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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. https://happymag.tv/uranus-has-started-leaking-gas-nasa-scientists-confirm/ So's mine, at times.
  2. Q-baby said: *****! His briefings are pure comedy! 1 Tiberius reacted to this A match made in heaven!
  3. I was thinking that the Dems would introduce a change in that criterion when they move to eliminate the Electoral College.
  4. Looks like Joe Biden's running mate to me.
  5. The DNC promoting Joe Biden, with his plainly visible frailties, is akin to elder abuse.
  6. No more so than believe all men, amiright?
  7. Why doesn't Mrs. Joe, with her advanced degrees, have the chutzpah to just pull the pin on the whole charade? Does she really want to be First Buffoon this badly?
  8. I'm just shocked that the NFL draft will be forced to focus solely on prospective players and the NFL teams they may play for! Whatever will Vegas do with the fountains that were programmed to spell out NFL; is there some relief for the gondoliers hired to ferry draft picks to the podium; will there be no opportunities to see proud fathers and weeping mothers; what if Commissioner Goodell can't even give a welcoming hug to the newly selected players. Oh, the shame of it.....
  9. If Biden were to become President, the most important people would be those making decisions and forming opinions for him. There's no way the old man, teetering on the brink of dementia/senility, could survive the first week on his own. Given the shifting tides that seem to be reflected in most of the things he says and does, the DNC should quietly help him off the stage. His wife seems hell-bent on being First Lady to the degree that she's willing to ignore his mental weaknesses.
  10. Well, it wasn't offered as an argument, only as an observation that for years much the same thing has been happening with little notice when compared to today. Not only has COVID-19 been around for years, but the flu de jour as well. See it as a hindsight thing; we should have been gearing up for "tomorrow" for a long time.
  11. But the tens of thousands who die each year from the flu de jour have been accepted without great outcry, eh?
  12. So does this Bidenesque comment have an actual meaning...?
  13. In much the same way Biden "should be" President....
  14. I hope someone is assigned to tell Biden that he is ahead at this point. Oh, and also that it's Super Tuesday. The poor guy will melt down before November.
  15. "....Why not beat their game, take one for the progressive team and throw in with @BernieSanders?" the towel! Fixed
  16. So one less dolt in the clown car. The next step will be to resurrect the Debbie Wasserman Schultz playbook and plot the demise of Bernie. At that point we'll be staring at Joe Am-I-Running-For-A-Senate-or-A-House-Seat Biden as he slowly succumbs to dementia.
  17. What a swell idea the Democrats have in promoting Joe Biden; we could swap one wing nut for another. The sad part of that is the Dem's would actually be happy finally. What a sick bunch....
  18. The real question for Biden to consider is will dementia set in completely before the convention.
  19. If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve.
  20. Condolezza Rice said repeatedly she'd like to be Commissioner of the NFL; maybe she'd consider a lesser starting point and get interested in the Presidency.
  21. Any chance of changing ol' Bill's status from Probation to Long Gone...?
  22. EW is the poster child for those who can't meet the hiring standards at WalMart.
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