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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Or just call the local FBI office and let them handle it for you...I mean the problem, not the money
  2. You go, Bibi! Anything that pisses off POTUS can't be all bad.
  3. Except if the point is that baring, i.e., uncovering, stripping, applies to one's inability to provide"evidence" thus leaving the argument uncovered, stripped, bare.
  4. Larry, Michelle, Thomas, etc. g'man, you take the chocolate saddle for stupid.
  5. POTUS' stated reason for not meeting with Netanyahu recently was that to do so might unduly influence the upcoming Israeli elections. Now, it seems that a bipartisan group in our Congress has uncovered an attempt to allegedly influence those elections by funding anti-Netanyahu groups with US taxpayer money. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/14/senate-committee-probes-whether-obama-administration-funded-effort-to-oust/ With any luck, POTUS will "learn about" this matter in the newspapers at some future point in time...and be just astonished by it all.
  6. Rather than suspect, why not take the time to find and then post the evidence here that supports your suspicion? Baring that, you can just continue to toss unsubstantiated verbal grenades and see what sticks to the wall; or better yet, since you're a troller of the first order, see what draws a number of responses.
  7. Well, POTUS certainly didn't only mention the two Ferguson police officers who were shot in a tweet, he also made mention of the incident from his official media source - the Jimmy Kimmel Show.
  8. Here's hoping the two cops pass on the imposition of POTUS appearing for a photo opp. (As if POTUS would actually miss a fundraiser in CA.)
  9. Any chance of implanting a size 6 7/8 common sense chip in POTUS?
  10. So even the chief negotiator from the US admits the "deal" won't be legally binding? What kind of idiot sets out to negotiate a "deal" with a nation that has a solid track record of breaking agreements (UN inspectors denied access, etc.); a deal that has no teeth from jump? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/11/kerry-iran-deal-not-legally-binding/?intcmp=latestnews And even more stunning is to express umbrage when Republicans tell the "other party" that the "deal" has no legs? When I think of the foreign policy of the US, I think of the definition of foreign that means strange, alien, not normal. Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  11. Actually. I find Dennis Miller to be rather average in body type. (I look to POTUS as my poster child for hateful arrogance.)
  12. Thanks ....lybob, for providing today's first example of the fact that when POTUS simply can't carry the nation's water, others must step in to do the job.
  13. Wow, these Clinton folks just think we're all butt stupid! Bill speaks to a group exhorting them to fully disclose everything, but neither he nor what's-her-name choose to do that--ever. The Clinton formula for obfuscation is to keep quiet, let minions speak for them and pray for a dramatic occurrence to capture the next news cycle and provide cover for their felonious activities. The degree to which the citizens of our country let Hill'ry off the hook on her scandals is directly proportionate to our stupidity. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bill-clinton-talks-full-disclosure-hillary-avoids-disclosure/story?id=29472839
  14. Good on yer' 'chelle! You took the time to respond to one of the little people (aren't we all little people in her eyes) out there; and, much like your husband, you offered no alternative, just do it my way. So, cowboy up, fella, the pizza will continue to suck and Taco Tuesday is but a gleam in your eye, but FLOTUS feels your pain.
  15. OK here it is, just for you: Rules to apply when posting: 1) Sit in a comfortable chair, take a deep breath and let it out slowly then; 2) Gather some background, e.g., read the info at the link (if provided), think about the point being made in the context of your beliefs; 3) Type the words that best convey your thoughts in response to the issue you are considering; 4) Spell check what you've typed; 5) Reread what you typed and think of ways to make your points clearer; 6) Concentrate on issues important to you. 7) Ask someone in the same class to proofread what you wrote and make changes as needed; 8) Click Post.
  16. "...he heard it through the grapevine...." The self-proclaimed winner of the Mr Transparent trophy, POTUS thinks he read of Hiii'ry's email deception in the newspaper. He is the gift that just keeps on giving...giving the majority of the people in the nation pause to wonder how such a light-weight ever got elected to any political office, let alone the top one. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/07/white-house-email-clinton/ Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  17. Well, I've waded my way through the long list of responsibilities you chose to illustrate your point made several posts above. I suspect you meant to say potentially required to pay taxes since the IRS just postponed yet again the need to be responsible for the tax implications of the ACA. A shuck and jive here, a lateral arabesque there and what-do-you-know no tax requirement. Step back, take a breath, maybe read something before you re-enter the fray wholly on the side of the "downtrodden" in America. Better yet, walk a mile in their shoes; call me on your Obama cell phone from your affordable housing project to let me know how it's going....wait, maybe you'd better wait 'til after "work" to call.
  18. Ya kinda can't blame the Congress for not acting on AUMF since the guy that sent the request for authorization up to the Hill (POTUS) doesn't even have the courage to correctly identify the group against which military forces will/or not be deployed. To paraphrase: POTUS dithers while ISIS bulldozes.
  19. Hill'ry's brother has another gold mine and her name is Hill'ry.
  20. Now that the administration has determined that a top Iranian general is leading the Iraqi troops in the assault on Mosul, maybe someone in the upper echelons of the executive branch will catch on to the fact that Iran has designs on extending their influence every bit as much as Putin in the Ukraine? Do any of POTUS peeps see the writing on the wall, and could they for a minute wonder about the viability, longevity, and honorability of any pact we make with Iran regarding nuclear arms? Does the fact that John Kerry is racing around the Middle East trying to shore up support for the "pact" w/ Iran cause anyone in take a breath and re-think the whole debacle? Given the consensus that Iran is the/a leading supporter of terrorist organizations, could someone with some gray matter call into question the "pact" being negotiated? I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists....?
  21. Never fear, the Clinton arrogance will prevail. Hill'ry will launch one of her patented Listening Tours during which she'll feel the pain of the downtrodden, revel in the joy of young families supporting her message, and blatantly ignore the fact-based criticisms that wash up on her shores. After all, the Clintons have a foundation [read money laundering scheme], yet she forges ahead with no moral or ethical foundation at all.
  22. OMG, I'm beginning to think you actually believe POTUS' crap. The other side of the coin you so socially consciously spotlighted above is that the vast majority, who foolishly continue to subscribe to the hard work will be rewarded scenario, are waking up to realize that mantra has been corrupted just a tad. Currently, it goes like this,"Your hard work will reward your neighbors' outstretched hand." PM me with the long list of responsibilities of citizenship currently being adopted and exercised by those emerging from the "shadows."
  23. My pun-laden response: It could be hard to keep abreast of that duo.
  24. Slight clarification....
  25. It's way way too late for this administration to avoid appearing weak; particularly since being weak trumps appearing weak.
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