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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. I a'scared I won't be able to fish for black bass any more. The PC folks just haven't gotten around to that one yet....
  2. After watching the video linked above and reading the original post article, I may rethink my stand against government intrusion in our everyday lives. How can so many people live in Stupidville?
  3. I liked the part in the article where he was described by friends as smart, witty and willing to do anything for a laugh.... Demon rum claims another victim, or just stupid in extremis.
  4. I think the Republicans have developed several legislative options for fixing some of the most egregious aspects of the ACA, but we'll have to wait until they are passed to see what's in them.... Sail On, Oh Ship of State.
  5. Not only fleeing religion, but most anything that has consistent standards and expectations that apply to the general populace.
  6. She has the press roped, she has most of the Dem's "roped" as well. Her final act will be to attempt to lasso the rest of us into thinking she has a scintilla of a clue about statesmanship (Yes, I dared say "...man..."). She's a tired, worn, old woman repeating yesterday's mantra.
  7. Be extremely careful she doesn't deflate your balls and lie about it later!
  8. Ethics, logic, foreign policy...? Now that's a tangled web illustrating the greatest oxymoron in the US today!
  9. Pope Francis meddling in matter non-religious (and specifically, non-Catholic) compares to POTUS meddling in....Oh Yeah, maybe that doesn't compute....
  10. Hill'ry has turned her back on POTUS' proposed trade agreement after supporting it during her time in the administration. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/19/clinton-breaks-with-obama-on-trade-despite-supporting-deal-as-secretary-state/ Make no mistake: Hill'ry is neither a Democrat, a Progressive, nor even little bit Republican; she's a Clinton first and always. She will do whatever enhances her image, her family foundation, her aspirations for the future, and/or the Clinton legacy. What an evil woman!
  11. Term limits ACA overhaul Repair relations with traditional allies
  12. Give him his rights through a trial; if sentenced to death, execute him ASAP then designate an amount of money equal to the cost of housing him in supermax for sixty years to the victims' families
  13. Launching a new line of commodes called Correct-Crapper; please support my online fund raiser. If not, I don't really give a $#it.
  14. Wasn't there some guy in Europe a number of years back who espoused the concept of the big lie? It appears the Clinton's have raised the concept to an art form.
  15. It sure would; however, negotiating with Iran doesn't appear to be the route to take since they have zero respect for any aspect of western culture and openly demonstrate it by statements deriding most non-Arab nations. Does it make sense to painstakingly fashion an agreement that the Iran's leader says will not be honored?
  16. As is the case with most of us, they look down on her too.
  17. Prol'ly some guy who goes home and sharpens his knife after every two slashes.
  18. What DC Tom said! Seriously, can we really put forth a POTUS resembling the troll under the bridge, can we...?
  19. Any chance gatorman lives in your zip code...?
  20. This ranks right up there with George Steinbrenner assuring Billy Martin that he will continue to be the Yankee manager....
  21. If the yet-to-be defined TPP comes off as famously as the administration's last major yet-to-be defined effort (the ACA), there'll be dancing in the streets!
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