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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Page 18 of this weeks USA TODAY SPORTS WEEKLY.




    The Jaguars lost five times last year, including the regular season finale. On the other four occasions, they rebounded to win by an average of more than ten points. The Bills catch them at the wrong time.


    OUR PICK: Jaguars 31-9.


    :( What a bunch of Morons!!! The Bills looked pretty solid in all 3 phases of the game on opening day. The Jags are just as banged up, if not more than the Seahawks. I wonder if the boys over at USA TODAY are willing to put their money where their mouth is and give 22 points on the game. :death:


    Was this guy trying to be sarcastic? 31-9, with all the injuries the Jags got, they're gonna beat us 31-9, :cry: I wonder what he's smoking.


    I think we're gonna win by more than 10 points.

  2. Even though Seattle was banged up, that defense is still solid for them. I think our rushing offense needs a ton of work. Lynch has a earn every inch he gets. Just once in a while I want holes to be there for him.


    You're right about the rushing offense, but once Peters gets back in there, and the O-line starts gelling, we'll see some good runs by Lynch & Jackson.

  3. Here's where our offense and defense rank so far after 1 game:


    Bills Offense: Rush (19th); Pass (8th); overall (11th)

    Bills Defense: Rush (9th); Pass (t-11th); overall (7th)



    The surprise was the Rush offense, but I'm not worried at all about our rush offense. Hopefully we'll see good stats, and most importantly, victories, a lot this season.

  4. Jauron may be having him practice a lot either to check him out or to get him prepared for Sunday. My guess is the latter. In any case, if he indeed is 85% back, he will be even better by Sunday. And, no offense to Chambers or Walker, but that is good enough for me to have him start. My wag is that he plays.


    He will play in some capacity, whether he's starting or coming in for spot duty, he will play on Sunday.

  5. "The Jags will murder us"? Really... I bet this clown thought the same thing before they played the Titans.


    I expect Stroud to have even a better performance against the Jags than he did vs the hawks. If the Jags were to win, it would be within 7 points, but I don't think it's gonna happen, especially with all the injuries they've got. I hope we beat them like we did Seattle just to shove it in this douchebag's face.

  6. Brian Moorman, Bills – The Buffalo punter, who doubles as the holder on field goals, will throw for more TDs than Tom Brady this season.


    So years from now, when Moorman is old and grey, he can tell his grandkids; "Yep. Back in 2008, I threw for more TD than HOFer Tom Brady!"


    So he's got that going for him, which is nice.


    Right now, Moorman also has a perfect QB rating which is something Brady won't have this year as well.

  7. One of the factors leading to the slow starts of the Bills in recent years has been the difficulty of their schedule(among other things, of course). This year that is certainly not the case.


    Obviously, Jacksonville is not going to be an easy game, but its not out of the realm of possibility that the Bills can win that game.



    The next three games are games where the Bills should have the advantage:


    Oakland, probably the worst team in the NFL this year.

    St. Louis, probably in the bottom five of worst teams in the NFL this year.

    Arizona, a decent team that looked rather unimpressive vs. a sorry 49ers team.


    These games are by no means locks, but if the Bills want to compete in a now wide open AFC East, they have to assert themselves in these games before the bye.


    Dare I ask what are the odds we could see the Bills at 5-0 at the bye? 4-1? Or a more conservative 3-2?


    After the injuries to the Jags, I'd say 5-0 at the bye week.

  8. "Just Give it to them", pass interfernce on a hail mary pass, the tuck rule, I'd say the league has been very generous to this team.


    Majority of Pats' fans are bandwagon fans. To tell someone is a true fan, ask them to name 5 starters on the team, before the team starting doing good, in the Pats case, before the 2001 season. If they can't, then they're a bandwagon fan.

  9. I say we offer JP in a trade to New England for a high draft pick. In there desperate situation, they might be willing to part with next year's 2nd rounder. Could you imagine him throwing bombs to Randy Freakin' Moss? That would be ridiculous.

    What do you guys think?


    Why don't we trade you to New England?!

  10. Where is the love from the National Media? .... After 1 week. Don't hold your breath.


    The ONLY way for Buffalo to get "love" from the media is to start out 6-2 at best and play a tough close game in any loss.


    They have to (and will) beat a beaten up Jags team like the beaten up SeaHawks team.


    Then they have to defeat the Chargers and New England before they get true respect.


    After seeing the way the Chargers lost to the Panthers, I think we could take them.

  11. It really doesn't bother me because it was all Soooooo predictable.


    When you share a division with a undefeated regular team ( New England ) and Brett Farve (Jets) you just know the national media will cash in on the hype.


    You have got to wonder just how many hours can the national media invest in 2 players ( Brett Farve and Tom Brady) before the interest simply dies...


    Answer me this question, had the Jets beat the Seahawks 34-10 in the opener, the Media would have predicted a CHAMPIONSHIP for the JETS without question!


    Why is it Buffalo can't even get some cheap plug from the national media?


    What surprises me is that National Media is ignoring the best team in the AFC-EAST.


    The mistake on their part will come back to haunt them later when the Bills beat both New England and the Jets


    First ,we need to beat Jacksonville,then the Jets need to lose to New England, in what could be an ugly game.


    Should the above happen this weekend, I figure we will get a few kind words.


    I have a good friend that is a Jets fan, and he admits the FARVE thing has become a major joke in New York City.


    Seems everyone is cashing in on the hype, and jersey sales are off the charts. Green Brett Farve jerseys are for sale on every corner of Manhattan.




    ITS COMING......but don't expect anything big till the Jets and Patriots are all but eliminated and Brett Farve is unable to work miracles in NYC..... that will not come till November.


    I fully expect the media to cover their ASS and devote an extra 30 seconds to Buffalo Bills highlights when they realize the situation is HOPELESS (lol)


    Buffalo is the better team, and the proof is coming in the weeks ahead.


    YOU HAVE TO ADMIT.....the ENTIRE situation is a MAJOR JOKE!


    ALL I AM ASKING FOR IS EQUAL COVERAGE for the BILLS....but I guess that is asking for too much.


    If we beat the Jags and go into the bye week at 5-0, we'll finally start to see some attention thrown our way.

  12. I am not scared of any QB who confesses on MNF that he listens to Celine Dion before games to pump him up. Couple that with that stupid !@#$ing arm gesture Culpepper makes when he rolls one hand over the other. Culpepper should of been named Culcreampuff, he is not worthy of a pepper in his surname


    Remember, Culpeper's heart will go on, and on.... :lol:

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