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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I was going to click on the link and read the story, but I figured since the vote was 397 - 0 the issue must have been agreeing on the day of the week.
  2. Lately I've been thinking about the course of action RW is following: He apparently will own the team until he passes away. At that point things will change: If RW has a plan in place, it may or may not be followed given the way things work in the settling of estates. It seems to me that if RW truly has the passion for the Bills he proclaims, he would want to preside over the determination of the fate of the team NOW, so that his wishes were carried out and he could respond to decisions needed as the change of ownership occurred. Curiouser and curiouser....
  3. If patience, wait and see, is the official comment, I suggest that fans exercise their patience by leaving their wallets closed until they actually see the product they're buying. However, we all know that the true message is more like keep buying tickets and Bills items, but don't expect to get much in return--not the mantra of a successful company.
  4. I don't believe Nix. I think he's being honest with his general comments, but I don't believe the things he says will actually/can actually happen. Only the boss can bring about fundamental change, and he ain't that person.
  5. I'd love to see a discussion of reducing the tax on the annual mandatory withdrawal amount from 401's for taxpayers over 70 1/2. (There'll be a YouTube instructional video for those of you under forty.)
  6. "Playoffs" used within seventy-five feet of a post about the Bills.
  7. "All the talk about raising taxes and not a word about increasing GDP. Even the combatants in the negotiations can't see the real prize, an economy that grows." keepthefaith Actually, the real prize seems to be determining once and for all who can piss farther--dem's or rep's (Lower case until they each grow up!).
  8. A pox on your house for insinuating that this shabby wreck of a team should even approach the playoffs! Lick wounds, slink into off-season, try again with new ownership.
  9. My holdings are long term; I recovered nicely from 2008, so I'll just ride along as is over the cliff. POTUS is just stylin' right now, and he will not blink right away. He has no regard for those outside his immediate circle of advisors.
  10. "No, seriously, he's right behind me; his Secret Service guy will pay my tab."
  11. We could consider changing the title of this post to, "Trolling for Has-Beens."
  12. I was a Sup't of Schools in WNY for nine years prior to retirement; not surprised at the funding problems. There is no way to deliver the state mandates and the community expectations ranging from academics through sports and special education programming on "yesterday's" revenue sources--property tax levy and state aid.
  13. Do you really take the measure of a man by his twitter feed...really?
  14. Maybe they could ask players to bring in plastic garbage bags filled with newspapers from home.
  15. It seems to me that the problem is in trying to peg a person/party/issue as the problem. Let's get away from the affixing of blame and get on the high road to fixing what needs to be fixed--(apologies for introducing a new concept). He said-she said is plenty tiring.
  16. The Bills coaching staff and administrators are like Republicans--white haired old white men whom the world has passed by, but they don't realize it yet. They may have an inkling that something has to change to regain some sort of prominence, but for them change means reconfiguring the parking lots, adding more luxury seats, rearranging the Titanic deck chairs, etc. We need some spiked hair, ear-bud-wearing, thirty-something who wants to use the Bills as a stepping stone to some sort of NFL prominence--kick some a$$, take some names, etc. Not a Tiffin....
  17. I've about had it with the current pi$$ing contest between republicans and democrats (neither deserve capital letters). While I may be an old duffer, I still haven't heard of a reasonable course of action out there to address our upcoming fiscal debacle (made by the DC crew themselves a year ago), nor have I heard of a set of negotiating points upon which to base negotiations that don't include the gotcha concept. We elected these fools, we finance their play in the sand box that is our nation's capitol, and, finally, we keep sending them back term after term to do the same non-productive things! If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. Seriously, Louise Slaughter, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid have our backs in this time of near fiscal meltdown? John Boehner, Lindsay Graham, et. al. are our friends? Any legal, non-criminal remedies come to mind?
  18. Republicans should lay out a reasoned position w/ a little wiggle room, send it up to the President, then stand back and pressure him to lead the government. IF Republicans think they can make an agreement w/o raising some taxes, don't even bother with planning--just cave now and take the well-deserved licks soon to come.
  19. The road to the playoffs: Turn left at Erie.
  20. I get it; this is one of those posts where the first word in the title is interchangable with any of the teams in the NFL. I'm with Quester74 as I believe we have to stop enabling the front office by paying, attending, watching a vastly inferior on-field product. (Can you even imagine the situation in the parking lots before and after the game?)
  21. While I wish RW all the best of health, I also implore him to sell the team--right now. If he truly cares about the team, why not play the major role in transferring ownership to the "next generation" owner? Take charge now, don't let forces RW can't foresee make decisions he would never accept. Ralph, get on the stick, sell the team already!
  22. And maybe we should stop trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear....
  23. No thanks. I made a vow not to enable crippling behaviors, and the Bills, from top to bottom, are most assuredly exhibiting crippling behaviors.
  24. Butts in the seats don't make no never mind! The Bills receive guaranteed $ from TV, the league and, for all I know, from Obama since he appears to be funding everything else. Interestingly, NFL teams are companies that don't rely on their most visible customers, in-the-seats fans, for their primary revenue.
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