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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. In a virtual town hall meeting with Spanish language media outlets yesterday, POTUS said the following: "The main point that I have for everybody watching right now is, you don't punish me by not signing up for health care," Obama said. "You're punishing yourself or your family if in fact there's affordable health care to be had." So even he has doubts about affordable health care availability as he said, "..if in fact there's affordable health care to be had."? Or, it's possible, he's just too bummed about the whole mess and mis-spoke? Nah, not that old silver tongued orator, that statesman of the people, that international diplomacy powerhouse. As they often say in the cartoons, "What a' maroon." I've always thought they meant moron, but were being kind....
  2. Shirley bees lookin' serious to me!
  3. Lots of plastic shopping bags blowing through the lot w/ outlet mall receipts in them.
  4. Could it be that no game next year translates to one or more games some year(s) in the future...?
  5. In fact, POTUS has little time for foreign affairs right now; CBS reports that Ellen's selfie from the Oscar broadcast has "beaten" the POTUS selfie in terms of number of views. He probably has his administration working on a rebound selfie right now. And with POTUS' naiveté he will probably ask Putin to lean in too.
  6. Looks like one of those, "Do you have Prince Edward in a can?" calls to me.
  7. Probably safe to say that POTUS has tap danced his sorry self off the world stage one too many times.
  8. Now, damn it Vlad, you promised you wouldn't take military action! Listen, you Rooskie, I've got my jeans and chambray shirt on, so don't for a minute think I'll sit still for this; keep this up and I'll send VP Biden to San Francisco to make dumb comments about your hockey team.....Oh yeah, the hell I won't.
  9. If POTUS has any common sense at all, he realizes he has his ass firmly in a major crack over the Ukraine issue. Which of his totally ineffective "consequences" will he lay on the table first? Of course, an even scarier thought involves Hill'ry having to respond to the Ukraine crisis. If only Rosie O'Donnell was our ambassador to the Ukraine.
  10. I thought they only came from the other direction!
  11. I'd be surprised if JB could do even a ****job with any degree of competence. Now if there is a position of Bozo-like proportion in the current administration (outside of the Oval Office) just give the keys to the clown car to Joey.
  12. What do those Archdukes know anyway? Ferdinand, you've been shot!
  13. Lead hell, what if he can't even follow!
  14. Thank you, Oh beneficent one, for aligning my thoughts to the shining path of POTUS'ism.
  15. Maybe the union officials are trying to recoup the workers' losses to Obamacare through a tough stance on the proposed federal wage increase. Maybe some of the political funds in union coffers could back officials who want to remedy/eliminate Obamacare. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/25/labor-unions-upset-with-obama-plan-for-1-percent-federal-worker-pay-hike/ Unions may be the newest group to join POTUS' frenemy club.
  16. If you like your ObamaCare, you can keep your ObamaCare; just don't make ME keep your ObamaCare...cuz' it sucks. I'm totally over the millions and the hundreds of thousands and the vast numbers of....when I sit at home and tote up the impact for the two of us, I find it well and truly sucks! Why, you ask, higher premiums, higher co-pays right now for starters; potentially less access to specialists, etc coming down the pike.
  17. Move along, nothing to see here...Ooops, don't step out in the street, the mayor's car is coming.
  18. I enjoyed the update. I'm getting into the whole inland waterway scene. I follow some of the Selkirk tugs and several others on Marine Traffic's site. Keep the pics coming!
  19. This may prove as successful as the NYS law banning talking on hand-held cell phones while driving.
  20. Let's just hope POTUS doesn't unleash some of his famous "consequences." If this issue rises to critical mass, he may hold his breath, shut his eyes then go play golf followed by a fundraiser.
  21. Shameful. A blight on a sometimes honorable profession.
  22. The very fact that you posted the above lifts your skirts of intolerance, you microaggressor you! (On the other hand, my assumption of your attitudes does in no way imply the fanning of a mini-climate of microagression.)
  23. This nun parlayed her micro-protest effort into a full-scale three year focus on her position vis a vis nuclear power. Way to go! http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nun-84-gets-three-years-jail-nuke-complex-break-n33226
  24. It's not a credible CYA unless you get all parties involved and stir up a whole lot of what-if good stuff. Oh, they'll do something; in fact, they'll do a lot of somethings, but if needed in the eleventh hour it'll be CYA as sure as kiss a duck.
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