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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. So is Rupert Murdock in league with that evil George Bush? If so, thanks for the heads up!
  2. Sources tell the WSJ that the "administration" is considering drawing a tough line in dealings with Russia. Good idea, but maybe just a smidgen late with that stance. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/06/us-considering-harder-stance-on-russia-report-says/ All the very best with that, POTUS. You've certainly established your street creds with the previous lines you've drawn be they red lines, lines in the sand...whatever. A suggestion for future consideration: The more successful tactic is to START from a strong position, then modify if needed. Starting with one's weakest positions then attempting to move to stronger positions rarely is successful (unless you are Iran and negotiating with, well.... with you.
  3. As was projected long ago, 2016 appears to be a banner year for increased health insurance premiums. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/02/health-insurers-ask-for-big-premium-hikes-for-obamacare-plans-in-2016/ At what point will the oft-touted ACA control mechanisms begin to slow my annual double digit premium increases? Will POTUS continue to claim the ACA is an industry-wide stabilizing force in the health care insurance industry? Any chance POTUS will draw a "red line" and stop meddling with things he neither understands nor cares about? Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  4. I'm gonna respond to this as soon as I powder my wig....
  5. The Constitution only gives one the right to pursue happiness; you have to catch it yourself.
  6. It appears that Vladimir Putin has yet to adopt POTUS' Kumbaya approach to either internal or foreign affairs issue resolution. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/05/29/kremlin-opponent-near-death-family-suspects-poisoning/
  7. There certainly are plenty of jobs. The rub is that you may have to take one you really don't want; nevertheless, having a job means receiving a pay check, plus there is no better place from which to find an even better job than the job you already have. It's important to keep in mind that your first job in any job cycle need not be the ultimate job you are seeking.
  8. Prayers to Rick as well as very kind thoughts going out to Mr Info and plenzmd 1 for their caring and thoughtful efforts on Rick's family part.
  9. It seems that unions in LA want unionized corporations to be exempted from the current push for an increase in the minimum wage. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-minimum-wage-unionized-20150527-story.html Doesn't exactly sound sympathetic towards one's fellow man, but after all they are unions and their focus is on the unions' welfare as entities and their funding, certainly not the individual workers.
  10. If they weren't lying to us they couldn't call themselves leaders, eh?
  11. Maybe the war is over and that's just work place violence...?
  12. Of course we're that stupid; we continue to elect incumbents, don't we?
  13. Sounds great to me! Wind and too many holiday boaters are kicking things up here in terms of some quiet fishing.... Enjoy the rest of the holiday, Eric!
  14. Julian Castro proposes that the Clinton email scandal is but a witch hunt. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/julian-castro-dismisses-clinton-email-story-witch-hunt-by-unpopular-congress/ Oh boy, Julian, you are right to the n'th degree: She's a witch and a whole passel of folks are hunting for her.
  15. POTUS exemplifies my mantra: You can't shine "fecal matter."
  16. The school administrators probably winced a time or two, but the advice from DeNiro was spot on. I recall a high school graduation where the valedictorian's speech consisted of him talking to a hand puppet for fifteen minutes. As the high school principal at the time, I fielded many concerns from graduates and their parents about the "whack job" and his speech. That was the last year I permitted the graduation speech w/o reviewing it beforehand w/ the student. It's always the quiet ones....
  17. Waiting for the wind to go down so I can go out in the boat and fish; then some plants go in the ground for the season, help around the cottage, do some sun-soaking on the deck and waving at the gawkers. Unfortunately, the Yankee fan in the house will watch the game this evening while I do some reading.... Happy holiday y'all!
  18. As a former high school principal, then school superintendent, I would have taken a different tack to resolve the teacher's "concern" and comply w/ the rule. I would have invited the young woman into my office talked with her about her high school years and her life plans for the remainder of the school day (thirty minutes), wished her the very best, reminded her that there were numerous ways to address a situation then sent her on her way in life. Frankly, some teachers and school administrators are simply a$$holes...much like the rest of us at times.
  19. Actually, for any number of reasons, she should just be hung out to dry.
  20. This kerfuffle may attract that other famous Native American, Elizabeth Warren, to the fray.
  21. This just in: Kraft is there right now!
  22. If Delta team can get ISIS' number two, surely someone can get gatorman....?
  23. Like father, like...well, you know how that goes.
  24. Any truth to the rumor that ABC stands for Always Boost Clintons...?
  25. As Willis would say, "What chu talkin' 'bout?" Sail On, Oh Ship of State....
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