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Everything posted by ExpertOpinion

  1. Well I don't believe that Edwards has locked himself in yet. I still say the Bills should add a QB in the draft unless they feel they have a good QB in Hamdan. Always try to have an option, which is what they had by drafting Edwards. As far as Losman goes it's definitely time to close the book. 4 years is enough of this hoax. I cannot come to terms with what fans who want him to stay are looking for. Is Losman all of a sudden going to become a legitimate NFL starter ? What is your point with saying that Losman fans aren't going to go away ? Sure they will , they won't admit that they were wrong.
  2. Let me tell you this, the debate back then was every bit as heated. Those RJ fans were every bit as emotionally attached to RJ as the JP fans are to Losman now. And also, I'm not convinced that Losman is any better a QB than Rob Johnson was.
  3. You don't need to reply to everything I comment on. What do I have some sort of little stalker following me around ? Don't follow me around , I don't like having some strange little stalker chasing after me.
  4. Yeah but where all the obnoxious RJ fans that were insulting everyone who dared to say that they thought RJ sucked ? They aren't around anymore . Look at all the posts from the JP big mouths that the forum erased. The one thing I say is this ...don't delete my posts because I never want to back up from my opinion on players. I don't want to be weak like they are. I'm mean if you are a JP fan and think he is a good QB and are willing to stick to your opinion I can respect that. But look at this other twerp he won't even admit that he is agitated with me BECAUSE he is a JP fan. No he needs to hide behind other excuses to insult me and others. He's so weak he doesn't even want to be honest about his own opinion. You and I both know he is a big JP fan and he is pissed because I think JP is a bust.
  5. You better call mommy you're getting too upset. Go see if she has a tissue for you little boy.
  6. aaaaahh I called your little JP marginal. Don't cry little boy everything will be ok.
  7. Listen troll I will reply to a post when I choose. You know what, you fit the profile of the fans I just described. Soon you will want to deny that you were the losman fan boy that you are now. You'll probably change you user name again.
  8. What would you know about women ? Why do we need someone of another sexual persuasion telling us about women ?
  9. I think what parrallels the two QBs the most is the fans. Just like with RJ, these fans defended JP as if you were offending their family. Then came stage 2 where you could actually criticize RJ without having the maniacs go off the deep end. We have that now with JP as these extremists are starting to wake up to the fact that they might be wrong but they are still waivering. The final stage with RJ came a couple of years after he left Buffalo where at that point you couldn't find anyone that would admit to ever having been an RJ fan. This stage will come after JP gets a couple of shots with other teams. Then you won't be able to find these same fans that said it was bad coaching etc etc. , they'll all say they knew he was a bust. Honestly can anyone find a fan that admits he was an RJ die-hard ? nope The same will hold true for the losman groupies.
  10. Well we know that I was the source of insight as to why Losman won't be here next year. And it seems that most have now adopted that logic , very few now expect Jp to be here next season. You don't see any further talk about what he might do if Edwards was to get hurt. The second was a post about lee evans as a malcontent but they took that post down. I guess that was just too sensitive a topic for young ears. I know that people want more expert opinion but I can't hurdle the obstacle of censorship. I'll do my best under these circumstances to bring the substance that this forum lacks.
  11. Yes marginal at best. There is a reason he is on the trading block.
  12. I know. But I don't want to just manufacture additional opinions because there are readers waiting for new insight . When I have something of true relavance I will be sure to pass it on.
  13. Nothing changes , you can chose to route for them or not route for them. Just like now.
  14. I really don't see any reason to fight anything. More important are companies that move out of Buffalo. Yes the bills employ some local residents but few compared to core companies that are lost. Like I said those games will be on TV anyways.
  15. Well I'm a good guy but I can't beat out Edwards for the starting QB job. I'm sure there are plenty of individuals that are better as a person than Losman with no one handing them anything .
  16. Do you think Drew Carey could afford to buy the Bills or any other NFL team ? I doubt it. So I don't see what influence someone like him could possibly have.
  17. I don't see how he can continue to be a distraction for the Bills. because I don't see any possiblity that he is going to be here, the Bills are determined to move him. Lee evans is a different story though, this is a cancer they don't seem focused on yet.
  18. I don't see what the concern is with all of this. If the Bills play games up in Toronto they will be televised anyways. You know they will sell out in Toronto. So all this does is save people money , that's a plus !
  19. Regardless of anyone's animosity towards the columnist who wrote this article it's truth. So shoot the messenger. To lose 4 consecutive super bowls is a disaster and an embarassment for the bills. But for the Bills not for Buffalo , remember the Bills are only a team that plays in Buffalo and now Buffalo/Toronto , they don't really represent the city , people are just sucked into believing they do. The Bills are just a business, an entertainment. Nothing more, so there is no reason not to just take it in good fun and have a laugh.
  20. yes defense wins my formula for this bills team starts with getting rid of losman and an overrated malcontent lee evans trade them get some pass rushers you can always pick up WRs in the draft
  21. Let's just get rid of this bum and move on.
  22. maybe he's a mix
  23. If this guy is a Swede how did he get any exposure to college football , was he an exchange student ?
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