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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Don't go turning this into a Bills fan thread!
  2. On the other hand, let the Senate vote, Mr. Reid.
  3. The president's latest pronouncement to Boehner is that he is ready to negotiate after the government shutdown is ended and the debt ceiling is raised. So, the message is after I get what I want, I'll negotiate with you for even more? No wonder the populace is pissed.
  4. However, the USA has more Indians answering support line telephones than there are in all of India!
  5. You know, that issue you didn't mention earlier...
  6. So if Boehner's position is that he won't bring "it" to a vote, and Reid's and POTUS' position is that they won't compromise, any reasonable person must conclude that all blame falls on Boehner....that bastard....and the Democrats are as pure as the driven snow. I read late this afternoon that Boehner is also to blame for the closing of Lock E13 on the Erie Canal.
  7. Ummm, I have this slight inquiry about just who will line up behind the center on offense...?
  8. Trying to apply logic to some NFL officiating is like trying to keep NASCAR from inventing rules during a race.
  9. On the other hand, the Bills organization is definitely NOT a joke if you accept the premise that the objective is to make money. After all, the "Buffalo Bills" is a business, businesses operate to make money; fortunately for the Bills, their customers are satisfied with an inferior product year after year.
  10. A lot of similarities between today's political situation and the Bills current game plan of run, run, pass, punt. For example, POTUS runs his mouth, Harry Reid then runs his mouth, both pass the blame to the Republicans then the government punts thus losing the initiative. But hey, we keep sending them to DC to do just what they've honed to a fine art--nothing.
  11. While we're in the domestic goddess mode, do you prefer aprons with the flap that goes around your neck, or the traditional chef's apron from the waist down? Sheeeesh!
  12. OK, enough of this shutdown crap, let's try a novel idea for DC: Someone (Oh, let's say the President) acts like the leader; that person demands that representatives of the American people (some congressmen, some senators) meet with him; the boss indicates no one leaves the room (except to use the wc) until there is an agreement. B word slap anyone who refuses. Simple process, pizza and sodas 'til the deal is done. When it's over the boss can point with pride at what he accomplished in the face of such animosity.
  13. Gatorman, you're in luck, I'm giving up on your inanities. When I retired, I promised myself I would no longer suffer idiots. So I've moved you to my Dumb Ass list.
  14. Explain how I should have paid my mortgage "smartly." Do you mean I should have used hog future certificates instead of legal tender? OR do you mean I should have defaulted, claimed a disability or whatever triggers a massive influx of public assistance, then sat back and let my neighbor shoulder my debt? You are either seven years old, stupid beyond belief, or a Democrat.
  15. Well, yeah, actually I did pay a mortgage; paid it in full over a number of years. Get it, it's a lot like buying almost anything--ya' buys it and ya' pays for it. Probably a foreign concept to those who live in the " I want it, so give it to me" sector of 21st Century USA.
  16. Chris Christy said it best: The President is SUPPOSED to be the leader, leaders lead--get both sides in a room, tell 'em you're the President, don't let them out 'til there is an agreement. Of course, POTUS is too busy playing partisan politics to lead...ever.
  17. Just play with spirit; improve a bit on offense, defense and special teams; and show a bit more coaching expertise. I only need steady progress, not a win-every-week result to be happy with the current team.
  18. And who would these people be...?
  19. As with all things Bills, the guy that was here yesterday is much better than the guy that's here today; and the guy that will come in tomorrow is better than either of them...for at least the off season.
  20. I can't keep up with this post. I'm too busy stocking up on toilet paper and bottled water in preparation for shutdown. I've moved the cows to high ground, filled all three gas cans, and stocked up on Twizzlers.
  21. Absolutely. Change the team name to the Washington Congressmen then something by that name might just accomplish something in Washington, DC.
  22. Airlines receive a ton of grief, but the many things they do to assist people are rarely mentioned. My wife needs wheelchair assistance when we fly (one trip a year) and the service personnel are outstanding. Thanks to all the United Airlines terminal customer attendant staff!!
  23. You can't make chicken salad out of the guy is a troll with plumbing stories.
  24. I wish the Bills had the wherewithal to franchise Byrd next year, too; then release him after the 2014 season and let him "test" the market as a person who hasn't played in two seasons.
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