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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. No boots on the ground; that's what POTUS told us. However, there will be a yet-to-be-determined number of military personnel tagged as advisors, additionally, there will be special forces personnel to provide protection and training. Every iteration of the options being considered appears to add to the number of military personnel being considered for duty in Iraq. What is the magic number wherein no boots on the ground becomes broad-based military involvement? (That's a rhetorical question since one learns not to give credence to POTUS' answers to such questions.)
  2. And the one hundred advisors has morphed to three hundred, just in the "option considering" stage. Probably end up w/ several thousand "advisors," most of whom will never be officially on the books, armed to the teeth, leading Iraqi fighters on "training missions." But, hey, no boots on the ground; and if push comes to shove, POTUS will lose the emails enabling our re-involvement.
  3. When POTUS states unequivocally that there will be no boots on the ground in Iraq, does he mean the one hundred special forces troops he talks about will be wearing sneakers....?
  4. Senator Harry Reid has taken a strong position on one of the country's most nagging issues--the name of a football team. Carving time out of his grueling schedule, the sharply-focused legislator took yet another step in his ongoing battle for the betterment of our nation. Harry will not attend another Redskins game until the team changes its name. One more principled leader of our great nation steps to the forefront at an important moment in our nation's history! (Can I have your tickets, Harry?) http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2014/06/16/harry-reid-declines-invitation-to-attend-washington-redskins-game/?intcmp=latestnews
  5. I agree we have a duty to help those who can't help themselves...nationally and internationally. We do NOT have a duty to define the needs of others nor to interpret their needs to fit "our" solutions. Unfortunately, we've become masters at deciding we know best in the context of other cultures where, in fact, we simply have no clue.
  6. I have a solution to the immigration reform problem, but most of the posters above would deem it cruel and unusual punishment: Enforce the laws currently on the books, no more, no less, then, after two years, see what, if anything, additional is needed.
  7. There is a valuable lesson for the United States to learn by watching events in Iraq as it implodes following withdrawal of US support. We do not, and can not, understand the hundreds of years of relationships between and among sects, religious offshoots and warlords. We need to resist the desire to export our social, political and economic mores to people who neither understand, nor want any part of them. Will we learn the lesson currently being taught in the middle East; not if yesterday is the best predictor of tomorrow.
  8. Don't piss her off, or she'll draw a red line! In a month or two she'll launch the phony national listening tour that she first unleashed on NYS to draw attention away from her carpetbagger status.
  9. Let me have an "Amen" to that. Send "same old, same old" to the sidelines; if you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got!!
  10. I'm not sure LABillzFan is correct; that time will come (has come for most of us), but I fear there is no changing the minds of the groupies for whom POTUS simply (no pun intended) can't make a mistake, misstep, mis-statement, etc.
  11. I'm w/ meazza. G'man, for the love of God, please don't even read anything I might happen to post. (Thanks in advance!)
  12. When you say stadium in NF, I hope you're thinking NF, Canada because NF, NY is just the pits. If NYS needed an enema, it would be inserted in NF, NY
  13. Trivia: I "attended" Don Zimmer's wedding. The wedding took place at Dunn Field in Elmira, NY. I was in junior high school and watched the ceremony from the dike along the Chemung River. (Wasn't invited to the wedding, couldn't afford a ticket to the game.) The wedding preceded a game between the old Eastern League Pioneers and some team I can't recall.
  14. One of the all-time spandex biker spotting locations in the US is on the short street in front of the Biltmore and running along the ocean in Montecito, CA. Spandex bikers, cell phones, plus conversations with biker buddies. So very very de rigueur Oh yeah, don't expect to drive a car anywhere close to the pack of 'em..
  15. Dollar General + Cheektowaga = Just what's on the video....
  16. POTUS must see himself as the Dos Equis Man of the US; all-knowing on matters of little substance and oblivious of those around him. A smile, a hug, a wink and a lie seem to be his stock in trade when telling the citizens of his triumphs. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/03/hillary-clinton-was-skeptical-of-taliban-bergdahl-swap.html?google_editors_picks=true How bad is it when even Hill'ry thinks his actions result in a questionable deal?
  17. Hands down Obama is the worst. Recall Obama ran on the premise that he would fix all that was wrong with the country following eight "disastrous" years of the Bush administration. Not only did Obama not fix much of anything, he managed to further erode the prestige of the office of the President among other faux pas, scandals and general f*** ups. The current POTUS has made a mockery of this country's foreign policy initiatives, run roughshod over the law in domestic matters, and appears to long for a seat next to Joe Biden in the Clown Car as Buffoon-in-Chief.
  18. If Bergdahl-gate was the administration's effort to push the VA scandal off the front pages, imagine what POTUS will dream up to bury the Bergdahl kerfluffle. Kind of gives new meaning to the concept of a downward self-reinforcing spiral, eh?
  19. While I occupy a lonely outpost, it's my dream that all incumbents will be defeated, that those elected will not be professional politicians, and that the electorate will continue to toss out those who do not honor their campaign promises. It's my homage to Diogenes...I'm looking for an honest politician.
  20. I've got this great idea for NASCAR: Run however many races, assign however many points in descending order for 1st through last place finish of each race, driver/car with the most points at the end of the season is the champion. Easy, huh? Kind of like every other sport. Also, try really really hard not to change the rules during the season!
  21. The shuck and jive nature of the position encourages disbelief.
  22. Employers will take a major step back from the brink of providing health insurance by "easing" employees into exchanges. Less costly, fewer administrative requirements and more focus on the objectives of the business rather than health care--what's not to like? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05/31/analysts-predict-most-employer-provided-insurance-will-disappear-as-obamacare/?intcmp=HPBucket Of course the other side of that coin is that the American taxpayers will shoulder more and more of the burden since government subsidies will be a major part of the premiums paid by those "shifted" employees. Nothing new, just revisiting the facts...move along....
  23. Yeah, OK, but what about the methane from cow farts and all that other stuff? So is it climate change or global warming...damn that Mother Nature, Oh, and Al Gore too! http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/environment/global-warming/antarctic-ice-began-melting-earlier-that-thought-study/articleshow/35721352.cms
  24. Nope, Trump wants the PR component to trumpet Trump. The team would just be a distraction to him.
  25. Oh, sorry,I thought this was the same thread from last year....
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