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Jerry Jabber

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Posts posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Vick and the Wildcat: He can run for 100 in his sleep, so can Marshawn..who then needs receivers or a TE since it is painfully obvious the Buffalo Bills front office will NEVER fully address that issue anyway?


    Sign me up for the Vick bandwagon


    Another F@!king Vick thread. Give me a break already! There's no way in hell Vick comes to Buffalo. I even doubt Roger Goodell will reinstate him when his jail time is up. Vick has all the physical tools, but is a piece of sh@t just like Travis Henry.

  2. Lets hope he grows. Watching that guy play he always gets pushed around, watching him warm up with the other DL's, it looks like the Bills pulled some guy out of the stands to play ball. I think he's a very small DE. I dont think he will be any better then backup and thats being to honest.


    So far, I have to agree. We can only hope he bulks up and gets better, otherwise he will need to go as well. I'd give him 1 more year, if he doesn't get any better, cut him.

  3. If your offensive game plan falls apart and your QB curls up in a ball muttering gibberish because JOSH REED got injured, you need a new freaking offense.


    That's my point. It's just not a coincedence. Once Reed went down our offense (especially our QB) has not been the same. The Bills have no #2 receiver. I wouldn't even consider Reed a legit #2 WR. I blame the Bills FO for not getting a veteran WR in the offseason.

  4. Since Josh Reed went down with an injury, our offense and especially Trent Edwards has not been the same. Lee Evans has not been able to get open. Our other WR's have not been able to step up and fill the void. And Trent Edwards doesn't have a reliable WR to consistently throw it to. Trent seems shell shocked out there and has taken several steps back since Reed has been down.


    Anyone have any updates on Reed's injury status?

  5. I'm wondering if we go 7-9 for a 3rd year in a row, does Dick keep his job?


    Did Steve Fairchild start possessing the body of Turk Schonert?


    Did Losman start possessing the body of Edwards?


    Josh Reed goes out with an injury and our whole offense goes down the tubes?!


    I think Bruce Smith at his age now could get more pressure on the QB than the clowns we have at DE.

  6. I'd like to help you out BB, but.. my Dad is 75 and called to B word after the game yesterday -how it ruined a great day at the sports bar they were at in Florida. I'm 53 and I was in bed at 7:30 last night, not wanting to do a GD thing.. (it didn't help that it was pitch black outside..)


    No, my brother Bills fan, it not only doesn't get easier, it hurts worse.


    Best wishes!!


    I agree, I was miserable all night long after the game & today as well. :wallbash:

  7. "Quite"- (from the dictionary)

    1 : wholly , completely <not quite finished>

    2 : to an extreme : positively <quite sure> —often used as an intensifier with a<quite a swell guy><quite a beauty>

    3 : to a considerable extent : rather <quite near>


    So, we can't be quite sure?!


    (It's QUIT- no "e")

  8. Saw that too..... Also thought he made it on 4th down. In any case the third down play is what bothered me the most as Edwards threw the ball away for no reason, when he was almost at the line of scrimmage and easily could have picked up the first down. He threw the ball away.... It was not an attempted completion.


    I was P.O.'d that Jauron didn't challenge the spot on that play, but he made a idiotic challenge a couple plays later where the Jets TE clearly had his arm under the ball. The announcers even thought we got a bad spot on the ball.

  9. Agree with Sage on Stroud. He's needs another guy next to him besides Williams though and we probably need TWO more DE's. Jenkins was regarded hands down the best DT in the game before his knees started blowing out and now healthy again I'd say he's now the best nose tackle in the NFL. GD Jets :rolleyes:


    I agree, we need 2 DE's. If the DE position does not get addressed in the offseason, we will continue to have a lack of QB pressure next year.

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