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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Jesse Jackson and Al Dullton are going to get right on this problem....
  2. Maybe sometime in the next month someone at the D&C will remove the story in the on-line edition about the soup restaurant re-opening since it's been there for about two weeks already....
  3. I'm worried he isn't even smart enough to follow!
  4. My error, I was unaware that the nature-abhors-a-vulgarity-vacuum component of PPP was in play in this post.
  5. Wow, TakeYouToTasker, and I got warning points for posting in the wrong place...?
  6. I doubt he plays EVER for the Bills!
  7. OK, OK, I'll 'splain it: The video about the Blue Footed Boobies (birds) showing up in SoCal, was preceded by a commercial for Playtex bras featuring nicely proportioned models. So, there's boobies, and then there's Boobies. Whew.....
  8. Shutdown, schmutdown, how will we know the difference since little or nothing gets done in the course of a legislative session at present?
  9. http://www.weather.com/weather/today/Keuka+Lake+NY+11714:21 Click on the link, click on the video regarding Blue Footed Boobies, carefully watch the ad that precedes the video, start laughing.
  10. How 'bout calling them the Washington Honkys...?
  11. If only voters were as passionate about taxes, corruption, cronyism and the arrogance of elected office as they are about guns!
  12. Good article, Sully.
  13. http://www.cbsnews.c...gle Feedfetcher "If you give me a hamburger today, I'll gladly pay you Tuesday." J. Wellington Wimpy
  14. What's to discuss, they appear to be the underpinnings of life as I know it.
  15. What the duck is going on?
  16. Excellent comeback! You must have forgotten the "I can pizz farther than you can" response, eh? One need not be a libertarian to get tired of financing a rainbow continuum of services and supports for those who appear waiting for someone else to carry the load.
  17. g'man, let me simplify this issue from my perspective: I don't want my tax $'s paying for some made up need for insurance just to mollify those who expect Washington to deliver "the bacon" since "they" either voted for, or delivered the vote for, BHO. Crude, insensitive, short-sighted...probably all of those, but something tells me I'm not the only one tired of all take and no give.
  18. The other side of the coin, the one you refuse to see, is that I'll be paying for an ever increasing number of insurees--many more than was first estimated. This just in: I'm not interested in supporting any more people!!!
  19. US business leaders are showing their business acumen as they take advantage of the opportunity to slash health care costs by moving full time employees to part time and urging them to "take advantage of" ObamaCare. http://news.investors.com/091213-670865-obamacare-exchanges-will-insure-trader-joes-part-timers.htm?ven=googlepicks&src=aurlafw&google_editors_picks=true Good thing POTUS is razor sharp in terms of his foreign policy because he apparently "ain't got no" domestic policy savvy. Oh wait, he's a dunce in the foreign policy field also. Nevertheless, he's smooth on Leno.
  20. Hmmm, some of us appear to be whistling through the graveyard....
  21. So the media should just butt out of opinion pieces and stick to reporting fluff pieces like when a soon-to-be Bills player alights from his flight into town? Personally, I want the sports writers and commentators to dig, expose, reflect, suggest, opine, and in all other ways "cover" their subject. If today's piece pisses me off, maybe tomorrow's will be more to my liking. I'll read 'em all then make my decisions. Kinda' like when they report on political matters and other national news, eh?
  22. I'm with LABillzFan in that I am, and have been, worried that BHO, aka POTUS, is our go-to guy. Actually, I think of him as more of our where-is-he guy.
  23. Given the past decade plus of Bills stumbles, fumbles and wild throws, I implore anyone who thinks he/she has a sure-fire lucky superstition to STOP it immediately!
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