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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. The Bee must just feast on Joke Biden's every utterance.
  2. Italian sausage (link) + roasted red peppers + ciabatta roll ='s a great samich'.
  3. I wonder if the judge metes out the same degree of adherance to the law to every individual brought before his court. I'm betting that he finds extenuating circumstances on a regular basis. Why not in this case, beats me; maybe he deemed her to be just too feisty for his liking.
  4. It appears there is a slight crack in the MSM's annointment process for Joe Biden as there are several articles floating around using the terms elder abuse and stressing the critical importance of the VP nominee. Not exactly breaking news for anyone who has seen him in the past year or ten.
  5. Quote from the NY Post: "....Tara Reade’s charge that her then-boss sexually assaulted her is not to be believed because — in Nancy Pelosi’s phrase — “Joe Biden is Joe Biden.” The above quote is to be filed away with, "You have to pass it to read it."
  6. Please, Democrats, gift Joe Biden with a memorial shawl and send him home to play Parcheesi and watch Rachael Maddow! https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/28/joe-biden-appears-fall-asleep-hillary-clinton-town/
  7. I'm just so excited to know that of approximately 330,000,000 people here in the US, these two will probably be selected as Presidential candidates. Instead of handing out "I Voted" stickers at the polls we'll get vomit bags....
  8. Since neither the early onset dementia Biden exhibits nor the blatant elder abuse he suffers at the hands of the DNC et. al. has sparked a serious call for Biden to be "retired", maybe the sexual abuse charges will result in a quiet end to his public life. It's a shame that it will take a matter this serious to awaken a call for his leaving the public stage.
  9. Don't get into the cheated-on-his wife discussion without mentioninng the most famous wife cheater who lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. At least the most famous one we know about....
  10. Nothing like a Q-baby! - Chef Jim volley to kick off a Sunday morning. From my side of the court (Go get 'em Jim) it looks like a long match. I don't doubt for a minute Jim can pi$$ farther than the other guy.
  11. Since the government decreed non-essential businesses be closed, why is CNN still on the air?
  12. Thankfully, Princess Nancy has never blamed anyone for anything...well, except in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth paragraphs above, eh
  13. You have to elect him to find out who he is, silly!
  14. Joe Biden: "People will die, who have never died before." AOC: "There are homeless people out there who can't pay their mortgage." May those of you who voted for these "politicians" walk among us in shame
  15. gator, Niagara Bill, Tibs..one and the same? There can't be three actual people who inhabit that mentally narrow canyon, eh?
  16. B-Man's post above reminds me of one of those puzzle-type pics used to determine if you're a real person before you are allowed to respond, etc. The request for this one is click all the squares that include a broken man.
  17. I was going to react to this, but thankfully I saw that Tiberius had already done so. Since I social distanced/quarantined/blocked myself from anything that doofus does or says long before the virus reared its ugly head, I didn't leave a reaction emoji next to his/hers (?). Anyway, good one, billsfan1959!
  18. Turn the boss in for evading the quarantine...?
  19. Never had any relationship with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. There are enough traditional "sources" of info trying to slam info down my throat, I don't need Larry in his Mom's cellar telling me he is the Secretary of State.
  20. IF the agreement was still being finalized when the NFLPA held their vote, the NFLPA did not serve the players' interests and should be held responsible by the members. Would any of us write a check while the bill was still being added up?
  21. Wow, what a great idea! That should be in the Constitution somewhere, eh?
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