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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Jesus (read Hay-sus), that's too bad.
  2. I'm thinkin' unbillevable might just be on to something there. I believe women work just as hard as men, and often harder; what I don't believe is that women are putting in the same amount of time on the job, or as unbillevable said, "...work as much." All too often, I see women leaving work for matters that could be handled by men, but typically aren't, e.g., child care issues, shopping. Not being critical here, just observing the passing parade in workplaces I've observed.
  3. On the other hand, it appears that occasionally the officials at ND do tend to use religion as a shield for actions that other universities would never dare take. I'm just sayin'
  4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2013/05/24/obama-biden-jeopardy-vice-presidency/2358347/?morestories=obinsite I'm thinkin' he is taylor made for a game show--doesn't know anything about the next question, guesses at the answer, laughs when it is over. The buffoon has placed us "in" jeopardy so often with his inane comments, it seems right that he's on Jeopardy.
  5. As a former school superintendent who authorized removing seven football players from the team for drinking, and weathering the withering parental/community storm that followed my decision, I'm lovin' this discussion!
  6. I think I'll skip the packing and travel to a port city and just see if I can't find an engine room fire around here to watch....
  7. Loser; I think NOT. What's so wrong about offering your opinion? His comments appear to fit perfectly with the Bills approach (and results) over the past eleven or twelve years. Is the truth really ever an insult; or is it an insult to ignore the truth in favor of platitudes?
  8. The best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday....
  9. Or Buffalo could very well go 5 - 11 next season; given past experience that's a much safer bet than two RsOY. Don't you think that somewhere someone else is posting that their team has a good chance of having two RsOY? Do you (OP) exhibit this rabid optimism in other aspects of your life...do you have other aspects of your life?
  10. I use it in my boat engine all the time--smooth starting, runs w/o hesitation, appears to me to be a great additive.
  11. Crap, I thought this was a liberal Catholic thread.
  12. On the other hand, Buffalo Bills, a chancy lottery and Facebook seem made for each other.... Not a sure thing in sight!
  13. Many cargo lines have several staterooms on each ship that are designed to carry passengers. If you Google cruising on a freighter, you'll find there are travel agencies that specialize in arranging trips on working ships--good food, tons of leisure time, few "cruise line" amenities, destinations are often changed as the demands of cargo determine ports of call. More jeans and dockers than cummerbunds and shined shoes, but an excellent time for the right kind of passenger.
  14. Since POTUS apparently learns of much that is happening around him by reading about events in the newspapers, I propose we all do our part in this time of unsettled affairs and send him copies of our home town papers. That way he will have his fingers on the pulse of the nation. Will that make a difference? Sure it will, since POTUS, upon finally learning what is happening around him, never fails to declare he will get to the bottom of the issue, resolve the problem, and insure that safeguards are put in place for the future. If we faithfully send those newspapers, and if he reads them carefully to root out problems, he'll have a lot more time for fund raisers, late night talk show appearances, and just schmoozing with the electorate. So come'on, whadda ya' say, will you do your bit for America?
  15. Depends on your definition of a cruise.... If a cruise means crowds, meals, water slides, pick an established cruise line. If cruise means a leisurely trip on a ship with no crowds and very attentive personal service, go freighter cruising!
  16. The last time the players trusted the system is the last time the system trusted the players.
  17. I want to se the scores of the first three games before I drop my skeptical approach. The Bills haven't done anything to convince me that they are different from the past decade +. Talk is cheap in May.
  18. Wow, eight hundred plus saints in one swoop! That kind of makes it hard to choose a saint name, doesn't it? Is there a Saint Larry?
  19. Yikes, Canks reveals himself as a true Bills fan; too much time tailgating, too little time thinking about the past decade of fumble, stumble and throw wild.
  20. All time good one!
  21. I watched a bit of the interview and roared when the cars and busses in the background slid through first one then the other live shot.
  22. My only racing experience is trying to keep the little b@$tard in the right lane from speeding ahead of me when his/her lane ends!
  23. IF she's really careful with her money.
  24. Diphthong...? I thought Dick Jauron was the only diphthong in our area.
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