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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. You put way too much blame on him. Why not blame Moulds for fumbling on the first play of the game or Reed for not keeping his composure at the goal line? Better yet....look at the way the refs officiated that game.


    Flutie had his faults, but he was the biggest reason the Bills were even in that playoff game.



  2. What game were you watching? I don't ever remember Reed "throwing the ball at the ref"...he just got up quickly and bumped into the ref. The problem with that play was that Reed (along with most people) thought he got into the end zone and the ref never called it.



    By far, the most intelligent thing ever said by Wade Phillips.


    Reed threw the ball at the ref's back, causing Reed to get a 15 yard personal foul penalty and a game ejection. If the game is ever on the NFL network again, watch it.

  3. hmm. that slipped my mind. my only recollection of that game unfortunately was trace armstrong crushing flutie and making him fumble. :lol:


    I remembered when it happened, but refreshed my memory when I saw a replay of that game on the NFL network this year. Reed was a veteran and should of maintained his composure, instead he let his emotions take the better of him and cost us the game.

  4. Wow. :lol:


    Fruitie was given the chance to lead us deep into the playoffs the previous year but fumbled our chances away. It was smart not to repeat mistakes of the past.


    Really, I also remember a few plays before that fumble, Andre Reed was mad that the ref's didn't signal a touchdown so he threw the ball at the ref, causing him to get ejected and a 15 yard penalty. So we went from the goal line, to the 15. I blame that one on Andre Reed, not Flutie.


    Also, on the NFL network, there was an hour show called "Top ten 1 hit wonders" which had Rob Johnson at #8, and "Top ten QB controversies". Wade Phillips admits on the show that they made a bad decision on putting Rob Johnson in vs the Titans, quote: "In hindsight, Doug would have won the game for us".

  5. I have a feeling that the foot injury may have had something to do with his less that stellar performance in earlier games this year. Hopefully resting it two full weeks will have him ready to roll on Sunday. He's had some career games going after Pennington.


    I hope you're right. I do like Schobel, but I am a harsh critic considering the big paycheck he is receiving. Let's all hope the foot injury is the problem, and he'll be more productive when his foot is better.

  6. If you don't think OC don't gameplan for Aaron, you're crazy.


    I know OC's gameplan for Schobel. I'm just throwing the stats out there. The game vs the Cards, our defense had 0 sacks, 0 fumbles and 0 INT's. The game vs the Bolts, we had 1 sack, 1 INT's and 2 fumbles. So far, in 5 games played, Schobel has 1 sack. Those are the stats. Whether it's injuries that hindering Schobel, Perry Fewell's play calling, or if Schobel is on the decline, something is going on for him to have such a big decline?

  7. Couldn't agree more, but the problem is that the games happen one day a week and there's only so much play that can be analyzed. When E$PN covers stuff, they pick the material that would get the most viewers and today, it's how bad the Cowboys are. Tomorrow, it'll be how Brett Favre didn't finish his bowl of Cheerios, so something might be wrong with him.


    Just like sex sells on prime time TV dramas, the Cowboys' drama (supposedly) brings in the most viewers.


    The only way the Bills will get their due exposure is if they make the big game.


    I agree. Even the NFL Network does the same thing. I don't know how many times I watched NFL Total Access, and seen 90% of the show centering around Favre this summer, and see about 10-15 seconds of the Bills. Same goes with the cowgirls.


    I hate Dallas and hope they continue to fail miserably, especially since Wade Phillips is their coach. Wade Phillips was an idiot for benching Flutie for Johnson, and screwed our chances to go deep in the playoffs that year. 8 years later, looks like we'll finally have our chance in the post-season again (cross our fingers).

  8. Two NFL sources say the Bills offered a third-round draft pick for Gonzalez. Sources also say that Peterson refused to budge off his asking price, reported to be a No. 2 and a No. 5. If he was going to part with the face of the franchise it would be for what he considered commensurate return.


    The Bills declined to meet the price. It took them two No. 1s, a No. 2, a No. 3 and a No. 5 to get the quarterback they were after. But they wouldn’t spend a No. 2 and a No. 5 on a Hall of Fame tight end capable of maximizing that quarterback’s talents while simultaneously diverting attention from the wideout they just signed to a lucrative extension. Look at it this way: Gonzalez could have been a Bill for the premium they paid to acquire Losman.




    DiCesare's posts get more idiotic by the day.

  9. I think more than enough has been said on both sides (dirty/not dirty).


    I really respect Edwards' attitude & demeanor when he said it's not his place to comment on whether the hit was dirty or clean, and even the Jason Peters saga. Edwards is a true class act, and an awesome QB. Let's all hope he won't take anymore bad hits like that.

  10. lol...I havent made a negative comment about anyone other than that this thread is stupid. Yet, you feel the need to make personal insults, yet I am the one someone called out to the oh so scary thread police...classic... :thumbsup:


    FYI, I played LB and played through college all 4 years as a starter (we were ranked 2 of the 4 years I was there) at a reasonable level until I blew my knee out 5 games into my senior year. Since high school you are taught to finish tackles just like that, and that play isnt even a penalty or second thought at any other level other than the NFL.


    The point is, all of you are the biggest hypocrits I have seen because not one of you would be crying about this if this was Poz or Whitner who hit Warner and you know it...


