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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Jeffrey D. Sweetin, a Special Agent with the Rocky Mountain Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said that Henry, 29, along with James Mack were arrested Tuesday as a result of a “multi-kilogram cocaine transaction” in Centennial, CO.


    Multi kilo so at least 4.4 lbs that ain't a line between friends folks. BYE-BYE


    I thought I heard it was around 3 kilos (6.6lbs), plus pounds of marijuana as well.

  2. Where did you get this information from? They are in different states, committed different crimes and Henry has not even been convicted. This seems like a longshot at best.


    That was just a sarcastic comment that I made (the meaning behind it, both O.J. & Henry played for the Bills).


    The rest of the article is legit.

  3. Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 2:33 PM ET | Link



    HENRY TO APPEAR IN COURT TODAY: According to the Denver Post former Broncos and Bills RB Travis Henry is due in court today for a preliminary hearing on his federal drug charges after being arrested last week.


    Henry could face up to life in prison if convicted.




    Wow really sad, it seems like after drafting willis it all went downhill for him.


    I agree, I wonder if that was the turning point for him, or was he already a scum bag and we didn't know it?

  4. Because I find it amusing that this is a focal point and that not only was it not dirty, but you will not here one peep about it from the OBD, the front office, the NFL, etc. It was within the rules and I would encourage our players to hit people like that. Maybe if Denney would have hit hightower like that rather than his lame attempt at an arm tackle on a critical 3rd down play, we would have turned the game ourselves instead of giving up a big run on 3rd and 3.


    Yes, there were a bunch of things that happened during the game that hurt us, but that's not the point of this thread. We get, you think it's a clean hit, good for you.

  5. Travis Henry update:


    "DENVER—Former starting Denver Broncos running back Travis Henry is due in federal court this afternoon for a preliminary and detention hearing after being arrested following an alleged cocaine deal. He faces one count of conspiracy to distribute and possession with intent to distribute cocaine.

    If convicted, Henry could face up to life in federal prison and a four (m) million dollar fine.


    Henry signed a five-year, $22.5 million contract with the Broncos before the 2007 season, but was dogged during training camp by a sprained left knee.


    Henry was released from the Broncos June 2, when coach Mike Shanahan said his commitment was lacking".


    Looks like him & O.J. will be cell mates.

  6. You're right. Tackling hurts us as well. I really think the problem with the defense was a lack of pressure. ESPECIALLY against great Quarterbacks. You can't give guys like Warner, Brady, or Manning time. They will find open receivers, and they will score lots of points.


    That is how the Giants won the Superbowl. They pounded Brady. We are going to need to draft a big DE or DT next year. Maybe both.


    For now, I would really like to see Ellis get some playing time. Copeland Bryan is absolutely terrible.


    I agree. I was saying the same thing at the end of last season, if we can't get pressure on the QB, good QB's will tear us apart.

  7. What does a players reputation have to do with whether or not the hit was legal according to league rules? It was a great hit, simple as that. It actually didnt even look that bad, just a solid hit. The hit did nothing to Trent, what hurt his was the fact that he left his feet on his own accord, got hit in the air, causing him to land completely flat which in turn will always result in your head smacking the turf...


    If trent doesnt jump, he doesnt likely get hurt on this play...man, this topic is so lame...


    Trent didn't jump, he followed through on his throw. If you think this topic is lame, then why continue to post on it?

  8. Yesterday, nothing went right for us, period. That's all I'm gonna say about the game.


    After 5 games last year, we were 1-4. So, I'm much happier being 4-1. I feel we have a better team this year, and ultimately will go at least 11-5 and make it to the playoffs. This team is young, and they're gonna make mistakes. But we're going in the right direction, and I still think we're gonna have a good season. Let's just hope we get some players back for the Chargers game, and the whole team wakes up from this weekends loss and bounces back hard in 2 weeks.

  9. Very solid post in my eyes. This game sucked in every aspect last night I'll admit, but the sky is not falling. This is a game where I think they will take it and look back on it and defiately grow with. I hope they know what it is like to get their behinds kicked and make sure it never happens again.


    I was watching the Missing Rings special Thursday and during that 1990 team they lost big to the Dolphins early on in the year. Marv took the starters out of the game to save them from more of an asskicking. Everyone was pissed that Marv did that. Talley went onto say that he and the rest of the guys made sure theyd never play like that again because they didnt want that to happen again. Thats how this team should take it. Yes, they got whipped yesterday, but it's a 16 game season. Learn and be ticked about what happen so it doesnt occur again. It can't all be glory.


    I watched that as well. It was good until the last play of Superbowl XXV.


    I agree that this is a 16 game season, and all teams lay an egg or tow during the season. Let's hope our team, rebounds like the 1990 team.

  10. Have you ever played football? You are taught to drive through EVERY one of your tackles, PERIOD! The hit didnt even look that bad in fast motion, let alone replay. He lept into a LEAPING Trent Edwards and Trents head hit the ground as he landed flat, which is pretty much unavoidable when landing flat. A big hit doesnt make it dirty, and that hit was within 100% of all rule guidelines and there will not even be any discussion of a fine or suspension other than by fans of this board.


    And to be honest, I think 80% of the Qb's hit there get up with no problem and play the next play, except Trent is frail, always has been and was one of his knocks coming out of college. He is going to be a great QB in my opinnion, but his durability is yet to be shown.


