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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. EVERYTIME I have been at The Ralph for a Jets game, whenever we hear the J-E-T-S chant started, our entire section (311) shouts Suckssuckssucks! when they start cheering jetsjetsjets


    we outnumber the bums


    I hate that chant. When I heard the "S-U-C-K, SUCK, SUCK, SUCK" chant on Shredd & Ragan, I was laughing my azz off.

  2. In the short term, I'd say this is VERY good for Buffalo. Indy plays NE at home this week and should now have even more motivation to win.


    Long term, it's largely irrelevant. Too many variables between now and week 17. Tenny has a 4 game lead in their division with 9 games left, so they will probably win their division. I expect Indy to be fighting for a wild card spot as they get healthier. Buffalo, of course, needs to take care of their own games first. I could see us winning the division, and I could see us just as easily missing the playoffs. Take a look:


    1. Tenn: 7-0

    2. Pitt: 5-2

    3. NE: 5-2

    4. Denver: 4-3

    5. Buff: 5-2

    6. Balt: 4-3




    7. NYJ: 4-3

    8-16. AFC teams with 4 or more losses


    Things are obviously pretty tight right now...


    Hopefully, we win this weekend and the Colts beat the Pats, then we're back in 1st place.

  3. Trent picked a piss poor time to take his first major dump as QB. Its gonna happen, and it will happen in the future. Unfortunately, it came on the road against a divisional opponent in the second half with a 9 point lead.


    Of course, the defense didn't help a bit (anyone wanna cover ginn?), and the OL has been just plain bad. Also, is it too much to ask to take a shot or 2 down the field?


    I agree. I was hoping we'd pick up a veteran #2 WR in the off-season to help take some pressure off Evans until Hardy develops. Losing Reed hurt us in the 2nd half.

  4. My random thoughts...


    Can anyone give an answer as to why Fred Jackson was given the ball 3 consecutive times inside the 10 on the opening drive? Why didn't they give Lynch a shot? Why didn't they attempt 1 pass in the 3 downs?


    I read the players didn't feel like they were prepared enough, that goes on the coaches. A huge blame on this loss should be on all the coaches fault. McKelvin should've been playing instead of McGee. Going 3 consecutive runs within the 10 was stupid. Having Edwards throw 3 times while he was in our endzone was very stupid, which led to a safety against us. The prevent defense didn't prevent much from happening today.


    Penalties hurt big time. I think it was Dockery (or one of the O-Linemen) that got a holding penalty which wiped out a huge run by Edwards.


    We need 1 or 2 legimate pass-rushers in the off-season.


    I think this is Kellen Winslow's last year under contract with the Browns, the Bills should look into him & cut Royal in the offseason.


    Best play of the game, Lynch making 6 defenders miss him on a 8 yard TD run.


    I hope this is another wake-up call and the coaches & team and gets their collective heads out of their butts and play better football over the next 2 weeks.

  5. Trent played his worst game of the season. But even in his worst game he still managed to throw for 227 yards. How many times did we see Losman throw under 150 yards and also under 100 yards in a game...quite a lot!


    The INT wasn't his fault, but the fumbles and part of his fault on the safety. The other faults on the safety on Jason Peters and the play calling.


    The play calling was horrendous today. Can anyone tell me why Fred Jackson got the ball 3 consecutive times in the red zone? One, that's a huge slap in the face to Marshawn Lynch. Second, try a friggin' pass.

  6. I also post on realfootball365.com and had a bunch of people tell me I was nuts to think we could go 11-5 and that I should see a shrink.


    Now that we've played 6 games and Brady is no longer playing this year, I think we could finish anywhere from 12-4 to 14-2.

  7. What's up Buffadorks? Enjoying the snow?


    Just wanted to drop in and say that you crazily deluded fans are in for a BIG letdown this Sunday. The Dolphins do not lose on their home turf, nobody comes into our house and beats us, especially the worst team probably in the NFL's history.


    It's really funny how everybody here is acting like they just won the lottery cuz of a 5-1 start. Just pathetic. But when you have 0 superbowls, gotta take success where you can get it huh?


    I know you're going to reply about the Dolphins 2-4 record but anybody who REALLY knows football (aka not you guys and not the "experts") knows that the Fins are one of a very few favorites to win the Superbowl this year.


    But I'll lay off now, I know how bad it must suck to live in Buffalo, bad weather, two awful teams who have never won anything.


    Can't wait for Sunday.


    The only reason this guy is happy is because last year on the CBS pre-game show, Dan Marino said he guarantees the dolphins will double their win total from 2007 in 2008.

  8. It would have been great if the Broncos beat the Pats, giving us a 2 game lead in the AFC East. Instead, they get their butts kicked big time on national tv.


    This year has really been "Any given Sunday". The Titans appear to be the only dominant team in the NFL, but I still think they are beatable. Now that the Broncos lost, I think we could beat every team left on our regular schedule. I'm not saying we're gonna go 15-1, but I feel we could beat the other teams we have to face this year.

  9. I forgot to add, a foot injury for a pass rushing DE is a big deal. Watch their feet, lots of pressure on plants and spins. If you dont have the pop in that leg you are going to have a hard time getting passed that O-lineman. He is a finesse rusher and that foot injury I suspect is slowing him down. Its a really hard position to play when anything on your legs isnt 100% since you need speed and leverage, both of which are hampered by foot or leg injuries.


    You're right. I think they should sit out Schobel until his foot is 100%, otherwise he will continue to be ineffective and hurt our chances on defense.

  10. Reed did screw up. He got up, noticed the ref's call, grimaced and got in the refs face. I don't remember a ball being thrown, I just thought he accosted the ref. I remember that call and thinking, "WTF are you thinking Andre." But we were driving, and I had no doubt in my mind that Flutie was going to win that game for us, one of his bootleg scrambles or something. Then armstrong came crashing in. I remember that play...it was like it was in slow motion...sitting there screaming at the TV - "NO Dougie, throw it away, get rid of it, git rid of it, AWWW Sh*T!" as he was crushed and fumbled the ball away, along with our playoff hopes. God that was so long ago, but that play still sends a chill down my spine every time somebody brings it up.


    You're right, he got up in the ref's face & was arguing that it was a TD. The ref turned his back to get ready for the next play and Reed threw the ball at the ref's back, causing the unsportsman like penalty. I saw the replay of the game this year on the NFL network.

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