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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The article linked above is interesting for sure. At one point, the author goes to some length to define the term earnings as the money a person gets from doing work. Certainly a concept that is quickly losing traction here in the 21st Century.
  2. OK, once the rich are taxed at exorbitant rates to build a sort of artificial income equality, describe to me the incentives that will cause the "formerly rich" to continue to build more wealth to lose to higher taxes, etc. Is this just a thesis begets antithesis begets synthesis begets new thesis thingy?
  3. GreggyT, thanks for the effort, but I'm considering slamming my hand in a car door at the moment rather than even click on the link....
  4. I'm thinkin' birdog1960 and gatorman are one and the same...just an expression of a multiple personality disorder. His (or maybe her, who really knows for sure....) primary tactic is straight from the 'mocrat playbook: "If you can't dispute the facts, diss the bastards' personalities, families, belief systems, etc. (unless of course they're followers of Islam, then issue a pass in every situation)."
  5. Good one, LAB!!!
  6. All hail the IRS, the smooth running engine tasked with managing the ACA; but wait, bonuses to employees who, themselves, owe back taxes? What, you say, the IRS can't even manage its own house? Whatever do you mean? http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/04/23/irs-gave-bonuses-to-employees-who-owed-back-taxes-and-thats-not-all/ For sake of continuity, the disaster that is the ACA is being administered by the disaster that is the IRS. Good on yer', POTUS!
  7. I was going to post examples of contracts that were shredded by attorneys, legislators, wealthy owners, etc., but I ran out of space.... One thing to bank on is that the new owners will do what they set out to do despite contracts, promises, legislation or whatever.
  8. Interesting article. The premise appears to be that VA should accept the federal funds now, add enrollees to Medicaid for as long as the federal $ lasts; then, when the funds dry up, cut those people from the Medicare rolls...huh? Is this the "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" concept of health insurance?
  9. I'm languishing here in suburban Ra Cha Cha, enjoying the morning sunshine and waiting for the promised - dare I say it - 60 degrees this afternoon. A trip to Rite Aid and TOPS may be in the offing if I feel up to making that kind of commitment. Salt potatoes and Gorton fish sticks this evening with an unpretentious white. And so it goes....
  10. On the continuum of excretions, does human pee rank to the left or to the right of center, and where does raccoon crap "fall?"
  11. Wait a minute, John Adams, if you acknowledge that some of the increases are due to Obamacare, you're admitting that the law is fueling increases, not the promised decreases. How do you know that all/most/some of the increases aren't directly a result of the new health legislation? Or is your position that you've found some premium relief, so the devil take the hindmost? For clarity purposes let me share with you my position in that context: I expect that a portion of the taxes I pay will support health care for fellow citizens; I don't expect to pay increasing health insurance premium amounts to support even more health care for my fellow citizens. If the objective is to provide more health care, raise more resources through taxation, don't build an entire unwieldy health care structure and give it to the IRS to manage. These kinds of subterfuge are the heart and soul of why people don't trust their elected officials.
  12. Congratulations John Adams! At least now I know where my significantly increased premiums and co-pays are going. I hope you also picked up access to at least one specialist because my wife lost access to one of hers and we'd like to know who got what we lost. Since I've helped you with your insurance, could you plan to mow my lawn this summer?
  13. Who knew we had a resident booboiogist on TBD?
  14. White House lies just don't seem to attract the attention they used to get. Investigative reporting found that the WH knew two - three years ago that millions would lose their health insurance, BUT the liberal media stifled any mention of it; and now the reporter, Lisa Myers, has magically left the network to pursue other interests. Smell, what smell....? http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/10/29/lisa-myers-ignores-her-own-obamacare-bombshell-nbc-nightly-news
  15. I wonder if you feel like a boob when you actually feel a boob via MyFreeImplants.com? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/british-undertaker-boob-job-crowdsourcing-cash-article-1.1756543 So...would ya'?
  16. Obamacare, poorly written, ambiguous, cobbled together...who would'a thunk it? It seems the "law" forgot to specifically say that the federal exchanges were qualified to grant subsidies to those who enrolled through them. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2014/04/little-known-legal-challenge-that-could-torpedo-obamacare/?google_editors_picks=true Oh my, whoever would have guessed....? Maybe Nancy and Harry can fix it when they get back to the shop.
  17. I bet Harry Reid could resolve this in a minute...or maybe a week...well certainly by November, 2016. [Yeah, this is the set up for a Polish joke.]
  18. Spending one's own money first may be a premise behind the ACA, but that plus increasing premiums plus higher deductibles do not add up to holding the line on health care costs.
  19. "...the very stupidest thread..." pretty much says it all in terms of categorizing the poster of that comment.
  20. Seems to me that the confusion apparent in our posts is a perfect mirror for the confusion surrounding the issue. It would be interesting to know the "agreement" reached between the BLM and Bundy that caused the release of his cattle held by the BLM.
  21. At some point in the past Bundy stopped paying the grazing rights fees; does anyone know why he stopped paying? Did he just decide that the land was "his" and therefore stop paying? Was the land in his family in the past, or did he just decide he's an American and the land is inside America, therefore, it's his? I've listened to him speak on the issue, but he really doesn't offer any facts to support his claim.
  22. I certainly don't know, but I sincerely hope not! If there is an independent audit of the mega-waste of our tax $'s, the definitions of the words independent and audit have suffered mightily. I believe our only hope is the in the activities of the various Inspectors General scattered throughout governmental agencies. The guys who occasionally identify the $500 hammers, etc. Picture a dude pouring over receipts from FLOTUS' most recent trip.
  23. Jesse and Al meeting are in seclusion to determine the next industry to target for their long-running extortion schemes. What a pair of thugs...and the media continues to glorify their "work" by giving them lots of attention.
  24. I'm with Exiled on the topic of Wegman's. I shop there now and then; what bugs me is that the Wegman's brand items almost totally push other brands off the shelves, e.g., Wegman's canned fruit v Del Monte. At least TOPS carries the popular brands in addition to their store brands. Wegman's is an experience more than a grocery store. I don't require a guy wearing a toque at the end of most aisles extolling the virtues of Wegman's house brand products. There's nothing more frustrating than a Wegman's ad from the newspaper....
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