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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Both can hide eggs from the people, but only one can regularly lay eggs.
  2. So, at this point the US and others have firmly agreed on tentative points upon which there is no common agreement by either "side" in the negotiations. If the mantra of one of the parties (Death to the United States) prevails, there will continue to be a series of meetings to confirm the points of disagreement; following those meetings, the sanctions will be immediately lifted at such time as the agreed upon steps that continue to be disputed are verified. Barring said Death to the United States, the signatory parties will develop an agreement in perpetuity that expires in either five or ten years. Nevertheless, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon during the current US Presidents remaining twenty months in office, or for ten years, or until Israel grants approval. Why even worry about the agreement when the US' real worry is the mental state of the dullard who believes all will be well in the Middle East?
  3. Don't 'cha just love the way POTUS pontificates that Iran will not have a nuclear weapon on his watch? Yo, POTUS, your watch is almost over (Thank you, Jesus) you nitwit!
  4. So I'm trying' to make a snarky remark here that includes the words pu$$y willow, but the site's editor changes pu$$y to kitty. Do I have to get the LBGT protesters to affirm my right to free speech; should I notify the Reverend Al Dullton; do I need the Rainbow coalition's involvement? Skip it, I'll have another Koch's and drift off....
  5. I don't have time for an extended response as I have seven more eggs to hide, then I have to shine my shoes for church (Yes, to head off the inevitable next post: I do wear shoes to church...often.).
  6. The only thing that irritates me about an EBT card being presented in the grocery store is when the holder argues with the clerk about what is and isn't eligible, i.e., smokes and beer. "Why can't I buy beer with it, I did last week...."
  7. Reading g'man's responses to the three quotes in his post above just hammers home the fact he is spending too much time napping in study hall. I hope Mrs. Perry catches up with you soon!
  8. I slept in a four poster when I was a kid....
  9. Seems we've misplaced the scorecard that identifies all the players and their teams; time to get off the field for good.
  10. In that case, choose him to run for POTUS on the 'mocrat ticket! (Assuming that "slim ball" was supposed to be slime ball....) Hateful arrogance describes the current guy, why not his successor...?
  11. So, as the general public has been "sent to the woodshed" by POTUS in Oh, so many ways; now the press is literally relegated to the woodshed. Pro'lly a woodshed with open walls given POTUS' pledge of transparency, eh?
  12. Whoa, let's not let reality cloud our rants! The current pendulum placement for this issue is whatever our LBGT brothers, sisters, and [fill in the blank] think it is.
  13. Note to Senate: Ramp up the electrical capacity so there'll be enough juice to support Camera Chuck's incessant need to be in the lime light. Also, warn staffers, etc. not to get between Chuck and a camera.
  14. So, if I read his comment correctly, he's leaving the Senate so we can get to work being concerned about the country, the Senate and Nevada. That's been my thought all along: He stood in the way of progress at every level.
  15. Any possibility of assistance from a group(s) offering to help ex-military in your area--assistance in the form of building a plan to work through the debt load, get a solid job, etc.? Barring that, assistance from debt counseling agency or some similar source of advice. It's important to know you're not alone in the issue and that there are individuals and groups with ideas for you to consider. Keep your eye on your objectives, let others in to help you, don't even think of giving up.
  16. Ah, Harry, we knew ye so well. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/top-democrat-harry-reid-says-hes-not-running-re-election-n331256 Who will marshall the 'mocrats in the Senate? Who will bob for POTUS' apple on the Senate side? Who will carry the water for the liberal wing nuts in the Senate?
  17. Well, somebody thought it existed since it received a writ of certiorari from SCOTUS.
  18. SCOTUS denied a challenge to Wisconsin's voter ID law, so the law will go into full effect at the start of the next election cycle. Next thing you know, you'll have to show ID to buy a beer in Wisconsin, Oh wait a minute.... http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/297236831.html
  19. I just hate to do this; it actually makes my teeth ache, BUT I think gatorman may be right in this instance. [Please forgive me, y'all]
  20. Wonder if she ever thought of just walking away from the concept of yoga....
  21. Holder, step down?...can he get any lower?
  22. I'd buy a ticket to see Billy Fucillo and William DeVane fight to the death. Then I'd shoot the winner.
  23. Oh yeah, you most definitely "am."
  24. Did Bibi and POTUS really compare brackets?
  25. Ironic that POTUS can issue a statement directly to the people of Iran and that's a positive step, but when the Republican members of Congress write a letter to Iran....well, you know what blowback occurred there. Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
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