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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Once again the little head out maneuvers the big head....
  2. Here's an easy-to-understand, concise, knowledgable daily commentary on national and international economic matters. Food for thought. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=pzslzbdab&v=0011Epg2wSvN86_PqxQ4zxH8muFxgH0JqBbYS4LhXtD8xclUKhuAdruosWlXL2qUu5z-zv1Ia4CM_2E_eSd5n8wm0_JIiwVjzd032CsWPjqarF8PZf0K7DZZiVNraO9RidF
  3. Here's a concept foreign to our government, but commonplace in the private sector--planning! http://www.bloomberg.com/video/companies-have-budgeted-for-sequestration-sorrell-xX6pG4mSTCGnLFD3q13CFg.html?cmpid=otbrn.video Imagine that; a company leader gathered information about the coming sequestration imbroglio then made plans to weather the storm if it actually hit. Strikingly novel idea, what? There is a rumor going 'round that planning is actually a component of leadership...you know, that elusive tactic exercised by successful companies and even some individuals.
  4. Thank you, Dear Leader, for guiding us through the rocks and shoals of economic peaks and valleys...NOT. It's amazing what is accomplished when the ship is relatively rudderless; imagine what could be possible if POTUS actually gave a damn about the welfare of ALL of us.
  5. This just in: No tours of the Whiter House due to sequestration driven budget cuts. In a related report, POTUS will no longer take Marine 1 to travel to Joint Base Andrews; he'll hail a cab, or ride a bicycle
  6. Rodman's homey threatens to cancel the cease fire if there are additional sanctions placed upon DPRK. http://www.cbsnews.c...ilitary-drills/ Ever notice that the true wing nuts of the world hold so many countries hostage? (In this instance, and in this instance only, I'm excluding the current POTUS from wing nut status.)
  7. I was going to attend, but I missed my flight due to the impact of sequestration on the TSA at the airport....
  8. Krugman may be subscribing to the Adam Smith corollary, "In the long run we'll all be dead."
  9. Or maybe Egyptians are Democrats, subscribe to entitlement programs, 99%'ers, and generally show up for POTUS rallies....
  10. Don't be dissin' on the neighbors to the north, eh. After all, they provide most of the programming for the home improvement shows on HGTV. Neither air show programming changes, nor the threatened longer waits for airport security, nor decreases in mail service, etc., bother me in the face of the overall economic situation.
  11. How 'bout Meta World Jones?
  12. we have to release illegal immigrants from custody, furlough teachers in federal schools, revise contracts with vendors, lay off TSA agents, etc. So, maybe the definition of sequester is lots for them'ns, nada for us'ns? Are our foreign aid payments being cut by the draconian 2% comparable to the cuts in scheduled increases in domestic spending?
  13. Our elected officials have dissed, cursed, blamed, whined and pontificated their way through the last month...to no avail. It's time to take the wraps off the concept that seems to be most lacking to date--LEADERSHIP. Having said that, it is not the time to enter into a debate about who, or which political party, should wield this weighty weapon--you go first, no you go first, etc. The President of the United States was elected (we're constantly reminded by his administration) by a majority of the nation's voters. Therefore, the President has no choice but to take up the scepter and LEAD. Some tips, Mr. President, respectfully offered for consideration: 1. Call the congressional (until further notice, congress/congressional won't be capitalized) leaders to the White House, state the economic objective, put forth a plan, then broker a give and take until the objective is reached--nobody leaves the room until the deed is done. No press leaks, etc. Just STFU and get something done. 2. Call a joint session of congress, insure mega-media coverage, proceed as suggested above. 3. If, as demonstrated to date, you simply can't/won't lead the nation, quit (but be sure to take Joey B with you) and let someone else give it a try.
  14. I've checked all around outside the house and, to date, the sequester sky hasn't fallen. While I'm sure there will be some cuts that have significant impacts on some parts of the economy, I'm equally as sure that POTUS' doomsday scenario is just another of his phony pronouncements ex cathedra.
  15. Ah, the stimulation of observing a laser-focused, reason-based debate of issues of the day brings a tear to my eye. I know, I'll call my ophthalmologist as soon as I check the list of approved providers, get a referral from my primary care physician, and check with my insurance company's liaison (I think of her as my insurance concierge.) to see if the procedure is covered.
  16. It appears that certain White House staffers may soon suffer from the rather painful "Tit-in-a-Wringer" syndrome. Now Lanny Davis reports that his Editor at the Washington Times was advised by the "White House" to stop running Davis' columns or every WT reporter would lose their WH credentials. Sweet arrogance, thy name is Barack....
  17. Or scratch the word alcohol and write in oil, or write in prescription drugs, or write in....
  18. What Beerball said....
  19. Well, I guess she deserves at least as much attention as lame, excuse-ridden Dull Jr.
  20. Seeing blue Handicapped Parking hangers on rear view mirrors while the person is driving...thus creating a visual handicap by obscuring their view, and breaking the law by not removing them while driving (See the last six words at the bottom of every blue hanger!) Watching people use their turn signals to tell me "what they just did" rather than what they intend to do. Using the word "bring" instead of the word "take." For example, "I'll bring them to the store" when neither the speaker nor listener is at the store. Use the word TAKE for Christ sake! I've got to rest now....
  21. Good article on the give and take of sequestration; describes techniques that are readily transferable to all sorts of crises...unfortunately. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/22/opinion/brooks-the-dc-dubstep.html
  22. Many of the posts above speak either directly or indirectly to the concept of leadership. This just in: Only leaders exhibit leadership, and we ain't got one at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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