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Tonawanda Troy

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Everything posted by Tonawanda Troy

  1. Glad we did'nt pay him, his best days are behind him. We picked him up for free and loaded up some picks in exchange. I never thought he was that great. Certainly not worth 11 mil a seasn.
  2. You called this one Tipster! It was all about the Benjamins. I don't think Peters is all that anyways. It sure make next Sat. more exciting.
  3. I am torn on Peters, part of me says if he wants out boot his A$$ out of town. The other part says our O-Line is a weak spot and losing him won't help. I'm leaning toward a trade if we can get a first rounder for him!
  4. I'd pay a 6th rounder for him tops. I think he can still play but he would not be worth the salary he would command. Go TE in the 4th or 5th round and get a hungry young player.
  5. 18 TD's is a modest estimate, Any less than 20 will be a disappointment.
  6. A TE won't get us in the top 5 offenses, a new QB might! *The Pats traded for Moss and Welker, they actually gave up more for Welker!
  7. Finally these Bills are sacking up and making some moves. It's playoffs or Bust for Dick and he knows it. The players will perform better for him as they can all sense the need for W's for the old coach. A big TO injection was what the Doctor ordered for the ofense. Shef will be a Bill soon hopefully as well. The FO and Jauron have been working the free agent wire hard this year, with a good draft in store. You have to give them credit for trying! Even if it does'nt pay off. Urgency to at least make the post season for sure.
  8. Just as I felt TO was a good fit for Buffalo, I believe Boldin would fit in Miami. The only thing holding that deal back is the Draft pick compensation. Tuna is a tight wad when it comes to his picks.
  9. I can totally see TO saying that every time he is asked if he smokes.
  10. Getting TO would be a great move, the FO better get it done. He will bring more wins to us, and make Edwards, Evans, Lynch and Jackson better players. Pay him and get it done!
  11. Time to get him here indeed! TO would give us a spark on offense that no other Free Agent WR could. Our HC has nothing to lose and should be posturing to get him. If it does'nt work out you get rid of him. If it does I believe 10 or 11 wins will come our way, he is usually not a problem the first year.
  12. Lee Evans has a $9,870,000 cap number and he only caught 3 TD passes. It's just like Manny Ramirez, no body wanted to pay him but every one wants him batting in their line-up. So, he got paid and so will TO!
  13. Tennessee and Denver would'nt want him. No way. Oakland, San Diego maybe. I would put us 2nd in line. In fact if I were Ralph I would write the check today for $7,000,000 bonus, $2,000,0000 salary this year and a $7,000,000 salary next year on a 2 year deal. I think TO would raise our scoring average by 4 to 5 points a game. If he implodes you boot his a$$. If it works he grabs 14 TDs, Evans gets 10 and we win more games! To quote the great Isiah Thomas" It's just so crazy that it just might work" Nothing else has!
  14. The Tuna never wanted TO. The Dolphins need a WR but the Parcell's would never take him. It has to be a team that is desperate, not a team putting it together. Do you know anything besides Patriots Suck or what?
  15. These are not campus visits by high school players looking for a free trip. They are pros looking to get paid as free agents. The Bills just don't seem to want to pony up for any of these guys. I think Cato would be a nice pick up at his asking price!
  16. I think Marvin too, only because he packs heat and would fit in well with the rest of our skill players. The NRA has just become the Bills official sponsor!
  17. If we are going with Edwards then he is the type of WR we need, Mucho YAC! I would give a 2nd and 7th, thats what the Pats gave for Welker.
  18. He did have 374 pass attempts in 14 games last year. 26 per game. Thats 1 TD in every 34 attempts. You can't blame that kind of production on play calling.
  19. Now here is a realistic Poster, 11 TD's in 14 games last year. Don't you guys who are queer for Edwards get it! A good QB can throw 11 TD's in 3 or 4 games!
  20. What is so good about this career stat line??? Cmp-396, Att-643, Yrds-4329, Cmp%-61.6, YPA 6.73, TD-18, Int-18, QB Rating- 79.1 18 TD's in 24 games, now thats hall of fame material. What are the so called intangibles to be great pozfan? I am not hating, I like the guy! I just don't think he's THE guy! He dinks and dunks, checks down, is reluctant to go for the big play, Can't get out of the way and keep plays alive (35 Sacks), injury prone, and average arm strength.
  21. He looks like Jimmy Nuetron, my sons favorite toon.
  22. Edwards is better than Quinn if you ask me, the problem is the fact that they both suck. Quinn just has'nt proved it yet. I would also venture to say that the Bills would easily have won 10 or 11 games last year if we had one of the top 10 QB's in the league. The NFL is a QB league. If you have a good QB you will be in every game. Put a top notch QB in Buffalo and we would really make some noise. I think our WR's are good, O-line good, RB's even better, Defense solid, special teams above average. Yet here we are at 7-9 again! My finger points to our QB's as the problem over the past several years, and my middle finger points up to any one who who doubts the fact that our QB play has been below Average at best.
  23. Orakpo or Raji will fall to 11 right in our lap. Cushing feels like a bust to me!
  24. Players from the U just don't seem to work out for us, I think Roscoe is a smurf!
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