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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I'm against the signing, but it happened, so we make the best of it. My hope is that Incognito recognizes this is his last hurrah and he has his fate in his own hands.
  2. Well, I guess what irks me just a bit is that every once in a while ISIS, or whatever initial grouping identifies the terrorist de jour, sprinkles an American or two into the kidnap/burn/kill/rape schedule. I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer until "...it gets bad enough..." if I subscribe to your approach. I keep thinking that somewhere in the context of satellite and drone intelligence gathering, coupled with ghille-suit stealth, there's a way to put some industrial strength hurtin' on the moslem terrorists who appear to hold whole regions hostage.
  3. What separates me from you is that I don't look to either party, individually, to have the answers. I'm laboring under the assumption that both parties, plus representatives of however many minor parties, under the leadership of the President, will forge a course of action on whatever issue is under consideration at the moment. And when I say laboring, believe me, I'm laboring.
  4. Sure, but it wouldn't be true. It would, however, be in keeping with POTUS' need to shift the focus so as to avoid making a decision...on anything.
  5. Tell us the parameters of the all out campaign you mentioned above. Do they include securing our borders? Do they include attempting to unite the nation and the political parties in response to the potential of ISIS attacks here? Do they include POTUS' pen and telephone lining up support at home and internationally? Do they include more of the bogus press conferences you allude to? You know, the ones that inevitably foist blame on anyone but the current administration for whatever is the question of the day. robbins must have all the ideas, eh?
  6. Here are some proposals to ponder: 1. Identify the enemy correctly, in this case Islamic terrorists. 2. Identify allies with goals that are similar to ours, e.g., human rights, protection from homeland terror attacks. 3. Identify resources to address the problem, e.g., arming counter-terrorist forces in the theater of operations. 4. Develop plans of action, rules of engagement, and progress assessments. 5. Inform the public of all of the above with the exception of those components that require secret planning and implementation to succeed. For starters....
  7. OK, we've heard from baskin; when do we hear from robbins?
  8. In what may be the latest example of international workplace violence, ISIS has apparently burned the Jordanian pilot they captured in Syria to death in his cage. http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/03/world/isis-captive/ An unconfirmed report indicates that before the end of next week POTUS is considering sending a sympathy card to somebody in the Jordanian government. Sail on, Oh Ship of State.
  9. Whew, at least they aren't acting like MSNBC and the other MSM outlets. Darn that one-sided ol' Fox News Network anyway! I'll bet Rachael Maddow has a full 360° view of the issue.
  10. Well, it depends on which end of the "us" continuum people find themselves. For example, if you are situated on the left side of the "us" continuum, there is lots of free stuff in the pipeline for delivery to you. If, however, you find yourself in the middle-to-right side of the "us" continuum, you're upside down because, not only aren't you getting "free stuff," you're paying for the things that are free to your countrymen persons on the left. In keeping with that occurrence, I propose we simplify the redistribution of wealth by no longer "washing" it through the IRS. My plan is to perfect a system of direct pay that would work like this: If your taxable income is between 30k and 50k, the government will send you the address of a family deemed to be on the left side of the us continuum. You, in turn, send them 18% of your taxable income. If your taxable income is between 50k and 100k, the government will send you three addresses...you get the picture. Clean, streamlined and could even lead to exchange of Christmas cards.
  11. John was busy "shoveling" other stuff in other places.
  12. Why not, look at the faux success enjoyed by the women around him for the past ten or so years.
  13. Be sure to wear latex gloves and a respirator when visiting Chucky Cheese as there is no place where germs are more concentrated on every surface, e.g., you've got your snot, your boogers, etc.
  14. However, stepping back just a bit, you have to be it it to lose it; and being that losing the SB makes a team "first loser," imagine (Well, we don't have to imagine, do we.) the pain of being about the twentieth loser for Oh so long....
  15. No more posting after "visiting Mr. Jameson."
  16. This just in: The Koch brothers aren't running for President. However, they are doing everything possible to put the country back in a position of respect internationally, and imbue national policies with the common sense that appears to have served us well lo these many years...well, OK, not the past six years.
  17. As the current administration plays Mr. Twister with real-world labels, the Taliban killed three Americans "over there." http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/01/30/3-american-contractors-killed-by-gunman-in-afghanistan/ Is there a minimum number of violent acts that would-be terrorist organizations should aspire to before POTUS actually brands them terrorist organizations? If so, can a truly violent group of people kill foreigners as well as their own people, yet stay below the Mendoza line that denotes terrorism? Do we truly have to put up with the current POTUS' petulant approach to all things he dislikes? Sail on,Oh Ship of State....
  18. When the current administration's negotiations team meets with their Iranian counterparts, the US members might make mention of Iran's call for the assassination of Netanyahu's children; possibly use it as an illustration of human rights at their Iranian finest...? http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/01/29/iran-calls-for-assassination-netanyahu-children/ How did POTUS disguise his ignorance of foreign policy, his absence of support for our allies and his crippling tunnel vision through two election cycles? Sail on, Oh ship of State.
  19. The NFL will in all likelihood release the results of their fauxvestigation late some Friday afternoon at the same time the Army releases the Bowe Bergdahl report in order to hide under the skirts of the army's decision. Unfortunately for the fans of football, a court martial will not be a possible recommendation for Kraft, Brady nor Belichick.
  20. On the other hand, there is probably a process for attaining a license. Get the forms, complete them, submit them for official review, provide supporting data as requested, attend a hearing and supply answers to questions pertinent to shoveling snow...and finally......receive your license some time in early June then start shoveling quickly because the license expires in ninety days.
  21. Actually my example is Benghazi. I could have added Deflategate and any number of others. I referenced Shelly Silver as one mired in political arrogance.
  22. When will those in the spotlight learn that the short run impact of telling the truth when caught in a compromising situation is much preferred to coverup lies that feed the nagging issue over the long term? Don't we all know by now that the coverup results in more significant blowback than the simple truth; can we see that developing a coverup results in TWO problems: The original transgression plus the coverup? Case in point: Benghazi. The fact that this simple truth is lost in the context of political arrogance just baffles me; how 'bout you, Sheldon? Sail on, Oh ship of state.
  23. Rex wants to raise the gas tax...?
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