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Jerry Jabber

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Everything posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Tre White already having a great game.
  2. Josh is a little off with his passes so far
  3. Glad I was able to buy tickets for the Bills/Patriots playoff game last year. No luck this year.
  4. Everything for the AFCCG is resale and the prices have skyrocketed
  5. Sullivan is a clown and has been a cancer in the Buffalo media for years. He needs to crawl in a hole and go away for good.
  6. When it did finally come on, callers were whining saying acting like the Bills lost, they lacked killer instinct and were scared of the Jets 😂🤣
  7. I asked Sal C. on WGR550 if there’s any possibility Hyde could come back this year and Sal didn’t think it was possible. Sal thinks 2023 is more realistic.
  8. Hopefully Von’s mentoring continues to help the young DE’s on the team.
  9. Almost every bug imaginable, fire ants, black widow spiders, alligators, unbearable heat/humidity, tropical storms/hurricanes, lots of homeless people…no thanks!
  10. Defense starting to look like their old selves. Just have to do some clean up on offense, otherwise, great game. Love the three game win streak at Gilette Stadium!
  11. Amazon feed is way behind the live feex
  12. IMO, kicking it in the end zone was a mistake, it should have been kicked short of the endzone. Also, rushing four against Mahomes was a huge mistake, maybe 2 or 3 rushers at the most. Kelce and Hill should have been double covered. IMO, it was a coaching failure.
  13. All good points! Just tired of so many announcers continually bringing up 13 seconds throughout the broadcast. A few weeks ago it was Collinsworth, this week it was Romo. It’s similar to seeing Wide Right and Homerun throwback.
  14. Got sick of hearing him mention 13 seconds
  15. Trent Edwards
  16. Here’s a new drinking game for Bills fans, everytime an announcer says “13 seconds” during a game, you have to take a drink. After today’s game, especially with Romo announcing, anyone that played the 13 seconds drinking game would have gotten hammered! How many times are we gonna hear “13 seconds” from announcers?! STFU already!!
  17. Not pretty, but a win is a win. Bills had a ton to deal with, between injuries and flying into Detroit twice in four days and still pulled out a win. Happy Thanksgiving!
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