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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. We played hard, but sometimes it just doesn't come together. We know what we have to do, so we'll go to work tomorrow and be ready for this week's game.
  2. Just think of SecSt John Kerry trying to have an impact on nations in the context of that culture.... The USA must be the most arrogant country since the British built their Empire.
  3. If those red lines resemble "ketchup red," then John Kerry is our point man.
  4. So...we've been urging Senators to act on any number of things with no action taken so far. If the name Washington Redskins is interpreted by some to be a slur against native Americans, it's equally fair to say the the name United States Senate has come to stand for a slur against the concept of effective government.
  5. Need hackers, contract out the job to the Chinese, then buy the data results back from them. It appears they don't need to submit references as they are already hacking most anything they choose in the USA now.
  6. Just a friendly warning: Don't push POTUS too far. If he becomes outraged, he'll draw a line in the sand!
  7. All-time good response to a birthday thread, Tom!!
  8. Wow, some of these posts only deserve to see the light of day as PM's under the I-can-piss-farther-than-you-can heading.
  9. Actually, the "other sox," the ones that reside in New England, would have been a much better example EXCEPT for the fact that my wife is a rabid Yankee fan. I'm forbidden to make any reference to the "other sox" from early April through October. She is barely over the Johnny Damon thing after all these years, and she certainly isn't over the Jacoby Ellsbury switch. So, I bow to your depth of knowledge of the White Sox and the conclusions that follow....
  10. Call me when FLOTUS holds up a #Benghazi poster....
  11. Thanks for shedding some light on this matter.
  12. Who sends out the first press release calling the Village People racist for allowing one of their number to dress as a native American? What group gathers around the kitchen table and decides that the "Hump Day" commercial with a camel is offensive to Middle Eastern cultures? Racist, sexist...is there a book somewhere with the "rules" for this sort of thing? Are the PC folks and the PETA gang interrelated? Will the White Sox have to change their team name to avoid any perception of a slight against white folks in general? Can red licorice still be red...? If Mark Twain is branded a racist by the "digger" Indians, can Samuel Clemens escape that tarring? Do I now have my tit in a wringer for using the word digger...? I just can't keep up!
  13. Damn, I thought this was a post about Joe Biden.
  14. I have a deck of the "original" TREX. It has some wood fiber in it and it grows mold and mildew thus requiring thorough cleaning once a year at least. Be sure current generation of composite has anti-mildew/mold properties to save yourself many chores.
  15. I believe the earth is getting warmer, and will for a while; then it will get cooler, and will for a while. What stumps me is why, 'cause I'm not buying most of the clap trap reasons out there now.
  16. Yesterday I channeled my first puppy by doing this.
  17. And maybe the the investigation will turn up evidence that George and Laura Bush orchestrated the whole Benghazi disaster, eh...that would make it worth it, huh?
  18. Should make anyone stop and think about the blessings we all take for granted. Richie sends a powerful message.
  19. Note to g'man: Always read what you wrote BEFORE clicking Post. Incorrect word usage, spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical errors tend to deflect attention from the essence of what you write....Oh, wait a minute, I guess that doesn't apply to you.
  20. Fresh from the clown car, Joey proves once again that you can't shine $#!t.
  21. I'd love to sit in on the job interviews of those who are re-applying for "their" jobs. "Good morning, I have your resume here and I see you were fired from your last job...? We here at Acme value loyalty above all else...." and so it goes.
  22. Confirming for me that the death penalty has its place in 21st Century society.
  23. It appears to me that the "can't pay you don't deserve" attitude you mentioned has been replaced by "just come up with a need and someone else will pay for it." Is there no end to throwing money at a vastly inflated continuum of "social needs" that includes cell phones and massages?
  24. I just lay awake nights hoping that VPOTUS throws his hat into the 2016 ring. With cable bills increasing, his candidacy could provide all the entertainment I'd need for the campaign season. Picture Hill'ry and Joey in a night of the long knives tussle for the nomination. After all, Joey chaired the Senate Foreign Relations committee for years, and we all know that time served is a true measure of ability and acumen. As POTUS' right hand man, he's received incalculable foreign relations experience at the knee of his mentor. As emissary to countries far and wide, Joey is building his foreign relations creds [insert chuckle here]. It appears that the only shortcoming in his skill set is the lack of service as a neighborhood organizer. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/27/biden-takes-advantage-his-office-to-burnish-foreign-policy-creds-ahead-possible/?intcmp=HPBucket Sail on, Oh Ship of State.
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