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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Recalling Hill'ry's victory in the NYS Senate race as a "carpetbagger" painfully serves as precedent for running as an outsider. I'm eagerly awaiting the announcement of her "listening tour" as was perpetrated on the good people of NYS a number of years ago. Probably a great listener, but she sadly heard very little and implemented even less.
  2. I just rub the inside of the discharge chute w/ a block of wax. Always worked for me.
  3. I'm not totally sure either. I do know the cost of health care is increasing and a LTC policy promises to pay for future health care costs w/in a specific framework. I propose that John Hancock is positioning itself now for the next dropping shoe. Since the ACA impacts all forms of health care from private policies to Medicare, I refuse to believe that the LTC industry is insulated from the long arm of the IRS-managed ACA.
  4. I'm just loving' the 100% increase in the premium for my wife's and my long term care policies. I guess that's an offshoot of the, "Wait until 2015 to see the damage the ACA can do." comments.
  5. The not-so-velvet hammer of the ACA strikes once more: My wife and I have had Long Term Care policies through John Hancock since 1997. The premium was fixed at $1,161 annually for me, and it has been that amount until yesterday. Yesterday I received a letter notifying me that beginning 1/1/15 my premium would be $2,322. That's a 100% increase. I plan to drop my coverage, hopefully recoup some surrender value, and continue my wife's policy. She will also experience a 100% increase in premium cost. This experience brings to mind the earlier warnings of, "Wait until 2015 when other provisions kick in...." Sail on, Oh Ship of State!
  6. Being able to recall the end of WW II, and having seen Korea, Vietnam, and various other formal and informal international dust ups, I must admit that there is a point, when we are under direct physical attack, here or abroad, at which I'm OK with turning the tables on the enemy and using extraordinary methods to respond. I don't want any part of beheading (receiver or giver), but there may come a time when waving a copy of our Constitution in the face of the enemy doesn't stop them. So I guess I'm not a subscriber to absolute adherence to no torture. In critical situations, I expect those charged with protecting us to develop the information necessary to keep us safe. I don't believe the John Kerrys nor the Joe Bidens of the world can diplomatically resolve the philosophy expressed by many of our current international enemies. In a similar vein, it appears to me that POTUS is not a devotee of absolute adherence to his oath to the Constitution in terms of manipulating and changing laws passed by Congress (See the ACA), nor his authority limits with regard to his recent action on stopping deportation of illegal immigrants. These actions, absent an imminent threat to the nation, appear both ignorant and arrogant in nature. Like you, in today's relatively peaceful world, I abhor torture of any human being; unlike you, the point where I'd support crossing the line comes much sooner than yours does. But make no mistake, there is a point where you would/will cross that line. You either don't know it yet, or you're too sensitive to admit it.
  7. Those bastions of human rights, Russia, China and North Korea, jumped on the bandwagon criticizing the US for it's extreme information gathering practices. I anticipate POTUS making another of his apology-to-the-world speeches in the very near future. Sail on Oh Ship of State.
  8. Exactly. That's why the Senators and Congresspersons who were briefed regularly and "knew about" these activities will never permit charges to be brought against whomever. Charges would shine the flashlight of responsibility into the dark corners of Congress. With regard to sliding down the slippery slope, I wonder how we will combat beheadings by reading Miranda rights to the executioners who feed on the publicity of the original act....? I also wonder about the acceptability of "droning" the household of a terrorist leader, but publicly denouncing sleep deprivation, loud music over time and waterboarding to determine the location of that household.
  9. If we stood by our ideals, we'd (read POTUS) give more than a wink and a nod to the Constitution in matters such as immigration. Difficult times, such as an attack on the home land, call for difficult measures. It's easy to take the moral high ground years removed from the circumstances that gave rise to the extremes you decry. Maybe we should send an emissary to carry our respect for our enemies' and their struggles (read Hill'ry's comments on the subject from earlier in the week). We could hand carry a copy of today's release of our "transgressions" and beg their forgiveness. As a gesture of our sincerity we could stop serving pork in restaurants nationwide.
  10. The best predictor of tomorrow is yesterday. Particularly when applied to the Buffalo Bills over the past fourteen years....
  11. Since part of POTUS' original stimulus money (way back when...) was earmarked for shovel-ready infrastructure, and then it was found that there were precious few shovel-ready projects...what happened to that earmarked money? Thus the the need for a constitutional amendment, blood oath, or non-Democrat President.
  12. The only thing funnier than Rex prowling the sideline is Rex in front of a TV camera.
  13. C'mon now, didn't you watch yesterday's game? Forget moonbeams and unicorns; bench Orton now, play EJ the rest of the way to see if he shows any kind of spark upon which to build next year. If yes, great, go to work filling in the blanks. If NO, admit that EJ is a blank that needs to be filled as he is moved along to another venue.
  14. That seals it for me: If we lost the game, Rex could kick the winning coach's ass. I say again - a buffoon of the first order.
  15. What's even worse than that is the twit on the cell phone right up to the point where the cashier is finished with bagging and looks up expectantly at the customer who suddenly realizes she has to pay for the items and begins to dig for the card or cash!
  16. Do we really want a loud-mouthed buffoon as DC?
  17. Pensive, Perplexed, Pissed
  18. This is the expression Hill'ry adopts when she is speaking to her vast constituency of chipmunks and other rodents.
  19. Hill'ry is promoting empathy and respect for our enemies. I thought that was currently POTUS' job.
  20. A Ha! I'm intrigued by POTUS' latest lateral arabesque regarding increasing the minimum wage. He is considering raising the minimum salary level at which employees can be classified as managers. Raising that minimum to $50,000, thus removing the manager title from the newly defrocked, makes them eligible for overtime pay. Voila! A wage increase for a significant number of newly annointed hewers of wood and drawers of water. You go, you smooth talker you!
  21. Seems only fair to pair free wifi w/ an Obamaphone to complement the well-outfitted urban unemployed.
  22. Assuming an indictment is returned, at least part of the process for determining the validity of the coroner's findings is called a trial.
  23. Remember that a grand jury simply determines whether or not a crime was committed and, if so, is the person charged possibly involved. This case in NYC appears to me to warrant a grand jury level investigation of the matter based on the coroner's finding of homicide as cause of death.
  24. Drivers who apparently can't put their cell phones down long enough to turn on their damn turn signal before they're half way through the turn! Listen people: Use your turn signal to tell me, "I'm going to make a turn in about fifty yards." NOT to tell me, "See what I just did back there?"
  25. Poetic: An empty suit speaking to empty seats.
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