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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Ya' got your peepers, and then ya' got your peepers. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57599905-504083/kenneth-enlow-okla-man-pleads-guilty-to-peeping-from-septic-tank-at-public-park/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+cbsnews%2Ffeed+%28CBSNews.com%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher Ken, this (w)hole thing stinks!
  2. Greatest source of ANY cable is dcables. http://www.dcables.net Good prices, great customer service, quick delivery. Ooops, I have no stake in this company, just have had great experience buying from them. If this endorsement is contrary to TBD standards, flame the reply.
  3. Bradley Manning has raised the bar in terms of life-changing experiences aimed at convincing the public one has "changed." Used to be that just finding Jesus in prison was enough, now ol' Brad has taken it a step further...in high heels, I suspect. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/08/22/convicted-leaker-manning-a-woman/2684009/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
  4. Gas attack prompts international calls for response...except from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where POTUS is walking the new puppy in anticipation of visiting Buffalo. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323665504579028172655402980.html
  5. PM to PearlHowardman: Don't walk by too many mosques late at night.
  6. I think Abe Lincoln had the right idea. He said he'd join any religion that JUST believed in God. My own beliefs are either intensely personal, or that's just my excuse for not putting the time into really believing in a higher power. Not sure which. In any event, I just can't stand super religious people. Don't cross yourself more than six or even times in front of me.
  7. It appears that the incoming tide has erased, once again, the line in the sand that POTUS drew as part of his unwavering support of the Syrian people. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/21/allegations-deadly-gas-attack-test-obama-red-line-in-syria/ Does this wild and crazy guy mean ANYTHING he says in terms of foreign affairs? Of course, we have no idea what would happen if the "line-crossing" ever was a trigger...would POTUS hold his breath until Leno came on?
  8. Aunt Lillian, we always wondered....
  9. But if we threw out a number of names, we'd have to have a meeting to reach agreement on a single name so as to avoid confusion. Where would we all park; surely not in stadium parking? Someone suggested Buffalo Bills defense; now that has a nice ring to it, not much room for confusion, and ever so memorable.
  10. Send Hill'ry on a listening tour much like her tour of NYS pre-Senate election. That stunning success led to ever-so-many solutions to the problems we were suffering at the time...not. Yet we ended up w/ the fat-thighed harridan anyway.
  11. I'd give $7.00 for a fly in these pants!
  12. Golly, I can't imagine a media whore taking advantage of a "situation" in a far off land to stir up some publicity.
  13. I'm in agreement w/ Kelly...whomever she may be.
  14. And then there's this quote, attributed to Marv Levy, that applies to Da'Rick: "Act like you've been there before."
  15. Yeah, entertaining, quick, motivated...all I can ask for at this stage of the game!
  16. gaterman, do you have your hand on your whazisname when you type this drivel?
  17. What about the fans? Few, if any players, post here; many rabid fans do post here--why not give the honor to the fans?
  18. Well, I guess the gun could be "loaded" if it was smothered in cheese, jalapenos and salsa...couldn't it?
  19. Pay the money you owe. Your arguments are beginning to sound Obama-like.
  20. At least the guy deserves credit for finishing off al queada...er, al franken..um maybe al sharpton....well, one of those al's... I think.
  21. Given the catatonic state of the national government at present, if the government were to "shut down," someone would have to post a sign so we'd know the difference!
  22. Oh, Oh I'm just a bit damp....
  23. Wow, and I thought I was negative toward the season!
  24. Just imagine all this passion played out for something that really really mattered....
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