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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Bigfatbillsfan proposes if we want to see nothing get done in Congress, make Paul Ryan Speaker. I propose that nothing will get with, or without, a Speaker because there is no compelling will to do the people's business as long as there is an opposition party to humiliate.
  2. Step back. take a moment and look at the season the Bills have had. Think about the mistakes, misplays, penalties, excuses, errors in play calling, mismanagement of game clock, etc. Now, can you imagine anybody desperate enough to willingly enlist with this organization?
  3. Merry Christmas and a warm welcome home! Thank you for all the sacrifices you've made for all of back here in CONUS.
  4. Chicken Little just called, the sky is falling.
  5. I'm thinkin' there are proportionately as many wing nuts and mental defectives inside the NRA as there are outside the organization.
  6. Maybe the lesson is that groups of like students grow together when shown reasonable rules, support for their needs and rewards for their successes. For example, when I was a high school principal I had occasion to assign certain students to a small highly structured program outside of our school. Often, the students began to succeed nicely. Then the principal of the program would call me and tell me that the student was ready to return to the regular program. I always refused to permit the student to return--for this reason: We had finally found a program where the student was succeeding, why throw him/her back into the environment where he/she had failed?
  7. Great story! I've always said that the key to being an excellent teacher is to love kids, rather than mastering books of subject matter. Excel at the former and the latter will take care of itself.
  8. instead he appoints Joe Biden to head the effort.
  9. Jim Kelly as savior of the Bills? I hope he has better luck and better business sense than he had in the restaurant business....
  10. If OBD continues the current football personnel they send a message that almost, just missed, and we know what we have to do are valid responses to poor results year after year. Not good enough in my opinion. Replace those who do not produce positive results, concentrate on building a winning atmosphere, give incoming staff three years to produce...or else; tell them that up front--fear is a hell of a motivator. Mediocrity isn't an acceptable benchmark. Maybe our politicians are ineffective because we continue to send the incumbents back to Congress, to do the same thing they did during their last term, with the same results--or, in this case, non-results. Coaches, elected officials--same deal: Produce or get out of the way for someone who can produce the desired results. DEMAND IT!
  11. Rex isn't a leader, he's a blow hard--all hat, no cattle. We need a young gun on the way up who will stay three to five years, turn this team around, then go off to a real NFL HC job.
  12. If the "top" people remain in place, it appears to me that the message to the players is that mediocrity is the new standard. Clean house, get new people, charge them with specific objectives; if they don't deliver on their objectives, get a new set of people in their places. Lead by actions: The only acceptable outcome is winning. Of course, that presumes that winning IS the objective at OBD....
  13. Fans can arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic that is the Buffalo Bills forever, but NOTHING WILL CHANGE until the owner (current or new) demands that it change. The current owner has not issued that demand, nor does it seem even remotely likely he will do so. Why a person, who professes such love for a team and town, would leave the disposition of that team (and the heart of the town) to some post-mortem activities is beyond me. Wouldn't most owners of $800,000,000+ entities seek an orderly and knowable transfer of ownership? While the football activities continue to blow my mind, the business (or in this case, the non-business) activities are simply astounding. Is there a grand plan that will be revealed upon the current owner's demise, an "Oh, so that's what he meant all along" moment; it sure doesn't seem to be the case. So, suffer ye fans of the Buffalo Bills, but don't waste your hard-earned money on the team until some action by the ownership tells you that you are respected and valued consumers of the product.
  14. All too sadly we all know some of these people; maybe not people ready to pull a trigger, but people engaged in lead-up behaviors such as violence toward animals. Throughout the past, many do-gooders have just dreamed up a new label to differentiate the person from the group as a whole. We label, then discuss, but rarely do anything like notify a responsible person -- a parent, school official, community authority, etc. Then, when "it" happens, we're shocked, outraged and comment that, in hindsight, we saw it coming. It could be that we need to re-examine the line between individual rights and the rights of the group--given the changing world where news of violent acts is broadcast worldwide and serves, for some, as precipitating events for their own violent outbursts.
  15. A good way to see today's game is with a bag over your head.
  16. If the Bills make the playoffs before 2015, I'll have a breakdown.
  17. That little known classic, "Too Drunk to %^#&."
  18. What happens if Fitz is voted to the pro bowl? Next, all the king's horses and all the king's men are successful in putting Humpty Dumpty back together again....
  19. My deepest fear is that Ms Gordon really doesn't know why she is in the predicament she finds herself in today. Damn that George Bush!
  20. Would I rather be a cardinals fan...? That summons up the medieval concept of the "sin eater." It seems that there was a tradition in some eastern European cities of an old crone who wandered the village and ate/assumed the sins of the other villagers. In that vein, Bills fans are much like sin eaters; we've had so much practice absorbing bad things from our team, we'll easily assume the sin-eating function for other losing teams--Cardinals?, bring 'em on!
  21. It's tough to read points of view other than those espoused by homers, especially on a homer website. On the other hand, a dose of reality often causes a second look at events that once seemed so cut and dried. I admire Sully for callin' 'em as he sees 'em. Don't like what he writes, don't read it; it's just that simple. TBD is partisan, was intended to be partisan and will continue to be partisan, nevertheless, it's kind of OK to give voice to other points of view.
  22. I agree. Printing $ is always a good thing; I'm considering printing some tonight. Of course, when unemployment falls below [fill in the blank], I'll stop printing $. Let's see, I'm 72 now .....
  23. Please, I'm beggin' ya' to stop even thinking about a wildcard berth even being a glimmer in your eye. Think--toast, chewed up and spit out, long gone, collect the equipment! If we fans are extremely lucky, the Bills will be under new ownership before training camp, 2013.
  24. I don't think losing is genetic in nature, but I do think that a team has to learn how to win---and the Bills have yet to do that. Whether it is finding the most Easter eggs, finishing first in a running race or winning football games, I believe that the team has to be taught to win. I don't believe that the Bills have figured this out yet. While there may not be classes offered to learn about winning, the organization can surround the team with the concept of winning, e.g., refusing to make excuses for losing and stressing winning by doing the things winners do. Hiring employees is an art, not a science. When a hiree doesn't exhibit the qualities the organization seeks, re-training is needed; if the individual still doesn't accomplish the objectives, the organization must replace the individual. Hiring someone who turns out to be the "wrong" person isn't a mistake; keeping that person in the organization after determining that he/she doesn't fit IS a mistake--a mistake that can poison the atmosphere of the organization. Continuing the employment of the wrong person is a long-term nagging problem. It is much preferred to fire the person, and possibly suffer a short-term, high profile issue, than continue a non-productive employee. So, fire the head coach, do it now, today.
  25. How 'bout some thoughts for picking up Ron Andrea?
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