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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Optimistically, we were never in the playoffs. The Bills are still a year or two away from being a stable, viable team in the NFL; not such a long time in the context of the last decade or so.
  2. We're all just so smart, insightful, and NFL savvy that I can't understand why we don't pool our $ and get hold of an NFL team of our own: Super Bowl in a year or two, new stadium the year after that, sky's the limit as I see it.
  3. When I review the list of positions/issues above, I determine I'm probably more supportive of Democrat-sponsored positions than I originally thought. However, one thing I'm solidly sure of is that the Democrats keep nominating and electing the most unsavory and dishonest people to champion those positions; Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi...really? Their level of concern for the people of the USA appears lower than a wagon track. No negotiations! Crush the opposition! Those sentiments no longer feed the bulldog. Who in their right mind puts the Internal Revenue Service in charge of administering the Affordable Care Act....?
  4. I agree w/ EinI, way too over coached. One only need watch college and some pro teams at the los, step back, look to the sideline for last minute info, then refocus on the defense and snap the ball. Two or three guys sending hand signals and signs held up w/ God-knows what scribbled (or professionally printed) on them give me the impression that things would be more entertaining if the info senders on one side of the field met the info givers from the other side and had a fist fight to determine who wins.
  5. This is a better perspective than the doom and gloom that pervades all too many posts around here.
  6. What they said....
  7. She just might be reviving that scam she pulled in NYS prior to running for the Senate...the "listening tour." Unfortunately for NYS, she listened intently, but actually heard very little (and did even less for NYS).
  8. How 'bout Cleveland Redskins? Fits nicely into the whole brouhaha, doncha' think?
  9. NASCAR, NBA, MLB, and who knows how many other professional sports appear to survive w/o a blackout rule. The NFL's blackout rule effect is as curious as a gerrymandered congressional district: When does seventy-five miles equal one hundred miles or more; when it is measured by the NFL.
  10. Simply trying to stay abreast of the trends in ball, and provide his players an uplifting experience. His efforts obviously set parents and school officials a titter.
  11. Think of this thread as just another piece of tinsel placed to adorn the tree of stupidity wherein Joe Biden perches.
  12. My pick for dumbest is Joe Biden, but they all are in the running. http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/06/21336511-you-son-of-a-gun-marty-biden-congratulates-the-wrong-walsh?lite
  13. It's official: Gatorman is in seventh grade and he writes these posts in study hall. Oh, and he can pizz farther than his best friend, Wallace.
  14. Seriously? Playoffs? Why not just be satisfied that the team is going in the correct direction + improving weekly. What a maroon!
  15. I may just make a career out of trying to decipher G'man's comments rather than bother to read entire posts.
  16. Change the title of the post by omitting the first two words and the ? mark...then ya' got somethin'.
  17. 6 - 10 Is kind of OK in this transition year.
  18. Tavaris Jackson...you guys have to stop drinking an hour before you post!
  19. Defense looked good, improving with each passing week. Tuel was OK in my book; he played as well as Lewis, probably better than any of us expected. Drops are on the receiver, not the thrower. But for the penalties, dropped passes, etc, most of us wouldn't even question the play calling. Get over it, the Bills are in transition from a decade of awful to being an actual NFL team--two years to go!
  20. You all go ahead and argue the point of the moment; I'll be busy trying to unwind this comment. I figure he's ignorant and can't even hint at cogent communication, but I'll work on deciphering it....
  21. Thanks for the update. I wish Maybin all the best, but I've watched quite enough of Aaron in the past, so I'll skip looking for him.
  22. Better than last years debacle. At least Pettine has them on the right course.
  23. Do you think my mother sees us?
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