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  1. This is what sold me, per his wikipedia... According to Mark May, a teammate both at Pittsburgh and on the Redskins, no one lived up to the "Hog" persona more than Grimm: "He was a blue collar stiff and proud of it." In his 2005 memoir, May recalled a Christmas party at his house in 1982: "I iced down a keg of beer and stationed it on the landing between the first floor and basement. Russ turned the landing into his headquarters for the evening. He grabbed a chair and a Hog shot glass (a 60-ounce pitcher) and parked his butt on the landing next to the keg. Except for an occasional trip to the bathroom, we didn't see Russ on the first level all night..."[2] Sorry if already mentioned, the search function won't work for me.
  2. Brad Johnson Rex Grossman Tom Brady in year 1 ... those are just recent superbowls, im sure there are many more if we look back at conference championships
  3. On his yardbarker blog Marshawn posted some paintings that his cousin had done of him and one of trent, pretty well done in my opinion. Heres the link: http://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/bea...looooool/349907
  4. As blasphemous as it may be, im gonna have to go with Tom Brady. Neither of them have the strongest arms in the world but both are very intelligent players, they both stay calm in the pocket, and most importantly-they both come in, in the clutch being able to lead scoring drives when it matters the most. Edwards is able to do it all without cheating though which makes him even better .
  5. As a younger fan of the Bills at 19 while I still hate the Dolphins, I have to admit that I hate the *Patriots even more. I have been exposed mainly to a domination of the Phins by the Bills and it is kind of hard to truly hate a team when you have been beating up on them routinely. The *Pats on the other hand not only have been beating the crap out of the Bills lately, but doing it by cheating and having a roster filled with thugs. Going to school in Boston only intensified my hatred as their fan-based is the most arrogant yet fair-weathered group I have ever seen. Im curious to know if the Bills could sweep either the Phins or the *Pats but be swept by the other, which would be preferred?
  6. Funniest thing Ive read in a while http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/2008/1...get-facked.html -really sums up their "fans"
  7. cromartie big return but holding on SD
  8. Has anyone else noticed that the Gamecast on NFL.com is about a minute ahead of the radio broadcast?
  9. Isn't it a better idea to try and keep the Bills out of the Pro Bowl? This only drives up their egos and thus how much they think they're worth as far as negotiations go. Jason Peters went to the Pro Bowl last year and look where that got us. Personally, I think we should go through and vote all Dolphins and Pats* players in.
  10. FYI Fred Jackson is now listed on the bb.com roster once again while darien barnes has been removed.
  11. I just recieved a lynch jersey from this same vendor. It is very good quality for how much i paid (60 bucks buy it now). The numbers on the front appear to be a little smaller than they normally would be, but it could just be me. If this seller has any left I would recommend picking one up.
  12. As I recall Peters got a 6 on the Wonderlic. Just putting it out there that he isn't a cerebral assasin.
  13. Is it just me or did Roethlisberger looks way past the line when he threw that?
  14. I always like this comparison from PFT http://www.themathlab.com/images/cartoons/1gazoobig.jpg ...the great gazoo of the flintstones
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