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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. So far this season, Schoebel should be getting the minimum for veteran players, not $7 million a year. It would be nice to see if we can trade him, and get something in return. Plus, I think Denney should be cut. I'd like to see more of Chris Ellis.


    I know Anthony Hargrove is suspended for a year, but is he still under contract with us? I wonder if managment would try to bring him back next year.


    Either way, DE should be a high priority in the off-season.

  2. After 4 Superbowl losses, if we're not ready to win a superbowl, then I don't want to see us there. Can anyone handle the defeat of a 5th superbowl loss? I would rather get to the superbowl knowing we can definitely win the game. And yes, it would be great to win the superbowl over the Cowboys, Giants or Redskins, especially the Cowboys!!

  3. I know it's only week 4 but that game against Denver on December 21st could have some playoff implications for both teams.


    Not trying to get ahead of ourselves, but if both teams keep playing this well, it could mean the battle of home field advantage in the AFC during the playoffs.

  4. Whether we win by 50 points or 1 point, it doesn't matter, a win is a win.


    So far, with 2 4th quarter comebacks in a row, I'm very impressed with Edwards. It would be nice to see him lined up in Shotgun formation more often, as he did his best work of the day in the shotgun.

  5. I don't believe I've ever encountered a poster who is more what-have-you-done-for-me-lately than 1billsfan.


    Not even a quarter of the season is over. Have you ever heard the phrase "it's a marathon, not a sprint?"


    Did anyone think the P*ts with Cassel would go 16-0? Now they're "done" because they played a motivated Miami team who threw them a few wrinkles? The Colts have not looked good but could just as easily be 2-1. The Jags, with a couple of bounces, could be 3-0. The Chargers have actually played very well.


    Denver, despite their 3-0 record, is playing crappy defense. Tennessee is winning with a backup (and old) QB. Everything can (and probably will) change.


    Patience. Just enjoy the ride.


    I agree, we should enjoy the ride. It's been 16 years since we were 3-0, so have fun and enjoy it.


    Yes, our team can use some fine tuning, but we're winning and that's all that matters.

  6. Yes, it is a possibility, but I'm not gonna think we're gonna go undefeated. I'm still being a little cautiously optimistic. I think we'll finish between 12-4 & 14-2. I think we could still use a little fine tuning in certain areas.


    Regardless, we're 3-0 & 1st place in the AFC East and we're off to a great start.

  7. Its been a while since I've been in the wall, working my but off to pay the Bills. I just wonder how many of you really believe We can not only win the Division but go deep in the post season this year. I knew we had a breeze of a schedule when it came out. Now there is no Brady in NE, The F-a-v-r-e is'nt scaring me, and the fish can't score more than about 13 a game things look even better. Cleveland looked like a 50-50 shot, not anymore! SD, at Denver, and maybe at NE could bring us a loss. The rest of the schedule is a bunch of chumps! We already took care of business in 2 games that were looking tough a month ago. If we sweep the Patsies........BUFF goes 14-2!



    You heard it here, and now BABY!!!



    Anyone else guzzling the COOL-AID with me!


    T T


    Kool-Aid sounds good, and 14-2 is a possibility. I think we can finish between 12-4 & 14-2.

  8. I'd rather be the underdog, and flying under the radar. A lot of people in the sports media had us pegged from anywhere between 7-9 to 9-7, finishing 2nd or 3rd in the AFC East. All 3 phases of our team are working very well, when you have that, you're gonna win a lot of games. We're only going to get better as the season progresses.

  9. Like the one's that were predicting we're gonna go 7-9 before the season starts, our O-Line is toast without Peters, Edwards can't throw the deep ball, we have no TE, etc... I said we're gonna go 11-5 before the season started, and these guys were calling me crazy. Even after we won, people were still complaining because it took us a few snaps to get going in the 1st quarter. Well, considering there was monsoon like like weather during the 1st quarter, and Seattle (a team that plays in a rainy enviroment) didn't do anything in the 1st quarter either, there's nothing to complain about. We won by 24 points, and could have kept going, but we're a classy organization and don't try to run up the score on teams (like the Cheatriots did last year).


    Bottom line, we're gonna win again. The Jags O-Line is in shambles, and Stroud is going to have a huge game against his old team.

  10. I submitted a question to the chat asking the same thing (as I'm sure many others did), and here is what the commish had to say:


    "Being from western New York, I understand the importance of the Bills to Buffalo and the entire western New York region. We all must do our part to make sure the Bills remain successful in Buffalo and I pledge my full support. The efforts to regionalize the Bills to Rochester and more recently to southern Ontario and the Ontario market have enabled the team to be successful. I appreciate your support of the Bills. One of the highlights for me last season was attending the Dallas-Buffalo game and seeing the tremendous passion of the Bills fans displayed nationwide on Monday Night Football."


    I submitted the same question, I'm glad the commish addressed one of us.

  11. A question a reader from Rochester asked NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about the Bills:


    Scott DeRosa, Rochester, NY 02:12 PM ET

    First of all, I wanted to pay you a compliment on the way you have handled yourself so far as Commisioner. Nice "common sense" approach. Keep up the great work in keeping the NFL a class above the rest of the pro sports leagues! Second, and an important second.....Will you do everything in your power to keep the Buffalo Bills in Buffalo? I know there are many important factors involve, some even out of your hands....However, I truly hope you do "the right thing" and give the small market teams with the passionate/loyal fan bases, every opportunity to stay in their respective towns(Pitt, Cleveland, Buff etc). Going to a Bills game is better than going to most college games....That IS what NFL is all about! Thanks and all the best-


    Commissioner Roger Goodell, NFL.com

    Being from western New York, I understand the importance of the Bills to Buffalo and the entire western New York region. We all must do our part to make sure the Bills remain successful in Buffalo and I pledge my full support. The efforts to regionalize the Bills to Rochester and more recently to southern Ontario and the Ontario market have enabled the team to be successful. I appreciate your support of the Bills. One of the highlights for me last season was attending the Dallas-Buffalo game and seeing the tremendous passion of the Bills fans displayed nationwide on Monday Night Football.

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