    That is why this thread is lame...not to mention, it has zero impact or relevance to the Buffalo Bills...and I promise you Wilson could care less too...


    And to you Lori, this thread went pages and pages without my input and most replies are not to my posts, so thanks for your insightful claim that my posts kept the thread going, I would love to take the credit, but its unfortunately not true.


    And to Mr. Steely Dan, I bet the only level of football you have played is touch with your beer belly friends and you cry when they push you too hard and you fall down and bump your weee lil elbow...Anyone who has played defense at a reasonable level knows you are taught to follow through and finish your tackles just like this and I promise you that our defense is being coached to do the same thing...


    Its all good though, keep the post going, it amuses me...next attack please...


    PS: I seriously did love the comment of scaring the kids at recess...it was pretty funny and I printed it out and pinned it up on the bulletin board in the office of the non profit I am on the board of directors for that works with at risk youths in our cities and turns them into leaders in their lives and communities...they always tease me for looking scary but being a big softy (I am 6'5 and 260 lbs)...they really did find it funny...so thanks for the bulletin board material...keep it coming.


    Whoa, I didn't realize we were talking with a football god here, well excuse us (sarcasm!!!). Okay, if you say this is a lame thread, then it really must be a lame thread?!


    You are right about finishing tackles, there's nothing wrong with finishing your tackles. But the NFL put rules into effect to protect it's players. Call it wussy, wimpy or whatever, but how many players careers were ended because of concussions? I can name 3 HOF's, Jim Kelly, Steve Young & Troy Aikman.


    I think everyone loves seeing a good hit, but no one wants to see anyone get a bad injury.


    Like I said, if you have a problem with the rules the NFL set up about hits on the QB, take it up with them. Stop bitching & moaning that people on here are discussing a hit that knocked out our QB. If you don't like the topic, don't read it, plain & simple.

  11. omg jerry, even the majority of the posters on here dont think it was dirty...this was a fine based on reputation, even refers to it in the article...who really cares, it has no impact on us, so who really cares...keep sucking it up there with Lori too, lol :devil: ...


    I stand here in amusement that this thread is still continuing...It would make more sense if an actual fine on this player had any impact what so ever on our team. Like someone said, they could care less in AZ, so why do we care? I care about this as much as I care about my $35 parking ticket I got yesterday...I am sure Wilson could care less too now that he is free and clear of any suspension.


    Its all good though, guess you guys need something to whine about in order to get a "moral" victory after the cards used the Buffalo D like used toilet paper last week and the O line got smacked down like Ike hitting Tina...


    So congrats on proving reputation costs you money in this league and the NFL is one more rule away from making defensive players count alligators before they can rush...


    Obviously, this post means something to you, even though you say it doesn't. If this post is as useless, and meaningless as you proclaim, you would've stop posting a long time ago. Bottom line, the NFL fined Wilson because he violated the rules that they set up. If you have a problem with those rules, contact the NFL and complain to them.

  12. A very nice rewrite? :lol:



    We apologize for this thread not meeting your standards of approval. Perhaps you'd find a different topic more to your liking.


    In other words, if you don't want to read about it, there's a simple solution to that problem.



    the management


    Thank you Lori!!!!!

  13. He got fined on his reputation, they even make mention of it in their statement...I just watched it again, I still see nothing at all other than a big hit. If this is on any other player other than the QB this isnt fined...if this was a player with no history of being fined, there is no fine. Case in point, the lack of suspension. With a player with a history of fines any reasonable infraction would have earned him a suspension. This was QUESTIONABLE at best, so they fined him and gave him a warning, a small fine at that.


    I still stand by original statement that if you cant handle this hit then go play poweder puff.


    Bottom line here...is who the heck gives a ****...my point is this thread is 9 pages long about something that will have ZERO, yes ZERO affect on the Bills season from this point on. I mean Wilson probably doesnt even care...so why on earth is this thread the most talked about thread...geezus...


    Congrats on getting your precious fine from the NFL, now our season is saved...ridiculous.


    Can we finally kill this pathetic thread?


    The NFL just proved it was a dirty hit according to their rules & regulations. Just suck it up and admit you were wrong.

  14. From Buffalorumblings.com: Buffalo still struggling to rush passer in 2008


    One of the Buffalo Bills' biggest problems defensively in 2007 was their inability to consistently get pressure on opposing quarterbacks. The Bills finished the 2007 season with just 24 sacks as a team, and as a result, they fielded one of the league's worst defenses (statistically) last season. The defense did enough for the Bills to scratch and claw their way to a 7-9 record, but it was clear that without an improved pass rush, the Bills weren't going to get much better.


    So the team spent the off-season getting tougher up front, and the impact was immediate - the Bills registered five sacks in a season-opening win over the Seahawks. All was well - newcomers Marcus Stroud and Kawika Mitchell registered three of those sacks, and the Bills' defense dominated, holding the Seahawks to just 10 points. Four games later, however, the Bills have added only five more sacks to that season-opening total, and the team's pass rush woes are resurfacing.


    (more at link)

  15. I agree the talk is stupid.

    Is Schobel the new twobillsdrive whipping boy now or something?

    The sacks will come. Schobel has done plenty this year and has come really close to some sacks and strips.

    But then again some people will tell you that Ellis needs to start. 0:)


    7.5 sacks in 21 games, 1 sack in 5 games this year. The numbers speak for themselves.

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