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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Incisive response, 3rdining! Unless, of course, you're just poking fun....
  2. Why would the governor, or the electorate in the case of a special election, put Barney Frank in the Senate? Did his reasons for retirement from the H of R suddenly evaporate?
  3. The best job to take is one where the place is in shambles; that way everything you do is looked upon as an improvement. Also, best to follow a bumbler in a position for same reason.
  4. Please stop with the Doug Marone nonsense! Haven't we experienced enough non-entities already in the last decade?
  5. Marone had an OK year at SU, Donny Melchior had an outstanding year coaching the Pop Warner Bandits in Teaneck, NJ, too. Let's get ol' Don in for an interview!
  6. I agree w/ atlbillsfan; we're being dazzled by the fluff--clean house, hire good people, get on with building a winner.
  7. Doug Marone...seriously? I'm out of town right now, but I'll be back in ten days; maybe I'll call OBD and set something up for an interview, too.
  8. With apologies to Rob's House, I would ammend his comment to read, "Have we EVER...."
  9. Rather than sift through another team's ashes, let's put together a search plan and go after an actual/potential head coach, hold his feet to the fire in contract language regarding expectations/objectives over a specified time period, then give him the tools to do the job. Maybe that means an interim coach for now and some hard work digging out a real potential head coach. If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
  10. I think it's a corollary of the Peter Principle of management in that the Bills seem to always assist individuals rise to their level of incompetence
  11. Another Bush-era activity that seemed to survive as BO figured out the reality of being POTUS.
  12. It certainly doesn't involve on-field performance!
  13. If they are both retained it brings up the question of just what is the product the company (Buffalo Bills) makes? If the owner and his managers see the product as "games," then the company is successful since they produce sixteen + games a year and make loads of $ doing it. If the product is wins, playoffs, and championships, the company is a woeful failure. I believe that there is a fundamental disconnect between the company and the fans--the company produces successful games (makes $), but the fans believe the company is seeking to produce wins, and that ain't happening because the company won't endanger the bottom line by bringing in the people needed to make games that they win. Again, if the top guys stay or go, it makes no nevermind until the ownership, and thus the fundamental objectives, change.
  14. Involve their parents, police next if necessary...do whatever to make the person(s) responsible BE responsible. If you don't follow up on the little stuff, it could become big stuff really quickly.
  15. Call the police. Who knows how they will react if you confront the kids....
  16. Can any meeting, to resolve anything, really be serious if Joe Biden is involved? Picture being in a room with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell; they couldn't agree on the day of the week let alone something of substance.
  17. Joe F is renewing his season tickets based on the stadium lease renewal (see above...somewhere....). That rationale arabesque simply escapes me. Joe, do you just want to sit in the stadium and know you may be able to return for the next several years? You do know the Shuffalo Bills may be playing there, don't you? And you're paying $ for that....?
  18. For me, the jury is out on the whole God/religion thing. For example, I keep praying Harry Reid will just go quietly into the good night, but so far....
  19. Full speed for sixty minutes, any other way is insulting to themselves, the fans and the organization. A lot of things I don't like about the 2012 season, and taking a dive won't cure any of them.
  20. Put your wallet in the bag, put the bag in the trunk of your car and stay the hell home. Only empty seats, no business at the concession stands, and empty parking lots will send a true message to whomever might admit responsibility for the sorry state of the Bills, 2012.
  21. Crap, I thought this was another Hil'ry thread....
  22. If yesterday is a predictor of tomorrow, Kelly's restaurant venture in Buffalo didn't turn out so well and a lot of people got stiffed....
  23. Let's give some thought to a type of bounty payment for wing nuts: If you are unhinged and considering some sort of statement shooting, kill yourself first. Then, once confirmed, the state will make payments to whomever you designated in your "final testament." This is the kind of thinking all these shootings have brought me to.... Human life is no longer sacred, it's become a quantifier of the degree of horror one seeks to splatter on his/her fellow citizens.
  24. Merry Christmas to y'all.
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