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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Hill'ry has a patent on the obfuscation tactics that have served the family well, lo' these many years (and scandals). http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/hillary-clintons-scandal-playbook?google_editors_picks=true I'm thinkin' that sooner or later the weight of the Clinton legacy of lies, coverups, and simple bluff-their-way-through-the-facts will come home to roost. Witness even the MSM smells blood in the water given the quantity and quality of wrong-doings coming to light. Maybe this time, they'll go away quietly into the night.
  2. 'zactly, those nukes are so yesterday, eh?
  3. I wonder if any Japanese said/thought that in about 1940 - 1944?
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/04/23/china-reportedly-issues-new-warning-over-north-korean-nuclear-production/ I wonder what our current POTUS will be doing on the day one of Iran's neighbors (or the USA) announces concerns over Iran's growing nuclear arsenal? Maybe he'll be in Yemen (or whatever new name the country is called after falling to terrorists) celebrating the "end of terrorism" there; maybe he'll be in FL delivering remarks concerning why he never followed through on the Everglades reclamation dams as promised; maybe he'll be in Chicago organizing a sit-in to protest the rise of crime. Gee, maybe he'll be in Teheran accepting a brotherhood award....
  5. Take to the streets, call out the downtrodden quaffers, spray paint those placards, bring the cause of the Spotted Cow to the forefront of every living room; we will have our suds where and when....
  6. Duly noted, thanks. I shall navigate the rocks and shoals of Warning Points Harbor with the utmost care; until that time, I'll continue steering various courses at various speeds.
  7. If ignorance of foreign policy counts as a disease, I have an acquaintance-from-afar with POTUS....?
  8. So POTUS' current position on the "agreement" is that further modifications of the sanction withdrawal section of the understanding (or lack thereof) could be made. Can he give up the entire store any faster? Has he ever been introduced to the negative concept of negotiating against one's self? He is pushing off the ledge faster than a Mexican cliff diver!
  9. I prefer the "fat-thighed harridan" description of Hill'ry myself....
  10. Gee, the NFL favoring teams? What other NASCAR-like things will researchers discover about the NFL?
  11. Please keep this volley going, I could "watch" it all day. G'man, y'all aren't even out of the locker room on this one.
  12. Her current campaign strategy is to travel and meet with small groups...reminiscent of her farcical listening tour during her campaign for Senator from NYS. She listens really well, but I doubt she actually hears anything other than her own drum beat. Note to Hill'ry: Go home, rock the grand baby, make some cookies, fuss over the foundation finances with your daughter.
  13. Since I don't believe politicians when they standup in front of a camera and "look" me in the eye, I damn sure don't believe what they write on paper when they're alone in some room with a computer.
  14. Be sure to wait 'til Momma is out of the crapper so the whole gang experiences the ride.
  15. Any stats out there of black cops shooting unarmed people?
  16. Using the criterion of being the "first" of some category, in this instance woman, must not be allowed to be successful in terms of choosing another POTUS. We are currently suffering the results of having elected a "first." Let's raise the bar and actually require some leadership qualities of our candidates. I suggest truth-telling might be the first quality we should demand.
  17. Iran's Supreme Ayatollah accuses the White House of lying...nothing to see here, move along....
  18. Crap, I thought a Presidential Exploratory Committee was a group of people trying to find a decent President. Still looking since present guy's election....
  19. That's what happens when POTUS sprinkles his fairy dust on issues over which he has no understanding. What's it been a week since he pimped the deal from the roof tops; now the sides are in disarray. Note to POTUS: You can't win a pi$$ing contest with a skunk!
  20. Yo, Yo, Yo, not so fast. The minute the Spanish-speaking population of the fifty states reaches 51% of the populous, I want to be able to claim my subsidy porque no hablo espanol.
  21. I'm more and more relaxed about the Iran - US "allies" nuclear "deal" because it will never happen! We think the agreed-upon preliminary position says this; the other side of the table thinks it says that, etc. Rather than break the terms of the agreement following its being formalized, Iran has chosen to obfuscate the matter now through differing interpretations. (Or maybe we're the ones who don't know what we've agreed to, after all John Kerry is the negotiator.) Why wait to scuttle the mess when it can easily be done now? Ah, but the ever-keen POTUS should feel good about all the misinterpretations because it allows him to play both sides of the matter with equal bluster, e.g, "Iran will never have a nuclear weapon on my watch." "If Iran has a nuclear weapon, all our options are on the table." Of course, in POTUS-speak our options are limited to a stern scolding of Iran the next time POTUS appears on Jimmy Kimmel.
  22. So there is no point at which the US should get involved...? Not to protect US citizens, nor US military bases, nor US embassies, nor, maybe, Cleveland; just let it all happen w/o responding to any egregious actions?
  23. So just where would you draw the famous line in the sand; the line that marks the point where the US must get involved for the sake of allies, moral and ethical positions, and common sense?
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