    I watched it several times and the top of his helmet was in his chin as he was going through his tackle, and even while they were on the ground. It was a dirty hit. Also, the same guy ripped off Lynch's helmet, I take it that was clean in your opinion too?!

  11. Reality check for the newbie



    1.) Every group of sports fans need their whipping boy ...... J.P. is ours ...... get over it.


    2.) Agree that the call would not have been over turned ........ but that is after I've reviewed it numorous times from different angles in sloooooooooo - motion. In the heat of battle, when a snap judgement is called for, the correct action is to throw the challenge flag on a potential game turning play that was that close.


    3.) Actually the hit was a cheap shot .... he drove the crown of his helmet into OUR starting QBs chin ..... now is it a cheap enough shot to case a flag/fine/suspension? I don't think so. But it WAS a cheap enough shot for us fans who view the world through red/white/blue glasses to cry foul.


    4.) Damn, I agree with this point ........ good job


    In conclusion, you've got some good things to add to this board, but your condescending attitude makes you an asswipe.


    I agree, which is why I called this guy a troller. He does have some valid points, but I noticed he waited until we lost a game to start posting.

  12. Thank you! Exactly, meant to mention that in my post above...dude leaped up and got nailed in mid air landing on his head...ti happens, its football...the defender did not give him the concussion, the ground did. It was a good hard hit, the kind of clean hard hit that is respected not penalized for being dirty.


    So jamming your helmet into the QB's chin while tackling him, and continuing to drive your helmet into his chin even after your on the ground is considered a legal hit?! Really!!!


    I could understand if the safety nailed Edwards and knocked him to the ground, because Edwards just released the ball, but he purposely drove Edwards to the ground with the intent to injure. I saw the replay several times. If he didn't want to injure Edwards, he would have just nailed Edwards without driving him to the ground.

  13. Ok seriously, the whining on the boards today is absurd and now I am officially annoyed. Here are my issues...


    1. JP DID NOT LOSE US THIS GAME, so get over it already! I mean wow, he is a Buffalo Bill and you just want to pile on this guy who actually played ok despite not starting a game or having many reps with the first team offense. Our offensive line was awful today, not JP, who looked more like one of the top backups in the league who could possibly start for someone in this league.


    2. The Robert Royal fumble had ZERO, and I mean ZERO, chance of being overturned and calling a replay there and 100% losing a time out would have been an awful caoching decision. His knee nor his shing ever touched the ground and there were GREAT camera shots to show this. The ball was NOT forced out by the ground as Royal flat out DROPPED it on his own a good foot or two above the ground. So there is no "down by contact" or the "ground forced the fumble" here, and this was about the only thing the coaching staff got right.


    3. The hit on TE was NOT dirty. I mean seriously? What a absurd post...go play flag football or powder puff if you think a defender making a great hit on a QB is dirty. He did not lead with his helmet and it was the ground that gave TE the concusion not the defender. We hit Warner just as hard and clean to split his chin open, and that was not an illegal hit either. I mean, quit with the whining, its embarrassing.


    4. Our defensive play and offensive line play lost us this game. Out coaching staff was missing two key starters, but the lack of defensive adjustment, the over playing for the deep ball, and in ability to stop them on 3rd down are the only reasons we lost this game. If TE was in there, we would have still lost this game because last I checked, TE didnt play defense and McGee and Simpson were still out.


    In conclusion, it was one game, we were bound to lose a game and will likely lose a couple more. We are a young team who is growing, so be happy we are still in first place in our division and get ready for week 6. And, ENOUGH of the JP hating, if you cant support your team (and all its players) then go be a Raider fan...


    Looks like we have a troller

  14. Man, one loss and then there are all these whiny topics on the board...Are you serious? Why dont you go play and watch flag football if you think this hit was dirty. It was a good clean hit, 100% legal and the players momentum landing on TE. Trent hit his head on the ground, its football, get over it, its part of the game. He did nothing to intentionally hurt TE just hit him hard, as any of us would and was no worse than our hit on Warner that split his chin open.


    Between this thread, the why didnt we challenge the royal fumble thread, the JP is garbage threads, etc. I am officially annoyed by the absurd whining over topics that are not even relevant to our loss...to top it all off, its just ONE game...did you really think we were going 16-0?


    I guess you thought Wilfork's hit on Losman last year was clean too?!

  15. Hargrove was suspended for 1 year due to violating the substance abuse policy. Last year he missed the 1st 4 games because of that, and in the offseason he "Popped" again, which by NFL rules, mandates a 1 year suspension.


    Yes, Schoebel is good against the run. But is that alone worthy of $7 million a year? He hasn't been able to get consistent pressure on the QB last year & this year. Yes, he had a break out year a few years ago when he had 14 sacks, but his production has slipped big time since then. I'm not saying replace him this second, but in the offseason.

  16. Cut or traded? You guys are insane. Even if he is having a down year. We start to get all the pieces in place for this team and you want to start cutting or trading people after a loss? Wow.......Too much Madden and FF for some of you guys.


    I've been saying for years that we've needed better DE's. I've been on Schobel all season long. He hasn't done jack sh*t this season, so I'm not just saying this after 1 game. Schoebel looked bad last year and only got 5.5 sacks, but he got a pass on the season because we had bad DT's, and the excuse was he was getting double-teamed. On paper, we were told that our new DT's would free up our DE's, so far it hasn't worked for Schoebel.

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