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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I'm going to wait and see the movie....
  2. Musberger and Vitale....IF they will be sent to their new namesakes!
  3. Most of us never thought you were like "most of us"
  4. Great idea! Let's hop on that has-been train one more time. The Bills have been so successful in the past; we can certainly afford another reclamation project.
  5. There appears to be a number of parallels between being a landlord and being a prostitute--probably too many to list here, but in the end both deal with questionable characters and eventually get screwed.
  6. So her husband can be a fathead, arrogant, and/or partisan, but she can't be a fat butt? Don't seem rightly fair to me. Seems almost sexist....
  7. I wouldn't touch that...wait a minute....maybe....
  8. As soon as we reach consensus, let's call the Commissioner and ask for a mulligan.
  9. A Super Bowl held in cold climes runs the risk of having actual football fans in attendance. Wherever will the celebs go that weekend?
  10. Don't you guys know "How it's Made" is on?
  11. How do we know in our heart of hearts that the Iranians are showing us the right monkey? What if the true space traveler is indisposed and we've been offered a glimpse of a stand-in monkey. Well, there is a way to make a final determination: Send a delegation to Iran to open talks focused on the monkey business. I propose the group include Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Joe Biden. This mission may be a step or two above the subject matter of their usual activities, but I have faith (no pun intended, Al and Jesse) that they will get to the bottom of this matter. While they are in Iran, they may get a look at that new radar-evading jet developed merely to deliver groceries....
  12. Joe Biden should be collecting tickets at a third-rate theater off Times Square because he's a major embarrassment anywhere else.
  13. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/02/us-iran-nuclear-idUSBRE91107720130202 Are there no laundromats opening that need a ribbon cutter? Would Obama even consider letting Joe Biden out of his sight in a matter potentially as serious as this one?
  14. Al Gore is a patronizing, arrogant buffoon. Even Tipper finally woke up. Thank God for hanging chads....
  15. a lot of hat and too many cattle.
  16. Ya gotta stop thinking about the Bills as a product that needs to win to succeed; not the case, as demonstrated by profit/loss sheets. The Bills simply need to "be" to make $; on field results are not a first tier criteria for success.
  17. Yikes! Some of the things that are posted above just scare me; is football really in the same zip code as assault, perjury, obstruction of justice to the extent that the latter are overlooked because one is good at the former?
  18. Of course, a large segment of US citizens couid make the case that Obama has already fired on them....
  19. So, you got your Sarah over here; you got your Hill'ry over there...at least the former knows enough to comb her hair. To be fair, the latter was extremely busy resolving international affairs, taming knotty disputes and logging miles in search of world peace. As Jerry Lee Lewis would say, "Breathless...a"
  20. But if their wages aren't increased, how ever will they pay their cable bill? Oh, that's right, I pay it for them when I pay their medical bills....
  21. Rearranging the title of this thread: The GOP slaps the B word Hill'ry.
  22. A pathetic excuse for what should be a respected position of power in the US government. She is an artful dodger if nothing else, capable of wielding all the usual political tactics from "outrage" to tears. She won't be the next President because we aren't that stupid; after all, we didn't re-elect Obama did we....Oh, wait a minute....
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