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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Now that Snowden is using the info to get what he wants personally--asylum in Brazil--he is no better than the system he criticizes. Using info for gain is just that, so he's fallen into his own trap. Just another user at this point.
  2. she was selected by Hooters ahead of our pick) because
  3. Once Dennis Rodman teaches the North Korean basketball team players to dribble between their legs, he'll be executed too...er...I hope.
  4. A faux sign language interpreter made a mockery of a mockery who then
  5. pound his pork in front of the whole crowd if only
  6. If by realistic you mean changes that would make a lasting positive impact on the ability of the team to win a reasonable number of their games each season, you have eliminated the majority of needed moves by your "Can't say" parameters.
  7. So, I've been rethinking the idea of branding the interpreter as a fake after listening to one sign language expert's comments on the interpreter's actions. The expert said the signs were just nonsense and gibberish and made no sense at all. Maybe, just maybe, he was accurately translating POTUS' comments to those assembled at the ceremony. After all, that appears to be his standard fare when he is addressing us....
  8. That's the caption I read under the picture of the faux sign language interpreter for POTUS at Mandella's funeral services. Then I got to wondering if they had the caption under the correct picture....?
  9. How many of the dudes picketing McDonald's ever even worked in a McD's, or any other fast food joint? Remember: The first word in the phrase minimum wage is MINIMUM. Minimum is a starting place, a beginning; acquire some experience, maybe do some networking, ask around, get restless, start looking for the next step up the ladder. Please don't make McD's wage structure look attractive and trap people in a dead-end job.
  10. Whoa, I wish we could get this cranked up about firing all the elected officials that are most certainly losers when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness.
  11. I'd love to see the dollars difference between a losing Bills team and a winning Bills team to the Buffalo Bills owner. Chances are there isn't a great deal of difference and therein may lie the lack of effort to build a winning team. It's a business to them, a sport to us....?
  12. Prolly auta spel it speech nex time.
  13. There are a lot of articles beginning to show up, like the one linked below, speaking to an outbreak of the restless frustration among our fellow citizens. It's clearly time to send the current crop of elected officials, on all levels, down the road so we can try out a new set and see how they do. For example, let's focus on electing more women to public office; many among the current male crop of elected officials are simply unresponsive to the electorate. http://abcnews.go.co...tors_picks=true
  14. The only way this can be interpreted as workers getting the shaft is if that old retort, "Go f^<k yourself!" comes into play.
  15. He can't lead, he can't get his stories straight, he can't remember where he lived, he can't remember being with family....that'a what happens when you get everything you know from newspapers. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/05/white-house-changes-story-says-obama-briefly-lived-with-uncle/?intcmp=latestnews
  16. Dude doesn't need to lead; he's the master of the lateral arabesque! http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/05/obama-end-run-around-congress-sparks-bipartisan-criticism/
  17. The ACA is fine for the hewers of wood and drawers of water, but Harry Reid's staff...not so much. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/04/reid-exempts-some-staff-from-having-to-buy-insurance-on-obamacare-exchange/?cmpid=edpick&google_editors_picks=true
  18. Actually, most of us think you're dumber than a stone.... Wait, that appears to be a prime criterion for VPOTUS.
  19. So POTUS sends Bozo Joe to China to exercise some diplomacy and defuse the new no-fly zone China imposed in the area of the South China Sea. On his first day in China, Joey the Clown speaks to Chinese students and urges them to protest their government, teachers, etc, whomever. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/04/21750544-joe-biden-urges-chinese-students-to-challenge-the-status-quo?lite Does diplomat school still offer the course in things not to do when seeking cooperation from a foreign country?
  20. It's just like continuing to re-elect incumbents: If you always do what you always did (buy Bills tickets, jerseys, etc., pay to park in stadium lots), you'll always get what you always got (losing records, excuses, revolving door of coaches/players, frustration).
  21. I'd simply shift to college football. Football at that level is slightly more legitimate than the NFL.
  22. It was funny when it started!
  23. My 6 - 10 prediction is in real trouble.
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