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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Do they own the property where they live? If not, having a chat w/ the owner is a possibility. Chances are your littering problem is only one of the things that might bring law enforcement attention to them; see if the "authorities" have other concerns w/ this gang of thugs. Offer your land as a base for the authorities use to catch this crew. Any other neighbors suffering the same or similar problems caused by this crew? If so, get together and contact the authorities as a group. Have a chat with the county supervisor/local top political official about the problem. Any agricultural organization in the area that might get involved? The more people you can enlist in your cause, the better. Plus that offers some anonymity for you.
  2. Ya' don't suppose POTUS sent the little woman to China because he's been reading this thread...and knew he couldn't carry the water for such a visit....?
  3. I love the smell of Pelosi sweat in the morning.
  4. So, given the above + many other references, I guess Obamacare is the ultimate oxymoron.
  5. to Boogaloo down Broadway...
  6. Better to batter the bastards with bucks than bullets.
  7. Idiots, we'd have to take a step up to be just idiots! We complain about our elected officials, then we vote for the the same elected officials, then we complain about our elected officials, then we vote for the same elected officials... See where this is goin'? The American electorate abuses the privilege of being stupid!
  8. My variation on Chef's salad take is to go to market salad bar and just buy the trimmings - chick peas, olives, peppers, dressing, etc. then take it home and mix it w/ the lettuce I have. Great salad, inexpensive because I'm only buying the extras at salad bar prices. No, I'm not a miser, but I enjoy "cooking" this way.
  9. Only if Wilfork promises to leave his wife at home on game days.
  10. Talk is cheap from Hil'ry's vantage point in the balcony. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/03/19/clinton-says-other-countries-will-face-russian-aggression-if-putin-gets-away/
  11. POTUS' sanctions against Russia/Putin will be as effective as taking Putin's parking spot.
  12. I hope his reward on the "other side" is ninety-seven virgin homosexuals.
  13. On the road with Bozo the Clown. POTUS is sending VPOTUS to eastern Europe to carry assurances to our allies in that region. Are you kidding me? Joe Call-Me-Doofus Biden at the door would scare the hell out of any country with concerns more serious than who's on Letterman tonight! http://www.nbcnews.c...al-putin-n55176 This from the country that currently subscribes to foreign policy by Earl Scheib--the gloss-over king!
  14. I'm willing to hold the funds if some of you are willing to contribute to a Teach the Dummy About Homophones course.
  15. Heard a great comment on the news this evening--Obama confronting Putin is like the PTA confronting the KGB!
  16. of us who post here on TBD
  17. That keen knife edge of American diplomacy set to unravel difficulties in the Ukraine. Onward oh ship of state!
  18. Does this man just spin the wheel of idiocy and then, when the wheel stops, put the issue under the arrow into effect? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/12/us/politics/obama-will-seek-broad-expansion-of-overtime-pay.html?_r=2 What's next, federally-issued coveralls for all salaried employees?
  19. I'll write this one more time: If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. Don't you wish you owned a company that made millions for putting a simply awful product on the market year after year?
  20. Not being snarky w/ you; just anticipating the anti-Fox anything crowd will soon slither in (reference gatorman) and let loose the slings and arrows of outrageous whatever....
  21. Go ahead, click on it; it pretty much sums up the whole debacle.
  22. Fox prints something true and many disregard the story based on the medium. Probably easier than actually confronting the message. Hard to believe that Fox is the most watched news network in the country...by far. Whod'a believed that there were so many misguided souls...and for such a long period of time?
  23. Gosh, it seems that the Brotherhood of Staunch Obama Supporters has determined that someone should have read the entire ACA bill and gamed the consequences prior to its passage. Whatever will they think of next? http://www.foxnews.c...on-report-says/
  24. I'm thinkin' the bombast, rhetoric and just plain bull$#!t from Washington, DC is the true cause of atmospheric turbulence every bit as much as it causes turbulence here on earth in the political sector.
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