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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Dems, Repubs, Tea Party; we have no control over any of those entities. The only thing each one of us can do is to find challengers with whom we're relatively comfortable then vow to vote the incumbents out of office. We can B word, moan, and curse the establishment, but remember: We voted them in. Vote, vote against all incumbents.
  2. Interestingly the IRS is unable to field millions of calls from taxpayers with questions about their tax status. That's probably because they are putting all their resources into the ACA basket as they administer the sleek processes that underpin that massive failure. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/29/irs-customer-service-leaves-millions-calls-unanswered/
  3. About as keenly incisive as the study out this week saying that geese fly in a staggered formation and rotate lead position to take advantage of the aerodynamics of flight. Wow, who knew that before they turned four years old? That's a money pit.
  4. S'no wonder there is strife between and among religious belief systems. Each seems firmly grounded on the we're-right-you're-wrong premise. I think Abe Lincoln had the right idea when he said show me a religion that ONLY believes in God and I'll join it. For me, religion is personal and private. My attempts to find a place of worship trickled out somewhere south of Couples Club, Men's Group, Singles Worship Class, and Sunday Guitar Service....
  5. What could we possibly use as a measuring stick to determine this? Actually,I'd like to set the Bills back about sixteen years!
  6. Not my standard for some things, but definitely is my standard for class act gentlemen.
  7. Oh yeah, just ask any number of women he's been involved with; he's a peach of a guy.
  8. NJ Governor Christy is discovering that when it rains, it pours. First "Bridgegate," now the Mayor of Hoboken accuses Gov. Christie's minions of offering Sandy relief $ in return for support of a particular developer's project in her jurisdiction. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/18/hoboken-mayor-accuses-christie-aides/4635577/ Don't Christy's aides understand he's not President yet?
  9. I've heard that a penis pump is supplied in the welcoming baskets given to all incoming male Congress persons. The immediate effect is to draw blood away from their big heads so as to shift reasoning power to their little heads.
  10. The next tit-in-a-wringer component of the ACA would appear to be the "risk corridor provision." This provision is the current sword of Damocles over the head of the HHS department, BUT the good news is that it only has an impact if the act comes in over budget! Gee, what are the chances of that happening? http://hotair.com/ar...o-single-payer/
  11. Is there any truth to the rumor that POTUS is considering ebay as the off-site intelligence storage location?
  12. Close bridge lanes, close the capitol, close DC war memorials....tomatos - tomahtoes.
  13. Two of the goals of the ACA are to decrease insurance costs and decrease emergency room visits. Just check out the most recent numbers related to both objectives; how's it working'? Well, for me, my premium has increased each of the past two years and this year as well. This years increase is 9.6%. Additionally, my co-pay for seeing a specialist has increased 14.2%. Sorry, no link to validate these figures as my checkbook isn't on line. (Increased means I pay more, not less, and increased is the opposite of decreased.)) Emergency room visits are slowly rising according to national trend figures. (Rising in this instance means growing in number; growing is the opposite of shrinking.) So, yeah, I'm opposed to a program that is achieving the exact opposite of it's stated objectives.
  14. No commercial can approach the Fucillo car ads for inane dribble. Would you really buy a car from those hucksters?
  15. Well, POTUS got nominated, didn't he. And he had zip, zero, nada going for him coming out of a questionable career in Chicago and a flatulance-filled run in the Senate.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to provide us with these pics and your commentary...interesting! What is the difference between the "pie-shaped" lock gate structure, e.g., upper Illinois pic, and those that are simply lock gates?
  17. The Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) gives rise to a new word, "fustercluck." It's so bad, in so many ways, that no prior terms encompass the enormity of its failure.
  18. No to your question; but I have not a scintilla of care for the fat-thighed, dish-water haired ex-SecSt known as the Ogre of Chappaqua.
  19. The implication that Christie, or his staff, had a political retribution hit list is startling.... Wait a minute, wasn't there something in today's news about some woman having a hit list?
  20. Yeah, keep 'em coming. Great stuff. I read your post, then check it out on Google Maps.
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