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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The lady that lives just across the field in the two-story....
  2. I like dogs. Dog people, occasionally, not so much.
  3. The book's premise is simply not true. Clinton is/was a Democrat. Democrats do not create problems. Ergo all aspersions casting shadows over the Clinton administration are faulty. (Damn that George Bush.) Nuf said....
  4. I agree. The amount begins to fade into the woodwork considering the overall context of money spent along the continuum from ridiculous to "they did what?" Still, it provides a topic to bat across the net several times, always hoping the guy in the other court screws it up.
  5. forge a resolution to sequestration. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57570574/obama-reaches-out-to-boehner-mcconnell-on-sequester/ POTUS must be feeling the sweat on the back of his neck because he's using a new tactic: Talking to actual legislators he needs to work with to forge a resolution to the problem; admittedly, not as much fun as name-calling and fist-pumping, but who knows?
  6. Yes, it was a super idea...based on POTUS' astute judgement that Congress would resolve the problem prior to the sequestration impact coming home to roost. Every great leader has the pulse of his cohorts carefully gauged..Oh wait, maybe POTUS isn't a.... Nah, can't be.....
  7. Having some idea what is just beyond the hole at one end of a shotgun isn't a cry for expertise in weaponry, you idiot. Step back take a breath...now, admit it, Joey B says some mega-stupid things, and all too often. In fact, the points should be that one never takes up a weapon w/o some training, experience and a modicum of skill.
  8. So I'm thinkin', with things looking pretty good, now is the time to fine tune some of the entitlement programs--snip some here, change some there, decrease this budget, increase that one. Just might not need to raise revenues through tax rate changes; let the "pretty good" that's happening right now feed more revenues into the federal coffers automatically, eh?
  9. Actually, there's just a bit more to Joey's comment than "buy a shotgun." He also said something to the effect of aim it outdoors and shoot it twice. Might just be a a microcosm of the whole Joey B existence: Grab an issue, say something about it, leave the worst impression possible just hanging there. Do you really support aiming it outdoors and shooting twice? Some of us would sneak a glimpse of just what the %&*^ might be out there in the field of fire!
  10. My son lives in Santa Barbara, CA and he is pictured in his driveway working on his Jeep when one looks up his address on Google Maps. (Frankly, he looks like a banger boosting hub caps, but that's not Google's fault....) He recalls the mapping car going by his house.
  11. I'm thinkin' your hand gun instructor must be a schlub if you compare him to Joe Biden. Would you really want to see either a hand gun or a shot gun in Joey's hands? What B-Man said...
  12. Barack and Johnny are standing out behind the White House. Barack says, "You know, I can piss farther than you can." Johnny replies, "Unh uh, I can piss farther than you can." The result of this exchange is that we're all about to get pissed on.... http://www.foxnews.c...-crisis-fix-it/
  13. My problem w/ Joe Biden is that he tends to respond to serious situations much like Jimmy Griffin did in Buffalo during the Great Blizzard--the famous just-grab-a-six-pack-and-wait-it-out approach. Joe Biden is the master of pandering to the "unwashed" with his homey line of bull**** based on his career as one of the all time great hangers-on.
  14. Joe Biden is genetically incapable of keeping his mouth shut. His latest utterance, from the clown car we call the current administration, hypes shotguns as the weapon of choice for home defense. What a total a$$. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/02/20/Biden-Buy-a-shotgun-if-you-want-safety/UPI-35731361349000/
  15. So, a number of months ago POTUS engineers a resolution to the fiscal crisis de jure by devising a sequester scheme that "guaranted" Congress would come together to resolve the fiscal difficulties prior to the sequester impacts taking effect (AKA kicking the can down the road). Now, with the deadline fast approaching (and with Tiger Woods busy this week), POTUS game-faces comments laying the problem squarely at the door of those dastardly Republicans--who, by the way, created this mess in the first place [insert raised eyebrow and chuckle here]. Now to the questions of the hour: 1. Is POTUS really this arrogant? 2. Are the American people really this gullible? 3. Will Harry and Nancy support POTUS with a straight face? 4. Is it true that press access was restricted during the weekend's golf game because neither Obama nor Woods were wearing pants? OK, talk among yourselves....
  16. So is this the title of your next post?
  17. Ooops, sorry, I thought this post was about Obama's activities since re-election in November....
  18. 5 - 11 and that is optimistic. Too many changes to think there will be a significant shift from the past three years records. 2014 - 15 just may be our opportunity.
  19. Drafting, like hiring in general, is an art, not a science. Given that, a player (employee) only counts as a "mistake" if the team (employer) determines the player doesn't fit, then DOESN'T dismiss the player (employee). You really have to consider the first six months (season) as part of the interview process; if all goes as expected, great; if not, dismiss the player (employee) and search once more. Point being the draft process isn't the problem, the team's selection/retention processes are the problem.
  20. Inflation, erection, it's all the same: Something increases and someone gets screwed.
  21. So somewhere north of 26,000 haircuts for the fellas and gals comes out to just south of $200 per snip session for the elected Senators alone. Of course, there are other factors to consider, and simply multiplying by this much and dividing by that much is always dangerous, so suffice to say close the Senate Barber Shop and let the Senators get their trims when they're back in their districts. Who knows, they might actually learn something sitting in a real barbershop? Plus it would be exciting for constituents to see a Senator actually pay for a service received!
  22. In related news, I'm going to buy a new car, a bigger boat, rehab my cottage and invest significantly in the stock market...and it won't cost me one thin dime.
  23. Pelosi is kind of a dog...but this from a "moron" who thinks there are points of view other than Dear Leader Barack.
  24. If you guys don't stop talking about Hill'ry running for President, I'll need even more insurance than I pay for at present!
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