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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Greg, I don't know you, but I've read a lot of your posts. I hope you get called back to work soon so you can refocus your currently free time. I get your point, I'm seriously thinking about it. (I'm not interested in guessing your identity.)
  2. Would it be easier for you if we listed our race in each post? How do you sort us out?
  3. Whoa, now there's a racist question given the currtent national atmosphere! The assumptions behind that question just leap out to be recognized.
  4. Joe Biden is a politician in the worst sense of the word: Corrupt, self-aggrandizing, arrogant and totally clueless to the events around him. On the other hand, and in his defense, he the victim of early onset dementia, he is being manipulated by the DNC and his family, and he is living through a time when anyone appears better than Trump, so the spotlight is on Biden as savior while knowing full well he is as inept as his opponent.
  5. Agree with all'a that! How will the DNC deal with the coming implosion of the leading "candidate"? November is on the way, kids.
  6. I'm not so sure I feel badly for his family. His wife is an intelligent woman; why is she letting this charade continue? Does the DNC not see and hear Biden's inability to function over time?
  7. Joke Biden said In an recent interview that 10 to 15% of Americans are just not very good people. News flash, Joke: We've already been branded deplorable by what's-her-name.
  8. Congratulations on being a work place short timer. I'm at the far end from your "location" as I've been retired for twenty-three years; my goal is to be retired for as long as I worked in my main career, thirty-four years. May you reach the same point in time!
  9. covid-19 and the horrendous murder of George Floyd certainly have added a few logs to the PPP fires. I sense the newcomers seek to ride the conversational momentum into November; also sense some of the "newcomers" are old wolves in sheeps ferrets clothing.
  10. Couldn't participate in the poll because it is worded with a bias that exceeds a yea or nay response.
  11. Now there's an incisive response to a direct simple question.
  12. Calling in the Army and crushing the riots doesn't have to mean snipers on the rooftops, shoot on sight. A graduated response could start with simply the presence of a significant number of troops and military vehicles in a show-the-flag formation, gauge the rioters response to that, act accordingly, rinse and repeat.
  13. Option A. Resolve the problem; deal with the fallout later.
  14. My post/request was aimed at the crude approach and language you barely skirted in your post; not allegations against Trump. You could have substituted almost any name for Trump's [as your liberal sources often do] and my concerns would be the same. Think it if you must, but exercise some decency in what you say.
  15. TBD administrator: If ever a post should be removed and the author given warning points....
  16. We can dance around any number of suggestions/recommendations after the fact; isn't the real issue extremist groups that, in a sense, lay in wait for an issue then pounce on it? Are there any forward thinking officials in our various governments with a macro view of our society beyond just the deep partisan divides that characterize every important issue? Is there anything, other than one's reelection, that is important enough to garner a bipartisan approach to its resolution? Not yet....
  17. Wow, does this mean that things people "say" on Twitter might not be true; will Lorraine down the block's Tweets be fact checked by the 'mocrats for veracity? Next thing ya' know Facebook, that bastion of truth, will be viewed with suspicion. I'm shocked to say the least!
  18. But what if the someone is a Democrat.... The media won't report it, the big city populations won't accept if they happen to hear about it, and the House of Rep's will committee/investigate it ad infinitum.
  19. Is there truly ANY attack against the serving administration's policies, appointments, or statements of position that isn't politically (and personally) motivated? Is there one single issue that isn't met with a Schiff-like barrage of innuendo, animus, and/or personal disparagement? Is there an elected official on the national stage able to argue against an issue without injecting personal diatribes? I think not.
  20. Not sure he was ever a boxer; however, I'm confident he is well and truly punch drunk!
  21. The continuing Democratic campaign efforts on Joke Biden's behalf support my long-held mantra, "You can't shine $#!t."
  22. Every place I turn there's a litany of hilarious blunders, untruthful statements [aka lies] and just sad misrepresentations by Joke Biden of his accomplishments and understandings of common place happenings. Not exactly a MSM source, but indicative of the breadth of knowledge of Biden's failing mental health.
  23. And former President Obama chimes in with his constructive criticism of the current adminnistrations pandemic efforts: https://deadline.com/2020/05/obama-calls-trump-administrations-response-to-coronavirus-an-absolute-chaotic-disaster-1202930674/ I wonder if his keen analysis of the situation grew out of his smooth implementation of Obamacare?
  24. Whoa, talk about a breadth of experience with the 'daks!
  25. Mensa called and wants to make sure they've been gelded..
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