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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. 6 - 10, if tremendously lucky....
  2. Just as soon as she changes her name to Tawana, the Rev. Al Dullton will come to her rescue! Let me have an Amen!
  3. So by choosing one of the options open to states, and forming individual exchanges, the states are partially responsible for the debacle-in-progress. Further, by choosing another of the options in the ACA, enrollees in Medicaid are creating an imbalance that spells trouble in the future for the private sector insurance companies participation in the ACA. And finally, if too few young healthy people choose to buy insurance, the ACA will result in skyrocketing premiums for those of us who are attempting to keep our current plans/MD's, etc. Seems like a well-conceived plan to me....
  4. As a long-time high school principal, I feel like I knew that mother (using the term as a descriptor of both an individual and a word that often precedes an "F" word.)
  5. What a great quote! Whenever things get difficult in the future, I think I'll remark that since things have "...unfolded unevenly...," as the analysis suggests, there are a number of factors that led to [fill in the blank]. For example, one could speculate that since things unfolded unevenly we ended up with a complete dolt for a damn President.
  6. OK, OK, I'm willing to call him the damn President.
  7. Maybe change the city's name to Washington, Oz.
  8. On the other hand, the Bills have been "on the verge" since Christ was a midshipman.
  9. Crap, I thought this was a NASCAR post.
  10. Thad appears to be just as advertised: An effective back up QB. Would we be happier if he was failing? What a ill-timed post at this stage of the Bills season.
  11. Maybe the transition from decades of plum awful to that hoped-for land where the Bills go 10 - 6 occasionally is filled with wins like yesterday. In past years the fourth quarter would find most of the players "folding their laundry" and checking the game clock to see how much more time was left.
  12. I wonder if Boomer Esiason is over Marrone going for it on 4th and 1?
  13. Yup, too many seasons......
  14. 6 - 10
  15. Wash your mouth out w/ bag balm for mentioning Coach Marrone in the same sentence w/ the dickster.
  16. Throughout one's life choices are made based on the best information at the time; in retrospect, some prove to be right, some prove to be costly. The cumulative effect is what one lives with.... So, I don't feel sorry for them any more than I feel happy for others who find things turned out OK in the long run. Ya' pays your money and ya' takes your choice. I'm living with my choices as we all are; I'll make the best with what I have and go from there.
  17. See how my tail breaks the clumps into manageable sizes?
  18. I understand that PETA is preparing legal challenges to other NFL team names, e.g., Lions, Ravens, Dolphins. The thinking behind the legal actions is that the scorn attached to the teams in general as well as individual players may have a negative impact on animals in zoos in those cities. OK, so not exactly the case at the moment, but almost as whiggy as the Redskins thing. (Use of the word "whiggy" is not meant to disparage a former US political party.)
  19. Not exactly incisive comments since there is no frame of reference....
  20. A bit of clarification from the OP: I meant what I said--vote EVERY Congressman and Senator out of office, n. b. EVERY. Send the message that the voters are actually watching. If after an election cycle or three several good guys/gals appear to actually have the public interest clearly in focus, give them a shot at re-election. The voter is in control, has been in control and will be in control, but has recently chosen to abdicate that power by re-electing incumbents. Voters--use the power you have.
  21. Wow, I know Bills fans are regularly duped into buying tickets to Bills games that feature both has been's and never will be's, but will we really plunk down our $'s religiously to sell out every game before the season begins? Have the Bills moved their headquarters to Rome?
  22. I was going to say, "George Bush changed the poll results" but remembered the premise of the thread ( and also recalled my two warning points) so I'll simply propose Chan Gailey as the culprit.
  23. I haven't voted for an incumbent since Christ was a midshipman!
  24. http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/10/20903531-nbcwsj-poll-60-percent-say-fire-every-member-of-congress?lite Since we, the voters, are the Human Relations Department in this situation, or the CEO, if you prefer, let's do just that: Fire Congress by only voting for challengers and ignoring the pleas of incumbents come the next few elections! Move yourself out of the my-congressman/Senator-is-great-it's-those-others mentality and just vote NO to returning incumbents to Washington.
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