 times a game the defense might know whats coming....TO is far from the biggest problem n this team. Agreed hes not good this year but Trent and DJ deserve far more blame


    But TO should know for SURE whats coming, right? I don't think he's the biggest problem, but he's far from being the solution to anything other than a couple easy catches a game. With that said, he's simply playing down to the emotion and effort displayed by most of the team and our head coach.


    I feel for guys like Freddy and J Reed who bust their ass every play no matter what.

  9. It looks like he is uncoordinated when he is trying to catch the ball......and I think it is getting worse by the game. I play in a few touch leagues and I see receivers that would be more dependable bringing the ball in than T.O.


    He seems great once he has a hold of it but he sucks! If that were any other receiver people would never want him on the field again. His audition is not going well for next year.


    I would have to agree that he does not look like a top flight WR. A couple of Trents picks the last 2 weeks, TO is being beat to the ball by the DB.

  10. So it's looking like a long year (I'm not giving up on season yet tho), for sake of conversation, where would you be sending the scouts looking ahead to the draft? In the likelihood we are picking in the top 10, are you in UF, Texas, Ole Miss??


    As someone posted previously, the most frustrating part is that we don't know where the majority of the blame lies. OLine? Trent? AVP/play-calls? WR not getting open/fighting for ball? DJ? I want to like Trent, but he just looks so robotic to me. I see young guys like Sanchez, Flacco, Ryan etc, and they just look so much more comfortable in the pocket.

  11. I like Roscoe as much as the next guy, but lets be realistic... he's a marginal player in our offense. If we can trade him for a decent and, more importantly, a contributing player at a position of need (tackle or LB, currently); I'm all for it.


    If it were for a draft pick, I guess I'd have to see what the pick is and what we do with it.


    Good teams trade marginal players with a highly perceived value when the can. Bottom line, if his departure helps us get a player that contribute more frequently, it's only good for the team.


    I've been completely against trading Roscoe from Day 1, however I am starting to come around should we get a good offer. I don't want to give him away for a 6th, but I'd be ok with getting Steve/JH in the 4th role to groom one of them to take over for TO when he's gone next year (assuming we don't resign TO).

  12. Admittedly I didn't see most of the game today but from what I saw (Right before the TO TD pass) McKelvin look solid but in the Pats* game he looked solid as well. Can anyone tell me how well McKelvin looked in this game?


    I'm obv not locked on him the whole game watching on TV, but when I do see him/balls thrown his way he seems to have a big cushion. Corner just seemed to be much much tighter in his coverage, Leodis seemed to be protecting the big play over his head. I think he's very good, just not sure how good of a start he's had.


    I had no clue Nelson got injured, was wondering where he was though when Schouman went down.

  13. It's gonna take more that 3 long pass attempts in one game to shake that moniker. I'm not taking away from his performance today, but today was a rare day for trent. Let's hope he tests DBs more often going forward. Hopefully this was a confidence builder game...


    is it possible the check downs were a part of TS's gameplans the past 2 years? I would say Trent's first two games in AVP's offense have proven him as more of a legitimate QB as he's put us in position to win 2 games, and if not for dropped balls would have a completion % of 70%. I'll take that any day.

  14. I dont know depends how tall corner his matchup is. Corner covers closer then McKelvin does. Personally I like how Corner looks.


    agree, corner is a ball hawk. mccelvin hasn't looked too good at CB this year..yet. Not saying he can't play, but Corner seems to be a Greer type of guy.

  15. We need to target Evans and Owens more on every possession. If we don't, then trade all of our receivers because we're not using them.


    The screen game is great. But we can't over use it. If we want to win ball games, we give it to the guys that make plays. TO can make BIG plays. And we have all seen Evans beat guys down the field before.


    dudebro, get a grip. Our offense put up 17pts yesterday with essentially 3 rookies on the O-Line, 1 rookie TE, a WR who hasn't played with our 1st team O or Trent all training camp (TO), and a O Coordinator that has been on the job for 10 days. WE SCORED 3 PTS IN 5 GAMES THIS PRESEASON! I'm sick of hearing about Lee Evans this, TO that. We had the game won the way we were playing offense. If you'd rather target TO and Lee Evans 14 times each, which means Trent is throwing the ball 40 times+, then more than likely that means we are losing the game (check Trent's PA history).


    If it ain't broke dont fix it. Last night our swing passes, screens, sweeps and over the middle passes is what NE gave us, and we took advantage of it. You and others who continue to gripe about this discrepancy between Moss/Welker and TO/Evans need to check our football game knowledge at the door. We are not New England. We do not give Trent 8 seconds to throw the ball - a la Brady.

  16. I watched all 60 mins of the game last night and 2 things jumped out at me:


    1) Buggs is a stud....on the 2nd team defense. I don't know if it can translate to 1st team, but he was all over the field sticking the RB's


    2) Leodis is the real deal, same as above.


    I was just as upset as everyone else about 1st team O, but I thought our D on a whole played pretty well....considering how much time they spent on the field. Hopefully they will be able to keep us in the season the first 4-6 weeks while our O pulls their sh-- together.

  17. Agree completely. Orakpo is proven in this league and a better player. What were the Bills thinking? Can we end this thread and re-assess it in two years please? Half your posts are gonna sound ridiculous by the end of this season- how soon a player signs and how they look in one pre-season game has absolutely nothing to do with how their careers are gonna pan out! Come on guys.


    Geez, if we can't speculate on the future, guess we should shut this board down!


    I along with many others was hoping for Orakpo on draft day. Who knows if Orakpo & agent would have pulled same stunt if they were picked # 11 and Crabtree was holding out. I think I sound like a broken record every year, but agents are given way too much power and manipulate the players (you can even look at what Scott Boras was trying to do with the Nat's # 1 pick in baseball).


    With that said, I hope Maybin gets in soon and helps out our pass rush, b/c damn do we need it.

  18. I sat and watched the first 2 preseason games, and I thought it might be worth mentioning that I am finding it increasingly hard to notice much difference in the offensive attack with him in the game. Now I don't want to take anything away from the guy in terms of sheer effort on every play he plays... I love that about him, and can't think of another player I have seen give that much effort.


    But the truth is, (and i am going to recall the glory days for a second), when the honorable #34 was playing for the Bills in the early 90's and he was in the game, even as a rookie you just KNEW we were a better team. Thurman had the ability to make you jump out of your seat nearly every series for several years, and I am hoping to see that from marshawn, and I haven't seen that from him yet, with the exception of a few games in his young career....


    Is it poor O-line play? Is it indecisiveness? I'm not sure... does anyone else see it this way? Now don't think I am expecting him to be the next Thurman, I'd just like him to be clearly the best back on the team by a much wider margin, and there are times where I feel Fast Freddie might be a better option.



    I love Marshawn as a guy on the football field. I think his attitude helps bring teams together, he's always the one flying a towel, jumping around on the sidelines pumping us up. However, I don't know if he is a tier 1 RB in the NFL. He's too indecisive at times which compounds a bad play with our mediocre O-Line. If you look at the better RB's of this decade, most have been quick burst guys - it took AP some time to learn to just run and hit the whole rather than looking around. Guys like Slatan, Cjohnson, LT today - they are quick to make a decision on where to go. Time will only tell, but Marshawn seems more of a grinder RB to me than an all purpose back.

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