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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I think some of the above posters were spoon-fed their lines....
  2. Makes the case that every state legislature should have a horse blanket in one of those "break glass in an emergency" boxes!
  3. A manned mission in space is in the offing. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/04/16/first-manned-mars-mission-draws-flood-applicants/?intcmp=HPBucket I'd like to see Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi make the trip. Just imagine the wondrous things they'd develop given the time they could spend discussing the affairs of the world. Who would you pick as voyeurs (Ooops, make that voyagers)?
  4. Just one more person who gives credence to my motto, "You can't shine $h)t."
  5. So...a three way isn't just Cincinnati chili....?
  6. See above for many of the reasons I don't have a pet...well, except for my wife and then it appears I'm actually her pet as I'm required to do many of the things previously noted.
  7. Even the eel must think the guy's just an @$$hole.
  8. I find I'm unable to comment on this matter as I don't have a shirt on that has a collar.
  9. Or as a friend calls them, "....a samwidge."
  10. Because the "authorities" are fully engaged making sure that sequester impacts are ultra-visible rather than sensibly identified. Justice will have to wait just a bit longer....
  11. My point is that the same regime at OBD that has presided over the past decade's debacle is the administration that hired Marrone. My point is that the "change" didn't extend far enough in that the same owner and the same administrators are setting the parameters. If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. The Bills aren't like a team that went astray for a season, or two, or seven; the team has been losing since Christ was a midshipman for God sake. Coach Marrone's new attitude equates to a former coach's reveille air horn--more than likely too little, and more than likely too late--given the current ownership/management structure.
  12. Each thesis shall create its own antithesis and from that shall come the new thesis....
  13. I got those lonely sequestration blues. I cain't watch the Blue Angels, but I kin watch the concerts at the White House. I cain't take that tour of the White House, but I kin read about Joe Biden spending hellacious amounts of taxpayer moola on hotels, travel, etc. I cain't visit a number of contract worker-manned air traffic control towers, but I kin see some union member-manned towers. I'm thinkin' this song could go on and on and on.... I got those lonely sequestration blues.
  14. Let me be perfectly clear about this: The Bills haven't done anything on the field yet, haven't won a game, haven't dispelled any sense of impending doom...just haven't accomplished anything. The best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday; see the post above regarding W - L records over the past decade plus....
  15. Landowner disputes rank among the highest form of entertainment--to third party observers; but among the thorniest of issues to those directly impacted. It appears that the town's planning board dropped the ball in this case, they never should have issued permit approvals.
  16. The haircut deal is maybe a thirty minute issue. The teacher has to deal with it in a way so as to not permit disruption of the learners in the classroom. At most, the teacher may call his parents and discuss other students reaction to their child's coiffure and notify the principal to simply be alert to possibility of reactions of others. Thirty-five years in public education in positions ranging from high school teacher to Superintendent of Schools tells me this issue will only become as large as the teacher permits--ignore and it'll go away ASAP.
  17. I didn't succumb to the temptation, so I didn't see the pic's; however, Cute doggie pics is the ultimate oxymoron.
  18. Let me have an Amen...and that little Glock on the third shelf....
  19. Girl be's in the zone, homes.....no wa I'm sayin'?
  20. Confirming, once again, my belief he put the "A" in arrogance, the "S" in stilted, and the "S" in smarmy. Oh, wait, let's just use the resulting acronym!
  21. In the spirit of unity, I'll pledge to contribute 5% of my income to that annual income tax thingy.
  22. This would have been a great opportunity to blame one more thing on sequestration, add a chorus to the sequestration blues as it were; but no, someone had to blab the real reason for the slow down on Mars stuff. http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/04/04/mars-mission-april/2052199/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
  23. Depends on where, and how hard, you drop them.
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